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Everything posted by Garren

  1. Thank you! Looked it up and it seems to be a powerful plant. Absorbs a lot of excess nutrients. May be my next floater (love nature)!
  2. Can anyone identify this plant in the picture? I found it in a local watershed and wanted to know if I could use it in my aquarium. Our is that a bad idea.
  3. Day 8 All is well and everyone is forging. I only feed about every two days with a few pellets for my bottom feeders and brine shrimp for the others. This allows the fish to naturally forge and clean up their home. I had some hair algae and noticed all the endlers have been eating it.
  4. Day 7 Had to quickly transfer the rest of my fish from my old tank as the water parameters were off. So all the fish are in their new home.
  5. Day 6 Added a few more nano fish. I checked my water chemistry and all is good.
  6. Day 5 The last of my plants came in and now are in the tank. Added a nerite snail and one amano shrimp as some hair algae came in on the plants.
  7. Day 4 Added some more plants. Have a few more foreground ones coming in tomorrow as well.
  8. In general, it's not recommended to touch your pet fish with bare hands. Fish have a slime coat, that protects them from bacteria, parasites, and helps them swim. Touching can potentially remove this layer, making fish more susceptible to infections. However this is a big debate and it is up to you. I personally do not do it and I also wash my hands very well without soap before putting my hands in a tank.
  9. With the picture you have it is hard to tell but it looks like a Danio Dangila. If it is a Danio D they can get up to 6".
  10. Day 3 Nothing done except for a water parameters check. Good! ☺️
  11. Hello All, DAY 1 Welcome in my journey of a new 75gal Dirted Tank Build. Setup with 1" dirted bottom, capped with 2.5 Inch of sand. Filled and added hard scape, filters, light, and some plants. Awaiting for more plants to come in. Day 2 Added 2 nano fish.
  12. They are a check valve. It will prevent water back flowing through an airline if the pump shuts off.
  13. No specific species at the moment. Just a question I always wanted to ask but just never got around to it. Wanted to know others opinions.
  14. Would like to get everyones thoughts on if you allow natural breeding & raising of the babies. Pulling eggs or babies after they hatch? Just leave them and let nature do it's thing?
  15. Finally, I was able to capture a few photos of emerald dwarf rasboras.
  16. Well new fish came in. Sad and happy at the sametime. The espei Harlequin Rasbora's did make it in shipping but I know Aquahuna will make it right (no worries there). Just sad that they did not make the trip. Happy that my emerald dwarf rasboras came in alive and active and so did my two nerites. The snails already started cleaning the brown algae. Excited to see the rasboras color up! Oh, Adrian (still not sure what species he or she is yet) seems happy to have some tank mates as well. Will post some photos once they get comfortable in their new home.
  17. @Mikeo @Mattyzz what 3D printers are you using?
  18. My powder blue gourami is always picking at plants in the tank. However, never seen any marks that would indicate they are doing damage to the plant. I also have rotala and never encountered they digging it up. What other fish or shrimp you have in the tank?
  19. The pygmy sunfish would be my favorite. Thank you @Daniel for inducing me to them. Someday I might keep them.
  20. This forum has taught me a lot. From fishless cycling to organic soil tanks. @StreetwiseI think it would be awesome for you to start a thread on organic soil tanks. Mine has been one of the easiest tanks to maintain.
  21. @Streetwise @ChefConfit received mine in as well. Also, got my first order of brineshrimp and started a batch already. Stepping up my game with these amazing Aquarium Co-op products.
  22. @ChefConfit never thought about the selling off portion of it. When talking with my LFS and I asked about ricefish they said they don't get them in often because they are hard to get for them and whiteclouds I only see at the bigbox LFS which don't except any trades or selling. Thank you for the comment...got me thinking now. 🤔
  23. Super stoked about my new fish on the way. I had some misfortune with chili rasboras and only have 3 to 4 left. So to ease my setback pain I ordered some different fish from a source that I trust (Aquahuna). Espei Harlequin Rasbora and Emerald Dwarf Rasbora and two nerite snails.
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