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Guppy Guy

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Everything posted by Guppy Guy

  1. The aqueon quiet-flow pumps are near silent. I have one rated for 40 gallons under my 30 gallon, and it has a ton of load, up the height of the stand and tank, then back into the tank. It is the best one by far that I have used. For fishrooms, the Aquarium coop linear piston air pump works great and is quiet from what I’ve heard. Cory used 2 smaller ones in one of the urban fish farm build videos. If you do get one, go with the smaller one as the bigger one is noisier and has too much pressure for most fishrooms. The nice thing about linear piston air pumps is the fact that you can connect more than 1 in series and not worry about burning out like the diaphragm pumps.
  2. @GameCzar, I finally remembered to try the laser pointer. I’ll upload the video tomorrow.
  3. Oooooooooo. I love blue Moscows!!! As far as my favorite guppy goes though, I would have to breed it myself. Maybe a Blue Moscow paired with a Japan Sword, then a Cobra guppy? I don’t know. I do know that one of the recent blue guppies(my avatar) I got won’t breed. I think they do something that prevents that. 😡 None of the pics below are mine, but those are what I want to breed to get my favorite blue guppy. Now if I can find room for a few more breeding tanks! 😉
  4. If its mostly dead(welcome to the club 😜), I see why. At least the landfills get some compost now. 🙃 I need to see if I can find some. If it grows as good as water wisteria(I can’t even give that away), I might be able to handle it. 😃
  5. It is likely your light settings. It should only be on 8-10 hours(8.5 is the sweet spot for me), and if you have something like a fluval aqua sky where you can adjust the colors, shut off blue, keep green and red to a minimum, and white should be at 60-80%. Also check your phosphates and Nitrates too. Adding live plants can help a ton.
  6. Well, it works for PLA though 😉 (Sadly, not PETG)
  7. Discus are on that never-ending list of fish I want, I just don’t have a big enough tank, and I’m scared I will kill them. Ahhhhh. Flower horns. Love them too. @s1_, you should post that in the Share your macro photos thread. No problem 👍
  8. It’s not the temperature, it won’t stick to the build plate. I need to order a Wham bam build plate so I won’t have this issue. Also, I need to fix some cooling and layer adhesion issues as well. It might help if I become a little more patient(which will never happen) and turn down the print speed from 90 mm/s to 40-50 mm/s (which might happen 🙃)
  9. Well, its clear that somebody hasn’t read the rest of the thread 🙃 😉 They are good, but only when they are good if you know what I mean.
  10. When you do, don’t start off by buying the guppies. If you look hard enough, you can find someone who will give them to you(friends, aquarium clubs,etc.) If you can’t, ask your LFS for locally raised guppies instead. They will also be healthier, and easier to breed. Don’t fall in the trap of adding aquarium salt though. I only add that when I have an Ick outbreak.
  11. Whenever we moved, the moving company made a custom crate for my 30 gallon tank, and found a loose box for my 10 gallon. They put paper around the edges, and stuffed the inside with bubble wrap and paper. I gave my fish and 3 gallon tank to a local friend, and now he suffers from MTS almost as bad as I do. If the tank is really big, you will have to make a second trip for it. Stick it in the back of the car/truck/trailer, and leave the gravel and a 1/2 inch of water in the tank so the bacteria in the gravel won’t die.(If that’s not possible, put it in a 5 gallon bucket with a little water. Use a lid, because if you turn hard and it falls over, it won’t be pretty(I have experience). If you want to take fish with you though, I support the 5 gallon bucket method. Most cars have usb charging ports nowadays, so an Aquarium co op USB nano air pump will work fine. I put my small sponge filter in the tank because it filters water, oxygenates the water, and keeps the bacteria alive. As far as water changes go, I wouldn’t;’t worry about it unless the trip is over a day or 2. Defiantly bring the fish inside the hotel, as it will get hot or cold in your car(depending on where you live). Plus, you should keep the air pump going as oxygen is the first thing to go in an aquarium.
  12. They aren’t hard to breed, and that’s certain. I got 5 males, and 2 females from my cousins a little over 2 years ago. The rest is history;
  13. Just mentioned that they are hard to take photos of as well earlier in the thread Cool guppy hybrid.
  14. My guppies do that too. Same here. Well, I’ve always secretly thought endlers are just small guppies with different color patterns. (I know otherwise though)
  15. That is so wasteful. I can’t remember what thread it was, but a few days ago, someone said that they throw away a handful of Salvinia every day. You can’t bring it to your LFS for store credit or make a few bucks on EBay? Then again, I do the same thing when I can’t even give away my plant’s
  16. Ok, I found the thread. I’ll just answer from there. Welcome to the Coop Club! Also, to upload a photo, at the bottom of the reply box, there is a button that says “add files”. From there, it will access your devices photos/files and you can select what you want. Happy fishkeeping!
  17. I like the water bottle filter idea, but when you made it, did you strip off all the label glue? If not, it could be leaching toxins in the water and stressing out Lil Spooky.
  18. Huh. That makes sense. Nice discovery I’ve wanted goldfish for awhile now. Just don’t have room for a 55 like I want for them. That’s great to hear. It’s the first good thing I’ve heard about Siamese algae eaters in awhile. Sound like my guppies though. I sometimes use a yellow cup during water changes, and they think it is the sera can !😆
  19. What’s wrong with Lil Spooky? Awesome name by the way. As soon as I get another tank(if I can find room that is), a flower horn is definitely on the list of fish to get.
  20. That is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! I assume that is just one of those dollar store laser pointers? How did you figure out they would do that? Are your guppies in this storage containers? I’ve been wondering if that works or not.
  21. Like that betta name. I had one in kindergarten many years ago. His name was Freddy.(Rest In Peace Little Buddy)He died before there were good ich medications. That I would like to see. A laser-Pointer-chasing-guppy? 😆 Those are on my list of fish to get eventually. (I would tell you, but the forum probably wouldn’t let me finish since the list is so long 😝)
  22. I don’t use sumps, but if your building your own, my advice is to go check out The king of DIY on YouTube. Search “The King Of DIY sumps”, and a bunch of tutorials will pop up. Aquarium Co Op also has some sump videos. There was one they released a few years back that might help. DIY sump Also, if it is a 78 gallon, will a Fluval FX6 Canister work? It could save a lot of time.
  23. So I’ve been thinking. I hear people say all the time that their fish is a water puppy. Over time this adds up to a lot of fish. From the Coops very own Murphy, to my own Angelfish(the trio; Angie, Michel, and Ted(yes, named after Teds Fish Fry 🤣)) Who is your water puppy?
  24. The only reason it looks good(and I’m spoiling my secret here) is because I put 3 really bad ones together to make one decent one 😂.
  25. Mine don’t do that. The only time they are still is when their sleeping, and when their eating(and that’s debatable) Their tank has a light timer set so it turns off at 12:30(I’m not usually here at this time) and turns back on at 2:00. That is the best time to snap a few pics 😉
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