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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Here are some pics after 50% change, is it zero???? That would be the biggest miracle. I am going out of town today so I did a big change Wednesday. @Tony s?
  2. Yes, paremeters are the most important in any disease, I know u said that they are good, but how good @Guupy42? Also rocks, live plants, and floating driftwood are fun pieces for your fish to have fun.
  3. @Colu will help with that, I am unsure of the disease @Guupy42.
  4. Hello fellow easternanian lol. Cool tank!!! I mean really. It looks very nice and simple and cool. Welcome to the forum!
  5. Welcome to the foum @Rob Knox!
  6. I would add a bit more water so the flow of the water will not be to strong for your betta. Agree also with @Tony s.
  7. I will test from tap, yep, it’s crazy. Haven’t tested the tap water yet. I just did a 50% change and added prime. Thanks @Tony s. I have no clue why this is happening but we will see what happens.
  8. Exactly what @JE47 said, if you post in diseases more people that are super helpful and will probably help you quick, @Colu can help you if you want immediate help. Oh and welcome to the forum!!!! @CarrieB.
  9. Thanks and my nitrates are between 15-20 ppm. I did 2 changes last week btw and I feed them every 2 days and feed them floating foods so it will not sink to bottom. Will wait on the cories for a long time and make sure no ammonia for like 5 days or something, thanks @macdaddy36 for being really nice and helpful to me.
  10. Sorry for no recent update, still trying to put everything together and see what price of this stuff and see what I am buying and how expensive it will be, bigger update will come in the next month!!! Stay tuned lol
  11. Mini update: momeywort is not doing great, fish are good and healthy tho! The ammonia sits at right under .25 ppm. Could I add the corys soon @Tony s, @macdaddy36? Thanks and also I do a weekly water change often as well.
  12. Awesome!! I love the people that try something new instead of me who doesn’t lol, love them @Guppysnail
  13. Crazy awesome tanks @NikkiRae! Good job!!!!! The 55 is looking sweet! Yeah I would do if the water is super clear like a 20-30% every 2 weeks maybe instead of one. I agree with everyone here on what they say too.
  14. Yeah, the number of fish can be a big thing to, like if it’s overstocked then ammonia might be present and also another Q, how much do you feed your fish @NikkiRae?
  15. Water changes are the most important thing you could do for your fish, but I have the same Q as @jwcarlson, I am concerned about that as well. What do you mean by “hate it”? Are they super stressed @NikkiRae?
  16. Epiphyte plants like what @EricksonAquatics mentioned do not have to be in the soil, Java fern and anubias can be gel glued to rocks or decor or even driftwood. 🙂, I like how you are like me who loves to give Betta fish better homes then bowls! Male betta fishes tank mates are very limited. 1 pet snail would be it if you asked me especially for a 5g. I would do a natural looking tank with plenty of live plants and driftwood if possible. I would recommend spider wood. I would get the API master liquid test kit, and I would recommend looking up the fish in and fishless cycle and decide what one you want to do, fish in are quicker but requires more maintenance and fishless cycle requires more patience, I would read how and why to do it on both @Maya. Spider wood and others are very affordable at petsmart and the like as well, hope this helps you!
  17. Thx! How much are we talking on that light? And also I am going to get a glass lid, forgot to mention that @AllFishNoBrakes. Wow, super duper helpful!!! Thanks sooo much @clownbaby, will check those out! Thanks, I thought that most would be on Amazon @macdaddy36. Thanks everyone for the help.
  18. Agreed, the fishes time can come at a odd time, but if no other fish died, I would say that it was just the fish, but if more die, I would start looking at the temp shock @Tony s mentioned.
  19. I agree with that instead of risking that big tank breaking with fish in it, it might ruin your life 😂. But whatever you decide @NikkiRae, plz tell us the out come if u will! Good luck! Repairing the glass isn’t a bad idea, I say go for either one, took me a while to respond because I had to read everything to make sure I am not talking about something COMPLETELY different lol
  20. Got some suggestions? I am clueless about fish tank lights and need assistance on which one I could use on my topfinn 10g starter kit. Thanks and oh here is a picture of my tank if that even helps lol. And also I need one becuase the light currently hanging on the lid is not bright enough for my moneywort and it’s not doing great.
  21. Good choice! Great tankmate for WCMMs! So calm and peaceful, cool fish!
  22. The females are usually a lil bigger and fatter and lighter then the males and the males are darker with more bright colors @TJ _isme.
  23. Welcome! And of course you can, this forum is the most helpful and nicest forum on earth and u will 100% like it I promise @NoGameNoLife!
  24. My bad, i forgot about how tiny he is, when he gets bigger you will have more options. i belive he means baby brine shrimp @JS Fish. Those would work.
  25. Just the topfinn tank starter kit light, ya not the best, might need to get one soon (a good one)
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