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Everything posted by RovingGinger

  1. This is great to hear as the geophagus actually was one of my top picks and I wasn’t finding enough info on how it would do with the other two. Thank you! Hopefully I’ll find some eventually and they can all happily snack on vibra bites.
  2. At this point I think @Brandy was right and it was fungal or bacterial - the fish basically were eaten alive by white growth inside and out I think 😖 unless that’s what ich looks like too, this was a new experience for me. Reminded me of getting scale or mites on my houseplants - nasty stuff. I am thinking I will try this method: The weird thing is, this happened to fish from completely separate tanks - an inside community tank (The 6 now dead tetras) and an outdoor pond (the 2 mollies, one of whom had a side fin stuck out and dropsy before he died but seemed to have the same white spots/patching, one of whom is still alive and looks worse but is energetic). I don’t recall either hitting anything very bad when I tested parameters. However, all the fish who got ill were recently stressed and were naturally kind of high strung fish nerves wise. So I am wondering if part of this is like ich in that it’s always present and just looking for a weak entry point? Is that too naive? Overall not fun but part of the learning I guess.
  3. How does the combo of those guys work out for you? I have a blood parrot and a electric blue acara that are going in a 75 g and am wondering about 1 more larger fish and some smaller dither fish. Vibra bites have worked nicely for some of my pickier eaters like bumblebee gobies. They always appear mildly confused at how crunchy they are though, which is cute.
  4. Welp, all tetras dead. Waiting to see if the lone molly makes it but thus far I haven’t seen improvement with either med, it may just have been too little too late with the charcoal mishap. Would you use bleach for sanitizing the tank? Or would Dawn and hot water work?
  5. Someone should invent a double layer pot that lets you drain out the excess water. I can picture it but I definitely can’t glass blow it. Basically a traditional pot but double walled with drainage at the inner bottom and along the rim.
  6. No, but I'm not currently looking for new obsessions... if nothing else the tank will go into storage for that reason in the future. I might just use it as a planter in the meantime too?
  7. I could do this in my outdoor pond, I have a variety of glass containers that would fit and still be large enough to stick a camera in. I’ve been using some to do inverse aquariums but hmm, I might have to try this.
  8. I have a 10g that has a crack curving through one of the long side panels. It’s all the way through but clean. The tank was about $5 used so I’m not tied to it, but waste not want not. One thought I had was re-siliconing the whole thing including the crack, and then using foam and concrete directly on the back panel to build a faux stone background directly on the broken glass panel. However I don’t know if this is impractical. The other thought was a shallow paludarium. The third thought was installing a sheet of acrylic over the broken panel and seeing if it could be a sump for a 20g if I got very adventurous (I have a laser cutter so the cutting acrylic would be simple, but I’m sure the overall project would be a large learning experience). What have you done? What would work best?
  9. This is the hair algae I know. I’m not sure if it’s the same stuff that forms long hairs and forms little green cloud clumps that bubbles, but they go together for me. And it loves to engulf the guppy grass and java moss. I have just been manually removing it (hand or grab and roll with tweezers) when it get unsightly but in small amounts, I don’t mind it horribly and the guppies don’t seem to either? This tank needs tidying tomorrow.
  10. A fake plant won’t really impact your cycle at all beyond providing a little more real estate for beneficial bacteria. A live plant-in cycle is advocated by Aquarium Co-Op I believe but it’s far from the only method.
  11. Most people get the API master kit with the vials I think. You already have test strips for most of it, you could also look at just grabbing ammonia test strips for now to add to the mix. My guess is the bacteria bloom is happening to produce bacteria fast for your newly cycling tank. Water changes will only prolong the cloudiness (if it is the white cloudiness from a bacteria bloom) so I would avoid unless your other parameters tell you otherwise. I’ve had it pop up occasionally when I moved out a filter or something and it’s always subsided in a few days as the bacteria multiply and hit equilibrium again. All that said I am brand new myself to the hobby so hopefully someone with years not months of experience chimes in!
  12. Community ecology of parasites in four species of Corydoras (Callichthyidae), ornamental fish endemic to the eastern Amazon (Brazil) WWW.SCIELO.BR I didn't read the whole thing but it would appear yes, at least in general in wild caught they would be. He was a petco boy so that might be a possibility. The fin doesn't seem to be getting worse and he was eating yesterday, so I'll see if he continues to be skinny on his own? I don't expect him to be terribly active without his friends.
  13. I have not seen it happen personally, limited experience but I did have scuds in with guppy fry in my pond and tanks here. Mostly the adult guppies love the scuds.
  14. No deaths overnight, continuing to dose with the full trio treatment. I am thinking the fungus call is correct as one of the red eye tetras had some white develop on one eye. update - pretty sure @Brandy was correct on the fin rot, possibly accompanied by cotton wool disease. No more dead fish yet but they look very bad so I’ve upped the erythromycin because at this point they will likely not make it. I didn’t note much continuous fin shredding before (thought it was nipping from a naughty blood parrot) and the white patches were very small. I think mistaking it for ich and missing the charcoal in the insert + hard water meant the trio treatment wasn’t enough earlier. My water is also very hard, think that might be putting more stress on the tetras.
  15. He's hanging out in a small tank with a couple of bent guppy fry, can't really see anything behaviorally off. He seemed a little skinny comparatively so I'm thinking maybe he's just struggling to compete with the big guys a little and maybe underwent some tail nibbles, but I'm not seeing signs of anything more.
  16. I had the trio originally when I couldn’t quite tell what was off with the bunch. But didn’t realize there was charcoal in the filter - I normally use sponge, not cartridge driven HOBs (filter and cartridges came with a used tank that I used for QT). I haven’t seen much decay to the fins over time. Just kind of consistent white spots that slightly vary in size. Is that consistent with fin rot? My various references focus on the raggedyness.
  17. If you only have one fry I would probably house it with some small shrimp or something that will eat the same food relatively quickly. I can’t imagine feeding only one without creating a large happy hydra colony.
  18. Wait, doesn’t this mean you also do get to use aeration of some kind? Assuming you can find an 1930s air pump of course. On the “how authentic should it be” question, I think it’s most interesting if you try the older methods you research and compare the results to modern methods with modern analysis capabilities and years of fish knowledge. It’s one thing to know something works, it’s far more interesting to know why it works that way and the trade offs you are making with one method over another.
  19. Just added, found one serpae dead and one very close 😕 I had them dosed with the trio earlier (week ago+) but to no effect and I’m wondering if it was charcoal in the filter pouch negating it.
  20. Update on the above - still not really better, but it remains pretty much isolated to the fins from what I can see. Treating with ich-x and paracleanse now. I am uncertain if the filter cartridge I was using had charcoal in it so I've swapped it for an ammonia pad in the hospital tank and we'll see.
  21. RovingGinger

    Sad Cory

    Yesterday I noticed one of my smallest julii corydoras sitting on some java moss not as active as the others. Today I observed the same thing - not really romping around, just sitting still - and the bottom part of his back fin looks chewed. I don't see redness, etc, or other damage to him. The tank is a 40 breeder with 7 other julii corys and a bunch of mutt guppies/endlers of all ages. Is he simply getting picked on for being kinda small or should I be looking for something else? I have him in a separate tank right now and will try to add a photo.
  22. HI from MN! That’s the dream. I’m also hooked on katana/cdramas. Anything in particular you’ve loved so far?
  23. Erin Perry(@rovingginger) on TikTok: No I won’t eat while you’re filming I’m shy. #bloodparrot VM.TIKTOK.COM No I won’t eat while you’re filming I’m shy. #bloodparrot Sloan the Blood Parrot refuses to eat when filmed closely no matter how tempting that food is. Yes the minute I walked further away he chowed down again. Erin Perry(@rovingginger) on TikTok: Guppyscaping. #guppyfish VM.TIKTOK.COM Guppyscaping. #guppyfish I would call this “sloppyscaping” because the plants are so no effort (guppy grass and java moss) but it seems effective and fast! Erin Perry(@rovingginger) on TikTok: My catfish is a jumper. #kittensoftiktok #fyp VM.TIKTOK.COM My catfish is a jumper. #kittensoftiktok #fyp bonus catfish
  24. My tetras have something similar going on and I am not sure if it’s ich or fungal. Treating with the quarantine trio but so far not much improvement.
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