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Everything posted by Levi_Aquatics

  1. I belive it is sefe for fish but it might change water parameters or cloud the water. I would suggest pouring vinegar on the rock and if it has any sort of reaction I wouldnt use it and try a different rock.
  2. Oh no now you now have a moderate to severe case of mts lol
  3. Levi_Aquatics


    There is always the possibility that the fish in the hospital tank were just too far gone however I would think that there was probably a change in water temp or perameters that caused the fish to die. I have used maracyn successfully multiple times and I know that Cory has done extensive testing with it so I would trust the medicine itself. You might also have expired maracyn which could be causing the problem.
  4. That is a very interesting article and a great story. It is great to see that there are people out there caring for cool species like this one.
  5. I have had some pothos slip into the water and it didn’t survive very long.
  6. It might just be an odd neon however considering that the neons and glowlights were in the same tank there is a chance it could be a glowlight.
  7. Just thought I’d share some photos of my fish enjoy some o-nip tabs. My favorite to watch are by for the barbs as they eat very aggressively and look really cool.
  8. I am by no means an experienced breeder however in my experience with some of my guppy strains it takes quite a while for the fry to sex out. The first time I bred guppies a couple years ago I was disappointed that I "only got females" however after a few months the males started developing their defining characteristics.
  9. The only experience I have had with pickerel is fishing for them. They are very interesting fish and always seem to have a great appetite especially for live fish and worms. They also like to hang out near weed edges if that helps with your aquarium setup.
  10. The green water is what I would personally go with but you could maybe also try some dry repashy dust or coop fry food altough that might be a bit too big for them right now.
  11. Just so you don’t keep 2 males together you should be good. A larger group of males will most likely do well for you.
  12. I think you just have a very active betta which is great! There are many toys for bettas that you can purchase so they can use that energy like floating mirrors and other neat things.
  13. I believe that is ick. I would think that the new fish most likely brought the ick however it could also be caused by poor water conditions or stress.
  14. I have used tetra flake for years without issues. I agree with @Patrick_G that you might have gotten a bad batch. I feed krill flake from AC and that doesn’t stain the water for me.
  15. One of my favorite variatus color types is red tail blue variatus.
  16. Root tabs are very helpful for plants that feed from the roots like Amazon swords the Java fern will most likely appreciate the easy green though if it’s roots are kept out of the substrate-attached to rocks or wood.
  17. I would check the temp to make sure the heater is actually working. I would also be concerned that there might have been a chemical in the heater that is poisonous to the fish. I have had a heater break before but that didn’t seem to negatively affect the fish.
  18. I have one hillstream loach right now and he is amazing! I’d love to breed some at some point!
  19. The first non live bearing fish I bred were Bristlenose plecos and they were very rewarding to breed and it was fun to watch their breeding behavior. If you don’t want to go down that route I would suggest some kribenesis or apistos.
  20. I have seen in some videos that AC keeps some algae eaters in their plant tanks but I don’t remember specifically seeing hillstream loaches. I’d think while it might be possible for the eggs to hitch hike on plants and hatch in your aquarium, it is probably more likely that you have a m/f pair of hillstream loaches and they had the fry.
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