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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. 1/8 teaspoon of Epsom salt is best for every five gallons of water. Maracyn and fasting will help too. I dont have experince with dropsy but have experience with epsom salt, it does help a lot @Colette @Colu might have a better dosage suggestion tho, we will see. But thats the most common i believe.
  2. Whoa. 6 pages, 4k views, 136 replies, quit the journey I would say!! 😂
  3. Yay!! Nice looking fishes @johnnyxxl! So cool!!!
  4. Valisernaria is Val, and WCMM is White Cloud Mountain minnows. It’s ok, I didn’t even know what IMO standed for lol. In my opinion I guess😅
  5. Yes I think it could be used for dropsy, that and maracyn 2 are good for this disease. @Colette
  6. Betta, guppies, WCMMs, hardy fish, definitely goes a long way for a fish in cycle because the ammonia being present. Val would look nice, I love Val jungles so cool and jungley if that’s a word.
  7. Yes, epsom salt, it helps trust me! Hope she heals!!!
  8. Got it, I put it in and it’s working great! Thanks everyone
  9. Diatoms is best guess here, all tanks go through this faze, ideally if it’s a newer cycled tank. I had one that it never went away and just got uglier and uglier. But if you scrub it off with your water changes you can usually get it under control. If it is diatom algae.
  10. Ok, how would I I? Just like gravel and water? Wouldn’t that not be a fish in cycle? I am just kinda making sure everything will work out here, thanks for the info tho! @macdaddy36 I would think, I think I could right a book called, “the mysterious ammonia spike were nobody knows why it happened” 🤣🤣
  11. Still 0. This picture was from yesterday.
  12. A non used toothbrush would work for the leafs. That’s what I use all the time @NickD
  13. Wow, it’s been this long? For everyone who is wondering (I’m kidding prob nobody is) I a, planning on setting up this summer!!! Stay tuned!
  14. Thanks, she is actually kinda old too, she is going to be 8 later this year, she is a very good obedient dog tho so that’s good, my other one, nah she is not one. She is just a little pup tho so she will learn lol. Here is when Harlee was a puppy
  15. Oh wow, that’s tuff, I understand now. Hopefully they will see this soon.
  16. It’s gotta be the white clouds!!! Probably the EASIEST fish in this world to keep, not to mention they have tons of personality! I love them so much. Yeah I don’t ever see them at LFSs. I say they do! Same, I got my WCMMs 4 months ago but still just love them
  17. Thanks there actually is a arrow. Thanks a lot everyone
  18. Tank paremeters? That would help a ton. How long has the tank been cycled? Is there nippers in the tank? @haliboo
  19. I pulled the trigger, it’s here too, it came in one day from Amazon! Here are the pictures @macdaddy36! Gonna add it in tomorrow when the light is on.
  20. Got it. Thanks! Yes, the check valve has a arrow! Thanks!!!! Yeah I sometimes do 😆. Just my personality guess lol. Thanks a ton, wow, so much easier than what google said. Google is not the greatest. Thanks for the info on the T piece. It says that the control valve should be 6” away from the pump not the water, idk why. But I will go with it right before the water line as I have heard that’s the better way. Maybe I miss read, maybe the control valve goes 6” away from the pump. 😉 thanks guys, I mean it!
  21. This is my other dog, shes kinda wierd and kinda ugly lol. Meet Mabel!
  22. Welcome to the forum, great story and tanks!!! @Achantia
  23. Tell me about it. Goodness, my anubias nana’s leafs are just covered with algae, like 3 different types 🤣🤣, but to be serious, this is some great info that everyone said, very helpful to even me too.
  24. Hi everybody. Here with another topic! First off, I want to say, I know there is instructions with the air pump, but I basically had 2 main Qs. 1. How to clean a new airstone? 2. A detailed Q I will go over below. Detailed version of 1, I read you soak a new airstone in bleach or something? I am I wrong? Maybe I am. But how do I clean it to sum it up. Edit: ok I am wrong, it says soak it on water. Whoops 😬 Now for the second question. There is this black T shaped thing that I will show a picture down below. But the instructions say nothing of it. I will also post a picture of the instructions if needed. Now, the pump is a tetra pump that’s for 10-30 gallons, my airstones are just some good high star review airstones. Again I have pictures of all these things. And the tubing is some standard 8ft long tubing. The check valve comes with the pump btw. Could anyone help me with these Qs? Thanks a ton. Pictures down below. Right here. That top piece. I know wha it is, it’s the thing were it adjusts the amount of bubbles right?Idk😉
  25. Man, I thought @Colu would show up but idk if he will, o don’t have experience with the spinning swimming sideways and stuff. 😢. I hope she makes it.
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