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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Sound like they just need time to settle down also the bigger number the more confident Tetra's are
  2. Could be swim bladder Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for 15 minutes are the best treatment as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants to relieve pressure on the swim bladder
  3. Floating plants are great nitrate sponge's I use dwarf water lettuce in my 50 gallon tank nitrates never get above 10ppm
  4. As your dosing the copper safe I would use your normal lighting period so your plants don't suffer as you have no fish in the tank you could just top off the tank keep an eye on your water parameters and do a 50% water change before adding new fish
  5. To much freeze dried foods can cause constipation that can put pressure on the swim bladder what I would do is an Epsom salt baths for a couple of days 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants to relieve pressure on the swim bladder and help with constipation
  6. Sorry to hear he didn't make it from what I read about velvet the parasite can live without a host any were from 7-30 days depending of the stain what I would do is add a dose of copper safe and leave it a 30 days before adding new fish to be on the safe side
  7. I would would finish the full course of kanaplex in food for 7 days just to make sure any bacterial infection is delt with and keep adding the salt till you have finished your course of kanaplex and then monitor closely you could also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties a lot Betta keeper and breeder use them you need to add 1 leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect
  8. If you leave the eggs with the parents it can take up to 10 attempts for them to care for the eggs properly as most angelfish to day are raised by removing the eggs so they take a while to get use to raising they own fry if you leave the eggs with them
  9. Daily water changes also add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia and nitirte just a disclaimer as they's some debate as to whether it works to detoxify ammonia and nitirte
  10. Colu

    Med suggestions?

    When using general cure do water changes following instructions on the box if you do a course of kanaplex in food I would a 25% water change every other day the increased water changes low the bacterial count in the water helping your fish to recover from fin rot
  11. I store any leftover medicated food in the fridge the 5 days
  12. Colu

    Med suggestions?

    Rapid breathing can be signs of low levels of desolved oxygen ammonia burn to the gills or parasites such as gill flukes the fins could be affected by fin rot and will need another course of kanaplex to clear that up usually when I fish isn't eating is because their putting or there effort into fighting the disease I would Also add another air stone small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons will add Gill function and add essential electrolytes
  13. Bilateral Popeye is usually caused by a bacterial infection I would keep treating for 7 days with kanaplex in food and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help with any possible fluid buildup behind the eyes I would recommend using pellets in stead of frozen with kanaplex
  14. Colu

    What is this?

    Could be bacterial infection with secondary fungal infections what I would do is treat with kanaplex in food and ick x to treat the water column that will cover all bases feed a small amount of the medicated food twice a day store any leftover medicated food in the fridge
  15. He how you dose copper safe in a 10 gallon tank you would use 12.5ml of copper safe
  16. Colu

    Med suggestions?

    Looking at the pictures what I would do is a course of kanaplex in food stop treating with ick x and repeat the general cure in two weeks from your Frist course of treatment you could still add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will help with Gill function and add essential electrolytes
  17. Just a word of caution if you add the tetras as your ghost knife will eat your tetras when he gets bigger and your bicher will eat anything that will fit in his mouth
  18. What you want to do is daily 50% daily water changes and dose prime till your ammonia reaches zero keep testing when you notice it get above .25 do a 50% water change you can also try and get holed of some seeded filter live plants like @Beardedbillygoat1975 suggested you could add some floating plant such as Amazonian frogbit or dwarf water lettuce will also help
  19. Fritz copper safe treat's treat's velvet it's not shrimp and snail safe I would keep treating with ick x you treat velvet the same way you treat ich when using ick x daily 30% water change and redose ick x daily if you seeing no improvement with you ick x I would start treating with copper safe you will need a copper test to make sure it at the right concentration to treat velvet
  20. Are They subspecies of rainbow shiner's or just colour forms of the same species
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