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Everything posted by Colu

  1. If there young that might just be starting to get full adult colour
  2. I haven't looked into this I think the best course of action would be to the remove the turtle during treatment then do a couple of large water change and add active carbon to remove any remaining medication before reintroducing the turtle @Mahi27
  3. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature do you have any medication to hand
  4. That natural colour to fins if you look up picture of bolivian ram they have a black line to there pelvic fins
  5. I wouldn't follow up with another course of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear what I would do is add catappa leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you would have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 4 gallons at that level it won't harm your Cory's how many of your Cory's still have visible white patches
  6. As your seeing no reduction in the bloating I would also fast for a couple of days while doing the epsom salt baths
  7. If the pineconing gone I would stop treating with maracyn2 gradually lower the level of salt to 1 table spoon for 5 gallons keep treating with metroplex in food for another week feeding a small amount twice a day it's not uncommon for fish relapse once they are put back in there original tank this could be due to stress effecting there immune system I would leave him were he is till you have finished another week of metroplex before moving him back
  8. Water changes will have no effect on the spread of NTD once it in your system it's only a matter of time before your fish become infected keeping stable water parameters will be less stressful to your fish when a fish is infected with NTD gets stressed your more likely to see symptoms keeping stress to minimum will give your fish more time the neon in the picture not looking good looks like the progression of NTD no treatment I could recommend how long has it been like this
  9. Main things to keep an eye out for is secondary bacterial and fungal infections salt and catappa leaves will help as @nabokovfan87 said you might have to follow up with antibiotic treatment such as maracyn or kanaplex if you see any Reddening I would do a course of kanaplex or maracyn if you see a fuzzy appearance to the body then I would treat with a combination of maracyn and ick X @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  10. Looks like callus they often form on broken fin rays its really common on long fined fish @Denise T
  11. Do three courses of paracleanse two weeks apart
  12. That looks like poop with just the mucus lining that can be cause when your fish hasn't been eating or a parasitic infections can you post a picture of the Sick fish what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature any loss of appetite sunken belly spitting food out flashing red Gill's @funnyseedknapp
  13. Colu

    Angel Fish eyes

    What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature is she eating ok
  14. Is it just one Cory with fungus now I would wait till all the fish have fully recovered before moving them you don't want to risk introducing disease into your other tank
  15. I would go ahead and treat with paracleanse while you wait for expel p to arrive the combination of paracleanse and expel p will treat most type's of parasites your likely to encounter@Supermassive
  16. You could start with paracleanse you would need to do three full courses of treatment two weeks apart but the type of parasite that causes wasting praziquantel isn't effective against and need's treating with levamisole fenbendazole or flubendazole you can get fenbendazole in over the counter dog dewormers
  17. If she has a good appetite and still thin I would be learning towards a parasitic infections possible wasting diseases I would treat all the new guppies with expel p active ingredient levamisole once a week for 4 weeks
  18. Fingers crossed he makes a full recovery
  19. The best course of action is treat all your fish in the main tank as soon as possible
  20. Possibly egg bound what I would do is epsom salt baths if 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days if your not seeing any improvement after a couple of days or the bloating looks worse @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  21. If I remember rightly shrimp and snails don't act as a host for camallanus worms without a host they can survive for up 3 weeks in your tank I would do is quarantine and do 4 full courses of expel p 1 week apart so week 1 do a 50% water and gravel vac to remove as many eggs and worms from the substrate add medication black out the tank for 24hr as levamisole is a light sensitive medication after 24hr water change and gravel vac to remove as many expelled parasite and eggs redose medication in 7 days repeat all steps on week 2 week 3 week 4 @Sciurus
  22. Possible camallanus worms it's difficult to say for sure picture not conclusive enough treatments for camallanus worms levamisole fenbendazole or flubendazole are all harmful to shrimp to varying degrees if you did have camallanus worms you have to remove all your shrimp and treat or quarantine all your fish and treat
  23. Am going to tag @Guppysnail has a lot of experience with snail
  24. This level of ammonia is going to cause issues what I would do is add an extra sponge filter to your betta tank then after a couple of days take the media from your cycled betta tank and add to the goldfish tank that will help you could ask your local fish store if they have some cycled media you could have you could also add bottled bacterial it might help
  25. Yes do a water change and add an extra dose of jungal fungus clear on day 6 have you noticed any improvement @flossy
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