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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Plants like vallisneria that will send runners on their own and don't require cutting and replanting. Not sure what the correct term for this type of plant, i would say carpeting plant, but i've never seen vallisneria described as a carpeting plant.
  2. Depends on the size of the tank. The bigger the tank, the stronger it'll have to be. What size do you have in mind?
  3. I enjoy vallisneria a lot. Its self propagation, low-medium light requirements, reasonably fast growth rate, and general durability against damage from fish makes it very convenient for more fish focused hobbyist like myself. That said, i don't want all my tanks to look identical, so what are some plants with similar care requirements as vallisneria but with a somewhat different aesthetic?
  4. If you are familiar w/ bulb plants like lilies and lotuses, it's the bulb. You can tie it to something, just need some way to way it fown w/o planting it
  5. Bettas are pretty low risk in terms of disease since they are kept isolated their entire lives up to the point of purchase by the hobbyist. I wouldn't worry.
  6. Pest snails don't add to the bioload since they aren't effecting the amount of nutrients added to the tank. They eat the food and waste that is already in the tank. With snails, overfeeding will cause a population spike in snails. However, without snails, overfeeding will cause an ammonia spike that will kill all your fish. This is why snails a good for the health of the tank, as they turn potentially harmful waste into more snails.
  7. http://www.iucngisd.org/gisd/species.php?sc=281 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235959720_The_impact_of_hornwort_Ceratophyllum_demersum_L_on_cyanobacterial_phytoplankton_communities_in_hypetrophic_conditions_Results_from_laboratory_experiment
  8. I found that keeping any plant with hornwort is a struggle. It is had to say if that is due to alleopathy or simply being outcompeted. Hornwort does release chemicals that kill certain types of algae, at least in theory.
  9. If you are willing to wait for a sale, you can get a topfin 10 gallon kit tank (tank, lid, light, filter, and heater) for $30 from petsmart.
  10. 1.5" is fine, you might want to add another half inch. The general rule is a pound to 1.5 pounds of gravel per gallon of water. I lean a little towards 1 pound just to maximize space in the tank. Plants will benefit from deeper substrates. A common practice is to have the gravel higher in the back. This is primarily for adding depth visually to the tank but this also has the added benefit of allowing the larger background plants more room for their roots.
  11. Plants, algae, inverts, and even fish (to a lesser extent) obsorb calcium and magnesium from the water column in order to build themselves. This will lower the hardness, albeit slowly. The most important thing to know about water hardness is that every commonly kept ornamental fish can handle much higher water hardness then most internet sources suggest. Hardness being to low is a more common problem. If you have hard water, fish like livebearers and african cichlids will be the easier to keep then amazon fish, but you shouldn't feel that your hard water prevents you from keeping popular amazon fish.
  12. You could add an airstone to the other side of the tank
  13. Rummies are fantastic schoolers, I just wish they were a little hardier. Hard to beat neons in term of color. If I had to bick a favorite, id probably go black phantoms
  14. Is this for house plants or an outdoor garden? If its for a garden, then get a y splitter and 2 garden hoses. Attach the y splitter to an outdoor hose faucet and the hoses to the outtakes of the y. One hose will lead to the tank and the other to the garden. Start with the valve connected to the tank hose open and the valve leading to the garden hose open. Turn on the faucet for a second or two to start the suction. Turn off the faucet and open the valve leading to the garden hose. The water will be siphoned straight from the tank to the garden.
  15. Consider getting an Auto feeder. Otherwise you could introduce some driftwood, and try to grow as much algae as possible. You could also add some amazon swords for them to munch on.
  16. Of it were me, I'd get a bn pleco, and then get more cardinal tetras and more salt and pepper cories
  17. My issue would be monetary, if you only need to power 4-5 sponge filters, you could get away with few Aquatop Air Pumps which will cost far less than the linear piston pump.
  18. Depends on what kimnd of fish you get and the specific parameters of both potential water sources. Ideally the well water is hard and alkaline while the city water is soft and acidic, that way you could mix both to have whatever water parameters you want.
  19. I have this tetra 325 water pump im trying to use for a water change system, and i wondering if there is some sort of adapter or trick to attaching a gardening hose to one.
  20. I would like to see heaters, filters, and pumps w/ on/off switchs so you didn't have to unplug them during water changes.
  21. I havent had a true favorite team since Luck retired. If I had to pick a team to win the superbowl i'd pick the bills, b/c there my moms favorite team. I also find it amusing that a team from upstate new york could outclass teams from LA, DAL, NYC, and Boston. My next pick would be the cardinals, they were so underrated going into the season and they're so fun to watch. Also theyre my best hope of not having to watch brady in another superbowl. I also like the rams, b/c stafford never got the credit he deserved in Detroit.
  22. Cherry barbs are good as are chili rasboras
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