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Everything posted by Levi_Aquatics

  1. If you can try to get a 1-2 ratio of males to females. That should make it so the females will individually be chased less.
  2. I have to recommend guppies as they are colorful, swim in all levels of the aquarium, and breed easily. I currently have a 20L with guppies and kuli loaches that I am enjoying a lot.
  3. I have definitely heard a lot about how soft wood species aren’t good for fish due to their sap which is toxic however is sounds like the piece you have is very old and has dried out so it might be fine to use if you soak it and maybe boil it.
  4. Welcome to the forum! I love crypt wendtii red for 55 gallon aquariums. I have a large one in mine and it looks great! I also like anubius, java moss and fern, and val.
  5. Crypt wendtii red rocks! It is in the conversation for favorite plant as it is low loght, easy to care for, and the leaves look amazing!
  6. I am experiencing similar issues with one of my aquariums. I Have just decided to keep a lot of water column feeding plants-java moss and fern mainly- and do regular water changes which seems to work well however my tap water has nitrates already in it which doesnt help anything.
  7. @KaitieG I have the same problem. My tap water has nitrates which I guess is good for my plants but discouraging to know that my water changes aren’t super effective. My crypts love those coop root tabs though!
  8. Those lights would probably be considered low light and might be able to grow some low light plants. Some leds are not great at growing much though if you run into this problem there are many relatively inexpensive lights you could probably attach to the bottom of the hood. Hopefully the included lights work for you!
  9. I feed my Bristlenose fry fresh cucumbers
  10. That is a great idea! I might need to try that with my aquarium chord mess.
  11. Sorry about that my phone is having problems I probably should have done that but I have already put it in my aquarium and attached some Java fern wendalov and Java moss to it. All the fish are doing fine so far but I will keep everyone posted.
  12. About the upside down pics I have found you have to turn your phone so the camera is on the top and the volume button is on the bottom. At least with iPhones
  13. I just held each end in a very large pot for 15 min then I was able to stick the middle in the pot and I was also able to boil a few other branches and sections then I just poured boiling water on the places I couldn’t fit in the pot. Then I scrubbed it with a toothbrush.
  14. I picked this nice piece of driftwood up at a beach on vacation. I have boiled as much of it as possible and scrubbed it with a new toothbrush. Should I do anything else or is it good to go? Would this even be safe as it came from salt water?
  15. I would suggest keeping lots of cover for the fry in the aquarium. Just so you keep a good temp and water parameters you should be great! Good luck.
  16. Maybe some sort of tetra and some smaller corydoras, panda maybe. I would pick the tetras based on what colors would look good with your beta
  17. I am also a teen with not a lot of money and I have set up a cinder block aquarium rack in a similar amount of space so hopefully I can help you out a bit here. I found that club auctions and Facebook marketplace are the best places to find really cheap aquariums and even some lights- I have found a 20l for $7 and a 10 gal with a hood for $5 you just have to be patient to find the deals. I haven’t tried this yet but I know that Cory has a video about cutting a greenhouse panel from Home Depot into good looking cheap lids. The best advice I can give you is set up the racks to fit the aquariums that you want to/can fit on it then as you get the money and find good deals purchase the aquariums and equipment you need. Pretty much don’t think that you need to do it all at once. Hope this helps!
  18. I think moving the fish to a different aquarium would cause more stress than quickly dipping a filter in the aquarium.
  19. That is very interesting but toataly makes sense. I might have to try that sometime.
  20. You could also possibly find a way to seal the ends of the straw to trap air inside so it floats on its own then wedge the straw between the glass panels to keep it in place. I agree with @Gator however that it is most likely just stainless steel which shouldnt cause a problem.
  21. I have kept panda corys before and they did climb the glass a lot. I don't think you should be too worried about it.
  22. I have 2 guppy + shrimp breeding aquariums -one is a 20 long with mutt guppies and the other is a 10 with purple mosaic guppies. The best thing you can do to make sure you get a lot of shrimp is use a lot of java moss and feed a ton so the guppies arent as hungry and dont prey on the smaller shrimp as much.
  23. Mystery snails lay their eggs out of the water on the sides or sometimes even on the bottom of the lid of an aquarium. It is relatively easy to scrape the pouch of eggs off and dispose of it if you dont want it. I believe Cory has a video on breeding mystery snails that goes into depth on how to tell male/female. In my experience i had no issues with keeping mystery and nerite snails in the same aquarium. I hope this helps you out!
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