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Everything posted by TifNee837

  1. I was/am worried one would possible eat the other 😕
  2. The dropping of eggs from livebearers can also be from stress, btw (my Panda Platy I had a year or so ago, started dropping fry - so I moved her to my XL breeder - which I then put a hunk of moss in, and covered with a dark cloth, and dimmed the tank lights, too --- only to check back an hour late to find only 2 fry and 10 eggs..... Same case with a bumblebee platy once.) Since then, I've just let "survival of the fittest" be the tank motto 😊
  3. Platies and Swordtails will readily cross, endlers and guppies will readily cross, mollies and guppies is very very rare and not likely to happen. I have all of the above, plus another (Heterandria Formosa) in my community tank 😊 But if you don't want the crosses, then a "species only tank(s)" would be your best bet!
  4. Hey all..real quick(ish) question - I had a 10 gallon tank which I am currently keeping tadpoles in as they grow out. In my 60 gallon tank, I have an abundant amount of male endlers from the last two Broods.. so I want to separate some of them and take some of the males out but the only other place I can put them currently is possibly in the 10 gallon with the tadpoles. The question is can I do this?
  5. @siniardem there is a filter actually for this! It is called Elive AquaDuo. It is designed to be used as a 'normal' filter, OR used with plants 😊 I just learned about this filter myself (i found one on Facebook Marketplace and got it!) i have not gotten to try it out yet though! They only come in sizes for a 10 and 20 gallon though I believe. Anywho - To add onto the answers already posted - I have Lucky Bamboo and Hosta as well as Pothos in my HoBs. My best friend has spiderplants in hers. Peace Lily is another popular one I have seen, as well
  6. Definitely wisteria - the stems and leaves are broader/larger and more spread apart. At one point, I had a whole breeder box full of small ones floating (this was a box designated specifically for plants to 'grow out' - some had even started to grow up and out of the water! - but they have all since been planted. I also used the in my breeders with fry (as well as java moss) Then I got hit with columnaris, which wiped out virtually all my fry so I had no need to keep any in the breeders, so they got planted.
  7. @Cory in my 60 gallon I use 9-12 pumps of easy green every 5 days (it's about how far in btwn my water changes are - livebearers 🤦🏻‍♀️) In my 5 gallon and betta tanks I do one pump (weekly) I also have pothos, lucky bamoo and hosta in my HoBs on the 60, and then just pothos on the 5 and betta tanks. I had only recently started dosing more than indicated on the bottle because I was thinking that the pothos and such had started taking the nutrients before the tank plants even got the chance to. **BUT** I will say - my nitrites in my 60 gallon HAVE gone down a bit and have stayed at 60 or less. But it's entirely possible I'm lacking elsewhere. I'm just not sure what to look for..
  8. I use sponges (coarse and medium), a media bag with {some} crushed coral, a second media bag with bio rings, and floss 😊
  9. Haha I was just getting ready to reply! I've not gotten the whole "water from bucket back into tank" to work out but the removal of water is amazingly fast! I also don't use the little insert for gravel vacc'ing (I just use a regular siphon for that! - too much craziness to remove all my media just to insert the "bag" for that. But makes it easy for when I'm treating the tank and need to do a water change in between treatments or if I'm not gravel vacc'ing that particular day!
  10. Basically, I got VERY bored one evening, had a bunch of spare large pvc fittings, silicone, container of river rocks, and a bag of pebbles...AND wanted some more hides for my 2 juvenile BN plecos 😊 And so..I ended up with these 😁 They'll do for now! 😊 Let me see some pf y'alls DIY decor!
  11. My 5 gallon hex tank - *basically* a species only kind of tank - but I had to put an injured juvenile Molly in there until I figure out where to put her! I keep 4 adult female Heterandria Formosa, and I don't even KNOW how many fry are in there at this point! (and some pond/bladder snails and ramshorn snails)
  12. I love my (Marineland) Emperor 400! But I also like the water change feature on the Danner 55 E-Z clean!
  13. Okay y'all. So I'm finding myself a bit puzzled The puzzling plant? Water Wisteria. And the puzzle - These pics were taken on June 30th, of my 60 gallon community tank (livebearers, otos, corys, assassin snails and two 2" BN plecos). Note all the decently sized, very green Water Wisteria. This next pic is of my 5 gallon Heterandria Formosa hex tank, 2 different dates. Note the nicely colored Wisteria in IT, as well. Now I don't have a pic of when I FIRST put the Wisteria in my betta tank, but, it was about 3-4" tall, 2-3" wide. Had a few places it looked to be melting back a bit, but, it was "extra" from the 60, the betta tank needed more plants, so in it went! And THIS is what the Water Wisteria looks like as of now, in all 3 tanks. So. The 60 gallon was where it started out. And it started out as 5 plants, no bigger than the tip of my index finger. And then became massive - both in size and number! I was able to plant my 5 gallon, a friends 45 gallon, my grandfathers 30 gallon, and sold more than 30 plants that were btwn 3-6". And now? Now I LITERALLY have absolutely NONE in the 60 gallon, only small ones in the 5, and just one big one in the betta! Tank parameters info - Temp (all 3) btwn 75-79°F pH (all 3) btwn 7.2-7.6 Ammonia and Nitrite (all 3) 0 Nitrate (all 3) btwn 20-60 GH (all 3) = 25-27 Kh (all 3) = 2-3 Water source parameters {from the tap - well water} pH less than 6 (I have crushed coral in my filters and mixed in the substrate in all 3 tanks) Ammonia and Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10-20 GH = 21-23 Kh = 1-2 I use Easy Green, Easy Carbon, and root tabs for my swords and my 4 or so aponogeton plants. So. Thoughts? And there are a few other plants that are behaving in a similar way but almost reversed But I want to solve the wistetia mystery first! 😊
  14. Although they may not have as many fry at once as angelfish, if you have two, three, or more heavily pregnant females? You're still looking at potentially 100+ fry. I had a Marble Molly pop out 62 fry in one drop that I was able to count..and then for the following 9 days, I had at least one female (be it Molly, platy, or endler) drop fry each and every single day/night.. I gave away 50+, sold 50-60+, and STILL had no less than 50 in the tank hiding out. I feel like the fry population with egg layers would even be easier.....as you could simply remove the eggs...whereas with livebearers...there is sometimes no telling when they'll drop and DEFINITELY no way to know how many! LOL
  15. Serious question - to any/all with planted tanks........ It's starting to really bug me....... Gravel vac'ing!? I can see poo in more than one spot and it's driving me MAD! And OF COURSE, those particular spots, and SUUUUPER super close to some of my biggest plants root systems...I have absolutely sucked up more than one amazon sword in the last few months.. I try and do a "surface vac", and I have a pair of tongs I use to like, swish the water around a bit && bring some of the nasty up to surface.. But Now I'm also getting really bad with this --- but listen --- I have a 60 gallon tank, #1. Anyhow. I have this filter, right..it's a Danner 55 E-Z Clean, HoB filter (NO it is absolutely NOT my only source of filtration, but, stay with me here!) So, this filter, came with an attachment piece, that goes into an opening in the filter housing, and uses the filters 'motor' to siphon out the water (instead of it going out thru the outflow, it comes out thru the tubing like it would during a normal gravel vac/water change) Soooooo I have totally, sorta kinda just been using THAT to do my W.C.'s lately (I take out 25% of the tank water in less than 15 minutes most times!), but this has been my "water changing way", since after basically murdering the biggest of my swords and uprooting half my dwarf hair grass. SOLUTION(S)!? And thanks in advance!!! 😊😊😊
  16. I was unfortunately unable to save her. She was isolated and treated for 3 days before passing. Symptoms only worsened.
  17. Couple someone please tell me the water to epsom salt ratio needed for an attempt to save my girl!? Protruding scales currently just on het belly but I know it won't be long before it's all over! She is in a 2.5g QT right now (it's literally all I had available!) with 100% clean water. (In the pics, the media bag you see is crushed coral - many months of experimenting to find the right amount for this size tank - my tap pH is less than 6 and I keep my tanks at 7.2 {via crushed coral}) Tank she was in before QT - 60 gallons 78°F, pH 7.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, nitrate 30(ish), fairly heavily planted. Water changes every week. Tank is very much over filtered - I keep mostly livebearers and I'd rather have "too much" than not enough...if that makes sense.
  18. Help please!? I want to at least attempt to spot treat with hydrogen peroxide first, it's only on a few spots that I've seen - small specs on my UV (not pictured), one of my sponge filters, rubber / bottom of a heater, and the tip of one of my stem plants. Unfortunately, the heater, UV and sponge are in a different tank than the plant it's on..so now it's in TWO of the tanks! Someone please walk me through the spot treatment first, and then give me alternatives in case it doesn't work! I literally just (semi) rescaped the 60 gallon and really am wanting to pull everything to scrub or whatever unless 110% necessary! Thanks in advance!.
  19. Really!? Of all the Marina equipment and such that I've ever had or have now, how did not ever know this!? Is this something that is just not "advertised" much then?
  20. And yes! He loved it, as well!!! 💖💖💖🤗🤗🤗
  21. My grandfather has a 30-gallon tank in his home office that's been set up for about 3 years. He has only ever kept neon tetras in it. Started with a dozen ot two, but within the last few months, all but one had died. On top of having just a single, solitary fish in a 30 gallon aquarium, there was also just 2 pieces of decoration, and AND, for the last eleven months, it has not even had a light!!! It had :: -2 decorarions -1neon tetra -a filter -heater And so just literally NOTHING going on. So on Tuesday when I was over, and sitting there lookin at this pitiful, but could-be-amazing tank..my mind just started SPINNING with ideas!!! And when he said he wouldn't be home the next day??? The idea gate swung wiiiide open!!! CUT TO NEXT DAY / "Day 1 of Revamping Gdads Tank" - First I tested his water - and it. Was. Almost. PERFECT! 😱 (8.2, 0, 0, 40) With all the ideas in my head, I had basically ended up bringing like everything you'd need to have for a tank...and then some! Haha I had a light bar I was no longer using (though it's a few inches longer than his tank, but IMO it's MUCH better than having no light at all!) So I brought that... Then, since at the beginning of the year I fully converted and planted my tank, I had like 4 big bins of "spare decore". So I picked my fave ones and packed them up to take. Took a few of my own live plants over with me too (just some small - medium sized water wisteria). Then, at the insistence of my all 3 of my kids, I also took and added 3 juvenile platys and an endler (more fishies to come/be added in the coming weeks). Here's the killer part that I discovered while decorating this tank. In the three years that he has had this tank up and running with fish, not once have you ever clean vacuumed the substrate! It was terrible! So that made my decision two yet again come back again the next day. On to the next day / "Day 2 of Ravamping G-Dads Tank" ... I - -gravel vac'd -took the filter and just swished it in some tank water ~ I will worry about CLEAN cleaning it later on -added a few more decorations -added a few more live plants -and added a second filter with cycled media from my own tank. SO HERE IT IS --- pics of the progression of the revamp! First pic - this is what I had started with - minus any light - started with a tank that originally had no light on it, only 2 decorations, and a single, solitary neon tetra (only one remaining out of original 2 or so dozen). So on day one - a light bar, a few pieces of decor, 2 or 3 small live plants, and 4 of my own fish. Second pic - after the first day of me foolin' with it Third pic - the second day and the end result! Fourth pic - the BEFORE before, and after / end result! I'm going to go back over on Monday, and am going to test the water. I think as long as it stays good when testing, which there's no reason it shouldn't I wouldn't think, then over the next 2 weeks, slowly start adding more neon tetras - so the lil lonesome fella that's in there has some buddies! What do ya think!?
  22. They are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! I can only hope mine turn out half as beautiful!
  23. Hey all. So I have this one plant ("El Nino fern" / Bolbitis Heteroclita (I think I spelled that right!)) and some of the bigger leaves have been looking worse and worse! I have done absolutely nothing different until 2 days ago when I added a full spec light to the tank so I know that's not what did it. I've had the plant, in the same spot, for a year now. I dose with Easy Green weekly (just today started dosing with Easy Carbon). It is a 60 gallon planted tank The temp has stayed the same, and the pH is the same. What did I do / am I doing wrong?
  24. I got into this hobby about a year after my sister passed away..and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it! It keeps my mind preoccupied so my anxiety is much less! Having to figure out things like - whats wrong with my fish, or where should I put my new plant, and omg! New fry! - I ALWAYS have something to look forward to and to do physically! Plus, sitting back and watching my aquatic babies swim about is therapeutic all in itself!💖
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