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Everything posted by jwcarlson

  1. Found this inside my apisto tank last night. Also resealed a 125 that should eventually house my discus as long as it doesn't leak.
  2. Looks like it might to chloramine as well. I'll have to do some research. We also just get a lot of cloudy water here as well. Maybe it would help with that, too.
  3. I've been thinking about this as well. After hammering my discus with chloramine for a bit again last night when I forgot to use Prime. And I always age my water 24 hours. Disclaimer, I'm just watching this video so maybe he talks about this. I've not checked to see if the carbon block on my RO Buddie gets rid of chloramine or not.
  4. Today "he" has been chasing everyone else away except for this other fish (checkerboard) near him. The checkerboard doesn't seem to really care about what's going on. But it seems to enjoy getting to eat without the other fish nearby. I'm resealing a 125 after I hit send on this post. Been prepping it for a few days. That's my excuse for dirty glass on their 75. 😄
  5. This discus has been staring at the filter uplift tube for 2 or 3 days. It's mesmerizing, apparently.
  6. I'd say a pair of any of those and some dithers. But I tend to not want a blood bath in my aquariums. Footprint for a 20L/29 is decent for a pair of apistos in my limited experience. Yours is a bit bigger than that, so possibly a trio (2F, 1M) might work out.
  7. It might help to keep the yeast separate from any salt you might be adding until it has really taken off. And/or mix it with a little warm water and maybe some sugar for it to eat. It can get really booming before you put it in the mix.
  8. I suppose it depends on how hungry you are, @Tanked. 🤪
  9. We'll have to imagine how pretty their babies would be though, I think. 🤭
  10. Confirmed that both abacaxis were males. Whatever occured, both ended up injured. The bigger one died several days later. This one has been coloring up, his wound healing. The hongsloi pair continue their shenanigansm. They are at least getting along. I popped in their first daphnia, she hunted it, mouthed it, and gave up. It was sitting on her head, but I didn't get a picture. It's the bigger blurry spot to then left of the suction cup. The male doesn't seem to care that it's there. My seed shrimp colony has lots in it, so I seeded their tank with probably a hundred or so of those. Now for the garbage bag of oak leaves.
  11. Looking better today. These sure are pretty fish.
  12. Livebearers just aren't my jam, but maybe they are yours. The issue, I think, would be that your 75 is going to become a swordtail tank in very short order, my experience is that they'll eat eat just about all your shimplets, but they might not quite destroy the adults. I'm not sure how much of the CPDs you'd see. I have 10 of them in a 10 gallon and never see them other than when I net them out to spawn them. If you're looking for a color pop and action like you'd get from swords, I would think about some of the smaller psuedomugil rainbowfish. I got one furcata rainbow accidentally when I bought my CPDs and he's my kids' favorite fish, they call him "Upside Down". I swear he tries to breed with the CPDs and he's an absolute riot to watch. Beautiful fish, stunning eyes. Good luck with your 75, they're a great tank size! 🙂
  13. My apistos just killed about four big spixi snails on me. It's been fine with just the female apisto, but I added a male and he darn near wiped them all out. There's four I rescued today, hopefully they survive. Not sure they'll have antennae. I could see danios and big tetras doing the same.
  14. Very good hatch rate again on this batch of CPDs. Got SF strain eggs to hatch as well (TONS of air, thanks, @Guppysnail). Some of the CPDs at least ate pieces of them that they bit off.
  15. Combined down the corys, they've close enough in size the big ones won't be able to eat the smaller ones. I don't think it will be an issue, but I guess we'll see. There's about 35 of them. Two batches of CPDs, both around 30-35. The left most just hatched.
  16. Terrible picture, the spot on his face is not actually on the fish. I think it was a battle injury on both fish. The back story is this one below has been a sleeper male for... 8ish months. This one is displaying male coloring now.
  17. Has had it same amount as this one had it. Or at least noticed on the same day. It's roughly half as big and it's not fuzzy like this other one's was. So Sunday/Monday timeframe. But honestly, these fish are so skittish and aloof that it could have been longer. I noticed what I thought was a wound on Sunday for sure.
  18. Yeah, making any judgements without knowing exactly when he died is tough. A lot of stuff happenings in a hurry in warm water. I appreciate all of the help/ideas here. The fish in the original tank still has a small white spot on it's side, but it is behaving normally, eating, etc. Spot hasn't changed.
  19. One eye golden one black. One gill normal one whiteish.
  20. This guy lost the fight today. The residual wound is almost nothing. Dang. Probably should have ended it sooner for him.
  21. I don't know if it was the EZ Flow kit or what, but this pencil fish has recovered.
  22. I'm not yet convinced that bad bread really exists. There's a spectrum, but like pizza (and other things) even bad... it's pretty good. It looks like it has decent air in any event!
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