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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @SheWhoConquers @mountaintoppufferkeeper @Beardedbillygoat1975 @Stef @KAYLON.NICHOLS @James Black @BriannesFishFam I really appreciate everyones replies. I've seen some of the complaints about it online and some of you have echoed those. It's funny we have to think about so much with a simple all in one that in theory is supposed to eliminate all that guess work. Any further thoughts would be appreciated with my plan if I move ahead: LIGHTING: I prefer slow growers anyway so I plan to stock Anubias, Java and Subwassertang. Some drift wood. The light I think would be sufficient for them and low light enough for my Betta who would probably prefer lights a bit on the mellower side. I also already have a timer so the timer thing is not an issue. FLOW: I've seen that the flow on the 9g is rather intense for a Betta with no option to turn it down, so I figure I'll see what it's like initially- Wondering if I could grab some driftwood that might help baffle it a bit. OR I have my 3 gallon GloBetta tank that I plan to put out of commission- IT has a pump that is currently on its very lowest setting. I figured I could pull that pump and use it instead- "worse" case scenario it would run turned all the way up. I saw a youtube where someone did do that (buy a pump that had a flow option) and though it was smaller and didn't reach the bottom there was no issue and it fit the tube fine. DESIGN "FLAWS": So I did see complaints about the feeding hole, the vent size (small fish or invertebrates easily get through), and the lid. I found a solution for all 3 online from a seller (Etsy) and will likely order the set they offer I'll attach a pic. I don't mind taking lids off so propping it up would probably only happen when I'm working with my Betta Spark during feeding times. FILTRATION: I will absolutely keep the bagged filtration it comes with and I have some sponge, fine and course I could potentially cut and put in one or both available chambers. Anyone have any further tips here? I do have questions about the visuals: are your fish/occupants distorted or is there a pretty crisp view? I've never had a bow front tank, the closest I come is the rounded glass corners of the 3 gallon I was goiing to replace and there is quite a bit of distortion but they are only corners. Also are there any cleaning issues to be aware of? I should have plenty of algae cleaners I plan to stock a Nerite that's already with my Betta, some of my baby Otos and possibly some Rasboras.
  2. @KentFishFanUK Oh I have 2 cats. But they stay inside. They enjoy bird and squirrel tv, and can care less about the fish. 🙂
  3. Hi, Aww poor fish. I'd check the labels and see if there are any warnings- some of those could do fine but you don't want to risk them if you don't have to. Check online and see if there are any sites that say people have had issues with them on the scaleless. I see one site that says absolutely no on scaleless fish, remove them too to be safe. It seems Lifeguard is pretty caustic. Be careful when using meds and use exactly as directed!
  4. @CalmedByFish I've seen that too in birds- especially the smaller species. It's been in the 100s here, drought going on and so food and water is likely a lot more sparse now so I'm feeding more than usual. I've always thrown seed for my ground feeders and kept a couple of bird baths (one low one high). The smaller the bird the higher the numbers- my House Sparrows come in groups of 10-30 and they do talk to each other and keep an eye out- and if one flies in a panic nearly the WHOLE group does. Then the Mourning Doves while I have fed as many as 20+ at a time there is consistently 4-6 right now they come when the Sparrows come or even when the Scrub Jays do. I've actually grown to really respect the Scrubs- they will alert EVERYONE when danger is near or when it's clear to come in and eat- I have even learned which call it is- and will come to help if it's the alert song- and see if I can scoot away the neighbor's cat or once I rescued a juvenile who'd hit the window- the parents and extended family were very upset, put him back in the tree and once I went inside they settled down after a few minutes.
  5. @KenI've wanted one for so long but I'm patiently waiting for my QT tank to be free..... ...it's truly hard to be patient and do things the right way.
  6. @KenI think I remember Cory mentioning keeping them in a goldfish tank in a video, and they prefered that over the super hot tanks he also kept them in. But since I've never had experience I was hesitant too. It was however suggested to me by a LFS one time when they found out I didn't use a heater- again though- my tanks never get into the 60s.
  7. I would think Hillstream loaches would do pretty good in cold water tanks too
  8. Hi there! Tanks are beautiful. It's pretty cool how this forum gets together to solve mysteries so whenever you're ready post the tank/parameters and problem and you'll see answers of all kinds. Your tanks are very pretty though. 🙂
  9. @gardenmanand some of those retail stores are stupid cold.
  10. @Streetwise my tanks actually run warmer in winter than summer, which is why I suspect my Otos spawned because they haven't so far since.
  11. @CalmedByFishI've routinely kept Bettas in tanks without heaters. Granted I've never had one live 3 years but I don't know anybody yet really that has. My temps I think are not regular though because I like my house a bit warmer but my tanks never go below 73.
  12. I can attest to the fact that Nerites are amazing algae eaters, better than my Otos or Mystery snails
  13. @Guppysnail I've had a solo albino cory in my lifetime as well.
  14. True about the $, kind of like you have to have a heater.
  15. @GuppysnailAHHH, totally get it, this is true.
  16. What I've noticed my Harlequins are ALWAYS in formation, even point the same direction. The Black Neons only school up when I approach the tank, otherwise they kinda do their own thing.
  17. @Guppysnail why'd you give up the schoolers?
  18. @Guppysnail the boy/girl logic is a MAYBE especially when there are tried and true breeding practices with fish that have distinctive male/female markings- but plenty of us, myself included have fish that's not so easy to tell- especially when they're smaller. I have 10 Harlequins and 10 Black Neons, countless Otos. I can't tell boys from girls for the most part- only guess.
  19. @KentFishFanUK I agree with your thoughts on this and have never seen anything specific about WHY this is usually a minimum number. It might be when there is significant change in fish behavior. I've noticed though- that's a place TO START. For example, my black neons, when they dwindled their numbers down to 6 from 10 they acted more skittish. When I brought them back up to 10 they acted more confident- but I would bet if I got 5-10 more they would be even better (if only my tank size would accomodate). My Otos- in my parent tank I have about 10-14 (I don't see them often to do a proper count- they come out at night) they do all hang out mostly together but funnily enough they don't shoal nearly as much as the 60 I have being raised in my grow out tank.
  20. They should be absolutely fine as long as it's clean from any sickies that were in there last- they can be in there for a few hours while you change the tank over and be good. 🙂 My quarantine was only a few gallons and held my 10 neons for at least 2.
  21. Definitely take the fish out with tank water into a bucket or clean quarantine tank- changing substrate can take some time. I've redone my 20 gallon before and it took a good couple of hours or so. My Neons sat in my quarantine tank with an airstone comfortably with tank water until I was done. You never know if you'll need to let the water settle with detrius or you need some rearranging done and you don't want to have to worry about the fish.
  22. Hi @Lauren A Thanks, it's been fun to interact with her more than I've ever been able to with other fish- she just really seems to enjoy it. Today after feediing I played with her, finger in the tank, she likes to dance around and lets me touch her- no fear. She constantly seems to want my attention. I've been considering a bigger tank than her current 3 gallon which wouldn't hold much as far as companions. While small it is totally stable and safe- temps are perfect without a heater- if she were any other betta I've had I'd leave her there- but because she's SO interactive I'm thinking about getting a bigger tank. I have some bladder snails (which I think she eats the eggs and possibly the smaller babies which is good- population control) and added a small Nerite ("Curlyque") a couple weeks ago- she's interested but I think she's not harmed the snail as far as I can tell she's (the snail leaves eggs everywhere aka "twinkle lights" in my house everywhere) intact and still cleaning the tank. I wouldn't add a mystery snail to a betta tank, because like you, I had a betta that was FAR too interested in the antennae thankfully I was able to stop any attacks. I feed my girl now far too many worms so I will have to continue that policy. My only concern in getting a bigger tank is that BECAUSE she has 0 fear and approaches the front of the tank and her food confidently (some could say aggressively) that she might not play well with other fish. If I go with this plan, I have my baby Otos still so I will put some of those in first, hopefully she'll react positively- I may even add a couple/few to the 3 gallon and see her reaction. Then if all goes well I'd get a few mid water dwellers, I have a preference for Rasboras as they seem a super peaceful species.
  23. Stupid cute littles. And red eyes just like momma (pic 2).
  24. Hi Jenny, You probably didn't "mess up" by putting salt in your tank. I assume that you moved the 2 sick fish from the hospital tank because the HOSPITAL TANK got an ammonia spike? Salt generally speaking is not bad for tanks, some old schoolers put it in as a routine maintenance and it treats some general illness. I don't know what illness you're dealing with so I will assume for now you know until you say otherwise. When I medicate it's often in a smaller tank OR I'm treating with meds and heat and that speeds up decay which often leads to ammonia spikes. I just up my water changes and personally I treat the hospital tank with Prime which renders the ammonia "harmless" for 24-48 hours then redose meds when needed. If you need help with identifying illness, please post pics and anything else handy information wise that you know.
  25. Very nice looking set up there @KAYLON.NICHOLS. Are you happy with the stock equipment?
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