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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Hobbit I do appreciate this forum and people like you as otherwise I would have no outlet for my little hobby. 💛🐡🐠
  2. Personally I'd use the excuse for a trip to the fish store just to look at fish. (but I'm not an impulse buyer soooo I'm pretty safe doing that....)
  3. I wish I could expose myself as a Nerm more often, nobody in my life seems to care about it. 😔
  4. I would like to clarify that Hillstream and Borneo are NOT the same fish. They look the same but Borneos (also known as dwarf hillstream) are better for nano tanks because they are smaller (max 2.5 inches), Hillstream Loach most often seen in LFS are max 3. That's not a HUGE difference, but like different kinds of cories there are also different types of "hillstreams". My LFS has lots of common Hillstream but haven't been able to get Borneo Loaches since covid (wild caught, the other bred).
  5. 😆 I love it! You said "Grody" (however you might spell it), haven't heard that word in a really long while. (I'm with you on not instantly medicating, but watching and treating when needed)
  6. Rams horns wouldn't make it with yoyos in the tank....not being able to keep snails kind of a downer because I'm beginning to think Nerites are the best algae eaters.
  7. lol well and I guess that's kind of what I meant about aggressive- kind of like a mosh pitter or like you said obnoxious little brothers...though I've heard they can toss the snails about pretty good.
  8. I agree Tom, I don't think Otos are a good match for your tank...most of those fish I would classify on the "aggressive" or at least seriously active side. I've never kept one but what about a Siamese Algae Eater? They get 6" and seem like they can hold their own. Others who have them would have to speak to that though I suppose.
  9. @KentFishFanUK that's one thing that maybe irks me a little about LFS and big box stores (if you can catch and employee that knows some things). You only tend to get THEIR opinion about how it works. When I worked retail in sales (for example I worked kitchwares), say it was about a kitchen knife- I would ask about their habits and what their budget was and get an understanding of what they wanted/needed/and their level of knowledge. Then I'd run through all their options, show them what I would think would work best for THEM and tell them why (pros AND cons). Then THEY can decide what they're best capable to handle/buy etc...
  10. Personally I love the idea of a species only tank. Thought about doing that with my Otos many times. I'm sure @CorydorasEthan would agree with that. 🙂
  11. I think Corycats are even better because Cory or bottom dwellers tend to hang out at the bottom and Bettas more the top/middle- you have better chances with them than any others IMO
  12. If you're asking about Embers being good with Bettas...as I said my research shows them as potentially good tankmates for Bettas. There are always caveats to this though (this is for anyone aboutt to be a tankmate for them)- the Betta has to be ok with them and they have to be ok with the Betta. Even potentially good tankmates are bad for one reason or another usually because of temperment or territory, tank size. So the tip has been, put the tankmates in the tank first so the Betta doesn't have to protect the turf. When ready to add the Betta put them into some sort of separate container (like a floating breeder) let the others and the Betta seek each other out for some time. Then most say distract the others with food (I do believe Irene says this in a video about introducing Bettas) while letting the Betta out and just watch for any signs of aggression.
  13. Oh and I did want to say, you may want to get a Betta in the future so thinking about what might be compatible with one is important....the Embers will hopefully work well with my female Betta (as they were listed as suitable companions/tank mates for Bettas). I say that because after my last favorite died I said I'd never have another one....but I didn't last very long.....
  14. I'm already in love with my recently aquired Ember Tetras. They are small (less than 1") and not shy, totally fearless already, and super freakin active. Pretty bright oranges/silvers. (they are more orange now in my tank but they just won't sit still for a pic!!!!)
  15. @KentFishFanUK when it's a completely different fish I would have to say I'd lose faith too. Now I double check things. I will stand in the aisle and internet search images or names and do my best to "trust but verify" . And I never ask tank advice at LFS anymore- I've never gotten good advice, and that's sad to me. Honest mistakes do happen, but some are nearing unforgivable.
  16. Aquarium Co-op sells 1 lb bags. However not sure you want to wait on shipping since you're having issues.. I bought a big bag at one of my local big box- I get why some people don't want to for storage reasons, but you know I've needed that bag more than once since I bought it and it won't go bad if you have somewhere to put it. I've also put stuff like crushed coral and planting substrate in my garden (used and new). Coral does need replacing in tanks eventually anyway. It's nice to know it's there when you need it. I just added more coral to one of my tanks this very day.
  17. My personal belief- Bettas are harder to keep than most people let on. Part of that also includes how attached we get to them. This is nice but can pose a problem when we lose one especially when they were sick and we couldn't save them. You asked about keeping just cories- nothing at all wrong with that. Or maybe a few Otos (my personal favorite). Catfish are wonderful! You could also go for a set of small schoolers- one reason why the're great is you usually don't get SO attached to individuals (though still not cool when you lose one).
  18. @Taco Playz those are the ones that make me the most "mad". It should be REALLY clear when we're talking a fish that can get to be 2 feet and a fish that gets max 6".
  19. @Tanked that's no joke, some of the worst spelling I've ever seen was at grocery stores.
  20. @CT_ apparently they sell vines that "evoke pity or sadness" so very good luck with them! Now I'm glad my fish are only Amber!!
  21. You are welcome. Honestly with new fish it can be either/and (needs for meds/nutrition). For example Ich seems to rear its ugly head when the fish are most stressed- which is maybe why my 2nd batch had it- stress from shipping, possibly hunger maybe other fish in that tank had it- who knows. They do say every tank has it- just doesn't show up as long as your fish are happy and healthy. I think continuing to feed this particular fish is a good choice. I raised all mine on Hikari Algae wafers but it's fun to try veggies too (mine so far only like English cucumbers, go figure). All the little ones will be sold to the LFS store and some will be dispersed in my other tanks. I'm just waiting on the smaller ones to catch up in size as that was the LFS's requirment. They are one of my most favorite fish so I hope they'll pull through so they can be one of yours. 🙂
  22. When someone else is making dinner, what else is there to do!?
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