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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I would holed off on any further treatment and concentrate on getting your nitrite to zero at that level it's extremely toxic to your fish is probably the cause of what your seeing you can also add prime to help detoxify nitrite @Dave H
  2. Overeating won't lead to organ failure. it will cause bloating and can affect the swim. bladder dropsy can be caused by number of things. such as internal bacterial infections parasitic infections organ failure causing fluid buildup. all you can do is treat the symptoms usually when you get pineconing prognosis isn't great some fish will recover with treatment i recommended most won't recover due underlying complications
  3. It could be egg bound or have something internal going what I would do is fast for a couple of days and follow up with Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days if your seeing no improvement
  4. With the symptoms your describing I would add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce fluid buildup that can cause pineconing. and treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks. and dose the tank with maracyn2. that the most effective treatment I found when your fish shows symptoms of dropsy. that can be caused by internal bacterial infection organ failure parasitic infection poor water quality. I would look at your water parameters just in case something is off.
  5. Colu


    The spot Doesn't look as big as the other ones the fact it doesn't have any sign of fungal infections hopefully it will heal on it's own without any intervention
  6. Colu


    Could Be an injury and just needs some time to heal fully
  7. Colu


    How small is the spot on the other fish and how long has he had it
  8. Colu


    Sorry to hear that he didn't make it the gill colour could be post mortem changes to the Gills the eye colour am unsure about
  9. If your using levamisole that can affect shrimp causing them to slow down and be harmful to apple snails rabbit snails flubendazole and fenbendazole can be extremely toxic to snails and can be harmful to shrimp so wouldn't recommend using them in a community tank with shrimp praziquantel and metronidazole active ingredient in paracleanse are safe to use with shrimp if you need to treat using the other medications I mentioned I would quarantine your puffer and treat levamisole praziquantel metronidazole flubendazole and fenbendazole won't harm your other fish as long as you don't overdose the medication
  10. Colu

    Puffer Meds?

    If he's eating ok active no signs of a sunken belly good colour I wouldn't treat I would just monitor Fritz expel p active ingredient levamisole paracleanse active ingredient is praziquantel and metronidazole prazipro active ingredient praziquantel fenbendazole are all safe Dewormers for puffer
  11. Bristlenose are sort of like the rabbits of the fish world even when you don't want them to breed they breed I think I must have 200+ fry at the moment
  12. I would add some stability as you have to hand and I would get some prime that will help to detoxify any ammonia or nitrites plants are very beneficial you could add some floating plants such as water lettuce or Amazonian frogbit and quick growing stem plants like hornwort Elodie they will help to speed up the removal of ammonia nitrite nitrate daily water changes are the most important thing he's some information on protecting your fish from nitrite poisoning
  13. Malachite green and acriflavine are fine to use with high fin plecos acriflavine is often used as substitute to treat fish like Elephant nose catfish that can be more sensitive to some medication
  14. parasitic infection can affect the swim bladder coupled with ammonia he's been exposed due to defective test strips that could have affected the swim bladder I can't see the video I would keep going with the salt that will help with any potential ammonia poisoning and monitor if you can repost the video just in case something else is going on @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  15. Colu


    Hopefully he will start to turn a corner
  16. I have been keeping common bristlenose for over 20years I have kept and breed them at temperature of 74-82°F without any issues it also depends on the species of bristlenose some species like ancistrus Ranunculus like 77-84°F ancistrus wabenmuster like 75-85°F
  17. Have you tested your tap water for nitrites or ammonia if you don't have nitrite or ammonia in your tap water what I would do is test daily and do 50% water change and add a double dose of prime every time you detect any ammonia or nitrite till it constantly stays at zero 30ppm of nitrate I wouldn't be concerned ammonia and nitire you need to get to zero you can also add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes
  18. More than likely an injury caused by swimming into something in the tank what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for week then give an update
  19. Colu


    Methylene blue is also fine to use as a spot treatment for saprolegniasa
  20. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature how long has it had the issue with the eye is it eating ok any rapid breathing is the eye swollen
  21. Salt at the dose I recommended will be fine as long as you have got plenty of surface agitation
  22. I think the antibiotics more about preventing secondary bacterial infections caused by the fungus damaging the skin so you could use maracyn2 instead of maracyn
  23. Yes salt at that level will harm the plants I have no experience with killifish I just looked up that species and I can't find any information regarding salt tolerance you could use the co-ops treat protocol for fungal infections using maracyn and ick X instead of salt
  24. Colu


    saprolegniasas does have a high mortality rate even with the appropriate treatment it's a good that it looks smaller that means it's responding to the treatment fingers crossed for a good out come
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