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Mridul Singh

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Everything posted by Mridul Singh

  1. I'm sorry for your loss. Let's diagnose why this happened. Did the others also get sucked into the filter? If so, then I would recommend you wrap more sponge around the intake. Also, how small do you mean by small?
  2. Whenever I dose Ich-X, the color also disappears after a while. That's just how the medicine works. It will still be active!
  3. I would wager it is the Excel killing the moss. Try not dosing Excel, and see if the moss perks back up. Good Luck!
  4. I personally remove the wool, and plant the plant into the substrate. As for the lily, I would just let it sit atop the gravel/substrate until it sprouts and takes hold. If it floats, wait a while or attach weights to it.
  5. That is staghorn algae. Amano shrimp will nibble at it, but a more effective way to remove it is to pull it off with a toothbrush or with your hands. In the long term, algaes are caused by an imbalance of light and nutrients. Judging by the fact that your algae appears to be growing towards the top of the tank, I would say that there is to much light there, and that is why the algae is growing.
  6. My personal favorites are salvinia (any type really) and water lettuce. If those are hard to find, duckweed also looks good (although it grows quite fast)
  7. Scaping tools as well, Mops Flashlights Cups Magnifying Glass Gloves A board for writing down to-do lists Label maker Live foods Fertilizers Salt Extras of anything that is small Fish food Fish bags
  8. Below I made a list of what you need. Basically it's what you would need for a normal tank times a billion, with some extra things. Good luck on your fish room! Psychological Stuff you need: Time Willingness to work on tanks Material Goods: Money (obviously) Toothbrush/wire brush for hair algae Towels Camera Clamps for hose Buckets (tons of buckets) Scissors (be warned...you will always lose them) Nets Meds Shop Vac/way to pick up lots of water easily Specimen Containers A cart for fish food/maintenance Several lengths of various diameter hosing Pumps Python system Razor blades for algae Spare parts such as PVC, PVC glue, Air valves, air line, etc. Emergency battery powered air pumps with battery pack Spare tanks Lots of outlets (if you are still in the building phase) Insulation More Towels (I know I mentioned them before...) Turkey basters for feeding Measuring spoons/cups Refrigerator for Fish food and water to drink Totes for storage and organizing
  9. Sounds good! You can do the same for the return of the canister. The shutoff can also be used to drain the tank (as the hole is at the bottom of the tank), as long as your shutoff valve is at the end of the pipe that is closest to the canister. All you will have to do is shutoff the valve (I would recommend a ball valve over a gate valve), and redirect the pipe to your bucket drain. Hope this helps!
  10. Can you post a picture so we can diagnose it?
  11. In the past when I lose my backing or need more, I have had custom glass cut, or Greenhouse siding. I never tried Cling Wrap, because I like to rest things on my lid, and Cling Wrap may not work.
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