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Everything posted by Colu

  1. You could use a very high levels of salt 5 table spoon for 1 gallon let it sit for a week empty them rise well I like to use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for disinfecting tanks
  2. Can't see any pictures and what are your water parameters is it eating ok added anything new to the tank resently
  3. Possible camallanus worms it can take four courses of treatment a week apart with Expel p to deal with them the internal damage caused by the worm's can kill your fish even after treatment
  4. Your kH is on the lower said I would add some crushed coral to raise your kH and feed your snails something like shrimp king snail stixx with added calcium as brittle shell can be a sign of mineral deficiency
  5. Possible wasting disease with the sunken belly I would treat with Expel p active ingredient is levamisole you dose once leave it 24hr do a water change then repeat in 1 week for a total of 3 treatments
  6. Colu

    Help Diagnose

    It's looks like a bacterial infection to me I would treat with kanaplex in food feed twice a day for 7 days store any leftover medicated food in the fridge
  7. Bent spine's can be caused by a bacterial infection scoliosis or a genetic deformitie I think it's more than likely genetic in that case theirs not lot you can do treatment wise
  8. I think you would be better having shrimp or snails in 2.5 gallon tank long term
  9. Colu

    Help Diagnose

    If you can get a better picture and also what are your water parameters and what symptoms are you seeing
  10. Colu

    Larnea on Cory?

    As tremazol has worked it couldn't have been anchor more likely to be skin flukes @Sorin
  11. You can also so use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution clean all surfaces in the tank and then rinse with dechlorinated water
  12. Maculatus platies do best at 70-77
  13. With the fin rot what I would do is increase water changes to lower the bacterial count in the water and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you will need 1 leaf per gallon to get a benefial effects and do a course of maracyn in food you add a quarter of a packet of maracyn one table spoon of pellets one scoop of seachems focus 1 cap of garlic guard a few drops of water mix well feed a small amount twice for 7 days store any leftover medicated food in the fridge
  14. I feed my comet goldfish repashy super gold he loves it and Bristlenose pleco super green and soilent green they go mad for it like a feeding frenzy when I drop it in the tank need to make another batch soon
  15. There some stunning NAF people tend to focus on South American or Asian or African species in the trade if they can be captivly breed in a sustainable way and become more widely available I think a lot more people would keep native fish @Fish Folk
  16. Apple snails can tolerate salt at that level prime helps in detoxifying nitrates but if you don't have it to hand use tap safe the best thing to do is water changes to get your nitrates down am not sure about dried shrimp you could you can use crushed egg shell I have only ever used crushed coral or crushed oyster shells in my tanks I would leave the fish were they are and add the egg shell and start doing the daily water changes to get your nitrates below 40ppm @Paul 71
  17. I would just add a small amount of fish food every day to feed that is usually enough from my experience
  18. Could mild fin rot what I would do is increase water changes that will help to lower the bacterial count in the water and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you will need to add 1 leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect for a week if it gets worse in that time then you want to treat with antibiotic medication such as kanaplex or maracyn2
  19. Your kH is zero that can cause pH swings stressing your fish a would add some crushed coral in a media bag to your filter also Your nitrates are really high your fish could be suffering from nitrate poisoning you want your nitrates below 40ppm what I would do daily 50% water changes add a double dose of seachems prime and small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 at that level it shouldn't harm your plants the salt will help with nitrate poisoning till you get your nitrates below 40ppm you could add some floating plants such as dwarf water lettuce or Amazonian frogbit or the duck weed to help lower your nitrates as well in the long term @Paul 71
  20. I don't think that's fungal infection it looks more like a bacterial infection what I would do is a course of kanaplex in food and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you will need to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect check your water parameters just incase something off
  21. A little information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitirtes etc any rapid breathing is he eating ok anything new added to the tank resently
  22. I use EBO youngster grow paste to feed my adult bristlenose and fry and EBO spirulina tabs really good quality food youngest grow paste is good for getting hypancistrus species into breeding condition and good for raising fry I have seen increase growth in my bristlenose fry since switching to the youngster grow paste more frequent spawns from my bristlenose pleco @Yanni
  23. You need to use a more powerful dewormer such as Fritz Expel p or a medication containing fenbendazole with Expel p you will need to do three courses of treatment over 3 weeks
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