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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. amount of ammonia should trigger me doing a wc? Thanks! BC’s it is a lil less than .25 ppm ammonia. Nitrite 0 @Tony s?
  2. My 10g before and after too! Before above, and now below.
  3. Love the look of your tanks! I only have 5 at the moment, used to have 6, but that one died, got stuck under something and I had no clue. But then I got 2 more a few weeks back, but they died before they got into the tank sadly. So I almost had 7 once. Would’ve had 8 if the one didn’t die 4 months back. But they are very healthy!!! @Scaperoot, your betta is beautiful!
  4. Welcome to the forum! Even though I have seen you around before, welcome! Hope we can see photos of your aquariums!
  5. @Guppysnail, idk if we are supposed to mention this company, since they sell plants now i think, and remembering that Cory said we do not support them anymore. I am not sure. But @EricksonAquatics, thx! Got them from Aquahuna. I can delete the message if so @Guppysnail
  6. Not to bad overgrown, i love the look!
  7. Looks amazing! Yes it does! I consider it of, 15gs and under. So u jut made it lol!! Love the looks of both your tank and @AllFishNoBrakes pearl weed jungle!
  8. I wanna see everyone’s nano aquascapes! I currently have a 5 and 10g. For my nanos. 5g in storage, but 10g is a WCMM tank! Will set up my 5g soon. But what does your nano tank looks like?
  9. My 20g, changing within a month. And now I have 6 pandas in there too!
  10. Yes I see. Just what can I say but. Odd.
  11. Yeah sadly I think you have been scammed, and @Jovius put it best, I agree.
  12. Oh ok, odd. I am sorry, that is odd, I understand it was form another member that shared it to u correct? If so, I am sorry to say I am kinda clueless. Very odd indeed.
  13. It appears that in the first pic, the link is still there. So if someone clicks it, they still have access. @Vonz1. but the weird part is, why is it disappearing anyways? Well. At the bottom, when you paste your link, it will say, paste as link instead, and if you clicked that, then the vid will disappear and you’ll just have your link if that makes sense.
  14. How are you posting the link? You copy it, and then paste it into the text, or using the URL correct? I am wondering why the link might not work.
  15. Guess what? I GOT FISH!!!!!!!! They came early, perfectly healthy I believe, and active. Acclimated them for 15 mins, then put them in a container and added some water from the tank every 15 mins twice. About 50% of their bags water, and then netted them out and added them! Pics. Light is off, bcs I don’t wanna stress them. Tomorrow I will post lights on pics! @Tony s, my dream has come true 😄. 4 were hangin out together in one corner, and one was exploring around, and the last one was hanging out by the sponge filter. I am so happy! Btw they are panda corys if no one knew that is reading this for the first time. They are very small, about maybe one inch, ma6be a lil less. But they’ll grow.
  16. Hello and welcome to the forum! @MarcT, when you can can’t wait to see pics! Glad you joined, 🙂
  17. Oh ok. Well, you had said, to do 3 pumps EG per week, and now after doing that after a couple of weeks every week, this is what I got. Should I do a wc? Or leave it. @Mmiller2001 Thanks btw
  18. API test kit is around 40 bucks, and tests for nitrite, ammonia, ph, nitrates. It is very good.
  19. I would go with shrimp or snails, or both!
  20. Idk about 6, but I think one would work with a snail.
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