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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. I say leave your nitrates, they will crash at the end and go down, it’s to early, for the ammonia, I did 4 drops form the dr Tim’s, my ammonia almost never came down, it stayed over the highest reading of 8.0 ppm. Thn came down, now I have a cycled tank! The ferts will add some nitrates so not to worry. nitrite at 5, that’s good, your making progress already @Yoshi!
  2. 😂 ok 👌. I will get one if possible, I am trying to decide to go to one store or the other, one has the colorful ones in stock, but it is farther of a drive, or go to my closer one that I have been too hundreds of times, but only has a black racer snail, you know it’s all black 🤣🤣. Not colorful, and I want some pop so I might go to the farther one, now I am just thinking out loud 🤣
  3. Sweet thanks, yes I am going tomorrow, I will try the algae wafers for sure! Thanks again @EricksonAquatics. Thanks! I will ask when I go to petsmart tomorrow.
  4. Got it, this is what I was looking at on petsmart, I am going there tomorrow for the snail. https://www.petsmart.com/fish/filters-and-pumps/filter-media/top-fin-filter-media-bag-5218054.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwr7ayBhAPEiwA6EIGxJenqysDDcoU3x7Uyv4EODtYODSDa8fOI4GRBw5xH8HkR6RlOHenqhoCgosQAvD_BwE @macdaddy36 So I will see what petsmart has btw @Tony s, @macdaddy36.
  5. So read this again, maybe I should go with a 2 day feeding calendar per week? Idk. How many days a week shoudl I feed them other food BESIDES algae. I like me a consistent schedule 😅
  6. Hmm, @Colu should have a better idea of me of what to do, we’ll see what he says but would go with number 1. I might be totally wrong, but this is definitely a tuff situation @Colette, I think the salt can have somewhat of a impact on the fish at this point actually, again a experienced fish keeper here, I am learning too in this topic, @Colu has more experience with these diseases. We will see what he says for clarification. But I say 1. Yes from that I would not put the goldfish back in, and you can do water changes daily for the QT tank, if ammonia is high, could you do a ammonia test for me @Colette?
  7. That would be a dream for me.. someday as I am in my last years as a teen and will get a job soon….Like @CoryWithAKatana said, your tanks are awesome, so jealous! Very cool tanks there! @Mr Gumby
  8. Thanks! I would’ve never knew that the healthy ones would be on the walls of the aquarium, I have plenty of decor for them to hide in, and I read a article about them, I think I’m all set!!!! Thanks @Guupy42! Here is pictures of my tank now.
  9. Got it, thanks. Thanks @CoryWithAKatana Yeah i have 2d and 3d, i got diatoms and normal green algae. I also have hair alage, and flakey algae, unsure of the name. But i can use a toothbrush to get it out. Thanks, @Guupy42 Yes, i am getting some crushed coral as my water is super soft. thanks @VanDogh!
  10. Hi everyone, hitting y’all with another question, I am new to snails, and wanted to ask one question, what do I feed my nerite? I am getting one this weekend, and wanted to know what’s best, I have PLENTY of algae for him to go to work in my 10g, but was wondering for a side food, whenever he cleans up most of my algae (hoping he will). Algae wafers? Some other treat? Suggestions? Just algae? Thanks oh and this is another option I saw ⬇️. I just wanted to see what was best 🙂 https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/fish-food/products/nano-banquet-food-blocks
  11. Goodness, I have seen some moss balls that big, but just moss? That’s insane!!! I would have to get a 50g just to keep it 🤣
  12. Thanks, I am going with the filter cartridge, and man, my water is the softest water in this world lol. My gh is close to 1. And same with kh. Thanks @CoryWithAKatana Ok, I wanted a floater plant, in fact, I was going with some hornwort until I saw this aquarium coop deal that says buy 4 plants get 10% off, so I said why not? 😂 so is there a specific bag that I use, as I don’t have a mesh bag @Tony s?
  13. Sorry about all this again @Colette. If ammonia is present, then definitely water changes are needed, if it doesn’t stress them out a lot, 20% every day is my suggestion. I know about ammonia, I had a ammonia spike that ended 1 week ago, that started in FEBRUARY lol. Still don’t know the actual cause, and I did 20% change daily to keep ammonia out, or at least untoxic. If you have seachem prime, then I would use that, as it doesn’t kill ammonia, but make it not as toxic for 24 hrs.
  14. I’m also gonna get a nerite snail, can anyone recommend where to put crushed coral in my tank, my water is super soft. Filter or substrate? Ideas? I will! I am going for it! It’s worth a try! Thanks @Yoshi.
  15. I read that it does better with C02 but it’s not required @CoryWithAKatana This what I read Monte Carlo does need CO2 supplementation to thrive and grow fast. However, it doesn't require a lot of it, especially if placed in medium-lit aquariums. Like most aquatic plants, nutrient and Co2 consumption is dependent on the light and temperature it receives. I have a medium to high light. Yeah when you said that, it struck me, that I saw something about that, but it’s ok, thanks for the warning, as I don’t know NOTHING about co2 lol, not a plant guy, I’m a cycle guy, and White cloud minnow guy lol
  16. Sounds great, I love the dark look of the aquarium, it looks awesome @Yoshi
  17. Update: Trying my luck with 4 random plants, but don’t worry I looked into them, here they are. ammonia has been 0 for more then one consistent week, so I am going to get a nerite snail this week, and like I said, gonna order these plants ⬇️
  18. Man, I knew there was tons of guppie breeds, but this is a LOT! Cool chart @GuppyLover123
  19. The dr Tim’s ammonia is a good choice, gets the job done, when did you start the cycle @Yoshi? Because I usually test after the first 2 days, but that is me, not important I guess. But everything is looking awesome!
  20. I know, he has been my favorite since 2018, but I have been watching baseball since I was a kid, but you gotta respect the MLB players that have 100 koi in a 10,000 gallon lol
  21. Yes, I mentioned that to him, he is going to take it out of the substrate, hopefully it will live.
  22. I know, it’s so fun to me, and so relaxing, also gives you a chance to enjoy your fish longer @GuppyLover123!
  23. Ohhhh ok, that’s super smart @bigcorydora49, I should of thought of that for my betta tank.
  24. I feed freeze dried daphnia, but frozen is better @BlueTurtle25, I would start with the fritz aquarium salt, and if no improvements in 3-5 days or so, I would start maracyn. You can fast and use aquarium salt at the same time, don’t do anything else with those 2 things though @BlueTurtle25.
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