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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. What are your paremeters @Ventuxio, that's super important for any disease. @Colu will help identify the disease better than me tho, but ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph are super important.
  2. Ok, no bleach probably then, i dont have any actually at the moment, thanks @Guppysnail, @lefty o. Just warm water and scrub
  3. Welcome to the forum @CaptDave!
  4. Thanks. It is dry. True, I was mainly wondering how to clean it. And saw that I could use bleach. Thanks a lot @Guppysnail! It did thanks! It is empty now, was previously set up 2 years ago. My betta died a month ago, it’s completely empty now, nothing but a dirty tank and filter. Thanks @PluckyD! Ok got it, so maybe I don’t need bleach? Just a good rinse with warm water, scrub all the poop/algae out and do a good clean of my filter. Am I correct? Thanks for the info @TOtrees. Thanks a lot! @clownbaby, @T. Payne, @TJ _isme, @Guppysnail, @Galabar, @Tony s, @jwcarlson, @PluckyD, and @Schuyler, thanks. So after all this, should I worry about bleaching my tank, or really really good cleaning will do it? The disease my betta had is not contagious btw.
  5. 😦. Wow what a idea!!!!!!! Why do I not th8nk of the simple things 😂. I just might do that…….lol
  6. Have not got one yet, oh no, I might’ve jinxed myself,I am ordering some soon lol. Never heard of leaped ramshorn… interesting.
  7. Life hack lol. Interesting I need to look into all the hacks for zip ties in aquariums…. You never know. Might be more. I have been following this topic for a while and hope for more updates @HelplessNewbie!
  8. Hi all, of course what the title says, I need a way to clean and kill all bacteria in my 2 year old empty used 5 gallon tank. I read you can use regular or household bleach? Is this true? In general how to clean and kill all the bacteria in my tank that a sick betta was in, thanks in advance guys.
  9. Lol, I was wondering how you made so many posts! I mean you’ve won like 24 days and make tons of posts, but all helpful! I had to respond again instead of reacting, why is there a limit 🤣
  10. Man, I did a 25%, because my ammonia was low today at .25. @Tony s
  11. Thanks l will just buy the topfin one, mig(t not work, but it’s super cheap, 15 bucks. If it works great. If not I I’ll get another one. I guess not a great Q, you don’t own my tank or know the exact dimensions. I ordered the light, coming Friday. Thanks for ALL the help since I joined this forum, you have answered tons of questions I had, your super knowledgeable! I say it a lot, but I mean, I am not that experienced of a keeper, I know a lot, but we all have lots of questions. ps: I can’t react to any more posts lol 😉
  12. Welcome to the forum @MrBrbsmoke!
  13. Man, it has terrible reviews, like 2 stars, could you recommend a different brands? @Tony s This one looks great, would it fit? It’s a dif brand. Idk if that can be a issue. @Tony s
  14. Temp swing is what I was thinking. Maybe something wrong with your tap if that is what your water is, maybe test tap in all categories. How hard is your water? Gh kh, ?
  15. Oh found it, it’s for 10g topfin tanks, 20inch, same exact size!
  16. Ramshorn maybe?????? If not that, definitely bladder or mystery snail. Maybe someone else can be more specific. My best guess is mystery snail @TuiandLa.
  17. About to do a water change, could anyone suggest a size? @Tony s, a 50% 25%, ammonia last time I checked is .50 ppm
  18. Whoops, I read past the fertilizer part, Corys right, light can be a problem if you don’t have a timer, and if it’s random from 8-12 per day that could be an issue.
  19. Yes, thanks that’s incredible! Thanks for the suggestion, I might do that…..
  20. I guess I am a handy kind of guy. I have a good number of tools in my barn. (That’s for a example i don’t think I actually need tools.) Petsmart has the DIY ones you say? @Tony s, because those would be ok. Sweet! Ordering now…. @Tony s, can I order this today online at petsmart? That would be great. If possible. The glass lid is what I am talking about.
  21. Also a lid. That fits mine. A 10g glass lid to protect light and also to stop fish from jumping. @macdaddy36, @Tony s. Wonder if you have suggestions to possibly @Mmiller2001?
  22. @macdaddy36, @Tony s, is this light ok? I found it on amazon.... could you reccomend one if not this one? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SCBLN8L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&tag=tank01-20&th=1
  23. I never knew that, mine is at the top of the water and grows vertical. So i trim it then it will go more horizontal? Because i have only one, do i need more @AllFishNoBrakes?
  24. Very knowledgeable @gardenman. I appreciate someone who makes sense and has tons of info. @gabdewulf put out another great Q as well. There is variations of this plant i see.
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