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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Algae is caused by an imbalance, either light or a specific nutrient are in excess and the algae is using this to grow. So you could mess with decreasing or increasing the duration of the light, the amount of fertilizer, or the frequency or size of water changes. Honestly though I would just pick up a bristlenose pleco or a nerite snail depending on the size of the tank.
  2. Tiger barbs won't really nip at each other
  3. Tiger barbs are fun. I"d do those
  4. Unfurtunetly no full grown arowana would be able to turn around in a 75 let alone live in one. The closest fish aesthetically that could live in those size tank would be an african butterfly fish. They are like a small brown arowana with little wings. I have one and they are surprisingly easy to keep for a rather uncommon fish.
  5. Nitrogen, phosphate, iron, and most other nutrient deficiencies can be diagnosed visually, but what about light deficiency? How can you tell if your plants are not getting enough light?
  6. Mice are pretty clever. Im sure the exterminator has more advanced traps at least
  7. My experience is that things look darker when wet but not when submerged.
  8. I knew about hygros being stem plants but i didn't know crypts were bulb plants. That explains the little brown thing at the base. Does that mean i should have the little bulb partially exposed like with other bulb plants?
  9. I suppose it makes sense that they are the same species of crypt, as i bought them from the same lfs, albeit almost 3 months apart. The first bundle i bought weren't labeled, and the second were labeled as hygrophilia something.
  10. Membership doesn't provide newsletters or a moderated forum, those are free. If and when the co-op provides the 5% discount to members, it will be impossible to justify financially any less than $5 a month, especially when you consider youtube's cut. Regular costumers would practically get membership for free. I would love to see a breeder's award program. Where i am you could drive 12 hours in any direction and not find an aquarium club, so the ability to participate online would be fantastic. I believe cory mentioned something like a leaderboard for the bap, and that would be a ton of fun.
  11. Glue traps won't kill the mice so b4 you throw them away you'll have to kill them. The most common way is drowning them although i doubt professional exterminators use this method.
  12. Pretty sure one's some type of crypt. The lfs said the rest were a type of hygro, but i forget which one. Also i though hygros were stem plants, and these don't appear to be. Also, any tips on said plants (foreground/midground/background, high/medium/low light, etc.) is highly appreciated.
  13. An adult rainbow shark should do fine w/ tiger barbs but they could harass a juvenile severely
  14. Im guessing mosquito or dragonfly larva
  15. Hornwort and water wisteria. These plants are used in sewage treatment facilities for this purpose. They will also remove heavy metals as well. Duck weed would probably be third, but most floating and stem plants would work well. I'm not a huge fan of hornwort, mainly b/c it doesn't root and when it struggles it will shed its needles. That said it could be a blessing for your situation. It's a candidate for fastest growing plant in the world.
  16. One medium sponge filter should be perfect. Ideally in the middle but you could get away with putting it to the side
  17. Got it for cheap b/c lfs didn't know what it was
  18. Looks like some sort of fungus. I would move them to the qt tank and treat w/ aquarium salt, about one tablespoon gallon, or 15 ppt. Mollies are potentially the most salt tolerant fresh water fish in the world, so a salt treatment would be easier on them than any medication. Salt will actually relieve stress for the mollies, unlike any medication. Not only will the salt help kill the infection, but it'll also boost the immune system of the mollies which will also help with the infection.
  19. New tanks will often get population spikes in snails, scuds, planaria and such but over time the populations will settle down
  20. I always remove them but its not a big deal either way
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