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Native Keeper

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Everything posted by Native Keeper

  1. likely fungus, I would give it some Fritz Maracyn.
  2. Hi everyone! I recently have decided to put in plants in my 75-gallon tank. I was going to put in Pothos, though I had a cooler idea. last year I had taken a tree sapling that was growing in a river and replanted it into my 10-gallon tank. It did well, until I moved into a larger tank, where it slowly died. I was never able to identify the tree sadly. So, my question is this: Does anyone know of trees that grow well emerged in aquariums? I already know about mangroves, but I want to see if I have any other options. Thank you in advance!
  3. that is BEAUTIFUL! I'm sure the guppies are happy!
  4. Hi everyone! after talking with people here, I have decided that I will buy some Anubias and Java fern for one of my tanks. I want to glue them to one of the rocks in the tank, so my question is this: what glues do yall use in aquariums? I know there's glue specifically for aquariums, but that stuff is more expensive than regular glues, so I wanna see if there are any cheaper options. Thank you in advance.
  5. see if you can get a better-quality pic of him. I would think Dropsy, and the best way to spot Dropsy is looking at their scales.
  6. well, I don't know about adults, but Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) are fantastic at eating the larvae. They're so good, they have been used as Malaria controls in several countries. One small town in Europe even built a statue of a Mosquitofish because the fish killed all of the mosquitos in the area after a year.
  7. Hi everyone! Recently I moved some Harlequin Rasboras from my quarantine tank to a 15-gallon Fluval Flex. The day after I did this, I noticed that one of them was upside down underneath a decoration in the tank. I originally that he was dying, but then I found a larger one come behind it and do the same thing. The only thing I can think of is that they're laying eggs, but don't they lay those on plants? It's also weird since they had only been in the tank for a couple of days. So, was it breeding behaviors, or something else? If it is, then any tips you have on raising Harlequin fry would be appreciated!
  8. would these work with Harlequin Rasbora fry?
  9. from what I understand, Endlers love alkiline water, just make sure to make param change gradual, not instantaneous.
  10. @CalmedByFish, I'm definitely considering pothos, do you know of any other plants I could grow the same way?
  11. @anewbie, the tank is over a year old. ammonia level is .27 ppm. @Guppy Guy, according to some other people on the forum it will. I've done water changes, it's an old tank. I can't do floating plants due to water movement. @Taco Playz, I've definitely considered it, thank you! @GameCzar, I've tried Hornwort before in the tank, but I couldn't keep up with its shedding, so I've taken it out. @Kiefer, I will likely do both Anubias and Java Fern. There are some rocks I can glue them too. I think the whole mesh idea would ruin the look of the tank, tho it is a smart idea, I'll try to remember it!
  12. Hi everyone! Recently I've have been dealing with high ammonia in my 75 coldwater goldfish tank, and someone recommended plants. So, my question is, what plants would plants would yall recommend? I'd prefer something that doesn't need to be planted in the substrate, since the goldfish sift through it a lot.
  13. @HH Morant, the ph was around 8, which is normal, and the Ammonia was around 0.27 ppm.
  14. @BriAndJacob, since that's an American species, I would recommend alkaline hard water.
  15. @HH Morant, I'm about to do a water change, as everyone has recommended. I don't think I can add more filter media, so I just pulled some decor from one of my empty tanks and put it in there. That should add some more bacteria. I'm also cutting out brine shrimp from their diet, unless I should cut the pellets instead. I am considering plants, it's just difficult with this tank due to the amount of algae growing on the back. @HotTunaCartel I tested the water, nitrites are zero, nitrates are almost zero, ph is normal, so I'm fairly certain it's ammonia, since there is a small amount. Could be overfeeding, though if it is tap water I'm about to treat the water when I do the water change. @Guppysnail I actually have a plant in my filter that I collected from a nearby river, though I don't know what it is, and no growth has appeared, so it may not be successful. If not, I'll look into some plants to put into the filter/tank.
  16. Anybody got tips on how to lower ammonia? I noticed bubbles were collecting at the top of the tank, and still are. currently I have 6 goldfish in the 75 gallon.
  17. Mick Gordon's work for Doom Eternal is all I need to get some work done.
  18. Yeah, it looks like he's just resting. Longfin varieties often get tired.
  19. I would just cross your fingers and hope he does well. Sometimes they just don't make quarantine. I recently got Harlequins in my quarantine, and one of them died. I didn't do anything wrong, nor did it seem unhealthy, it's just that some have underlying diseases that slowly kill him.
  20. Just learn from this experience. The best thing you can do.
  21. @Melinda P inspired me to make this!
  22. Congrats on the fry! I can't wait to be able to breed some egg laying species. The only thing I'm able to breed rn is some livebearers.
  23. Try using some Fritz Maracyn, it helps with finrot form what I understand.
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