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Everything posted by Levi_Aquatics

  1. I agree with @Beardedbillygoat1975 some kuli loaches would look really cool. They also have a great personality.
  2. I agree @mbwells I’m glad that there wasn’t an issue with your aquarium!
  3. The silicone might have been smeared a bit on the outside. Maybe try scraping it off but if it doesn’t come easily don’t damage your aquarium. I think if you feel it only on the outside it should be fine. I’d just keep a close eye on that spot.
  4. I have 2 yo yo loaches right now and they both look almost exactly like that. When they were younger they had a more distinct yoyo on the side but now they look more like someone scribbled all over their sides.
  5. I would run my finger across it to make sure it isn’t just silicone runoff. I purchased a used 20 gallon and I thought it had a crack but it turned out just being some extra silicone that I just scraped of with a razor blade.
  6. @BettasAreSuperior I just picked a lively looking puffer that wasn’t beat up, had a full stomach, and wasn’t actively being aggressive and I ended up with a really great pet.
  7. @HotTunaCartel I was wondering about that. Thank you! I will need to try that out!
  8. My suggestion would be a shrimp colony or even a single nerite snail. I have a 5 gal with a zebra nerite and it is super cool to watch him peacefully cruise around the aquarium.
  9. I have used both thread and super glue gel and the gel seems to get stuck all over me and show up really badly so I like using thread. I have also had a java fern windelov that produced plantlets, most likely because it wasnt happy, but now that I attatched it to a log it is doing great.
  10. I have never tried that but that is a great idea!
  11. By any chance do you know what kind of rock it is?
  12. What do you have as substre/decorations?
  13. That looks like a really cool in the water!
  14. @BettasAreSuperior it depends fish to fish but pea puffers seem to be a bit more quizzical and definitely are able to recognize people while a betta seems to be a bit more food oriented and not quite as smart in my opinion. Like I said though it definitely depends on the individual fish and they can have wide ranging personalities even within the same species.
  15. I don’t have a full fish room but I have a lot of aquariums in my room. I am interested to see answers from other people. a-no I use all the room/aquariums I have for fish. b-I focus on breeding with most of my aquariums however I have a 55 gallon display tank and a 5 gal pea puffer aquarium.
  16. I have Kept both fish each in a 5 gallon. I love the personality of the pea puffer and it is super cool to be able to say that you own the smallest species of freshwater puffer. it also looks super cool. The downsides are that they aren’t super colorful and you have to feed some more specialized foods. They can also be hard to find in good condition for sale. The betta has much more color and still has some personality. They are also easy to find and there are many color variations to choose from. They are also easier to feed because you can feed them dry foods. I hope this helps.
  17. Splitting up the feedings is beneficial for sure. Making him “work” for the food gives him something to do and some exercise. It also helps simulate what he would have to do in the wild for food.
  18. Amen to that. The coop sponge filter is amazing!
  19. Great work on this journal! It’s been very informative and interesting to read so far. Keep it up!
  20. I love those aquascapes! The balanced log one is especially cool to me. Keep up the good work!
  21. You are a lucky dude. I can't wait to see the progress and it sounds like you have a great plan to go with!
  22. I'm really sorry to hear this James. At this point there isnt a lot you can do for him exept making him comfortable and keeping stress levels as low as possible.
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