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  1. Hi , so I had a healthy tank for almost 10 months before all this started happening. My current temp is at 79 degrees, I do have a test kit for ammonia and nitrates, both are at 0. I’ve been treating with melafix cause I thought it was epistylis. Any ideas? Any other test kit I need to see what the problem is? I’ve had the water tested at the fish store and they always tell me it’s perfect.
  2. Please help….it’s been since before Xmas that my fish have been dying. My first run to the fish store turned out to be a batch of diseased fish that killed off my existing fish. I believe it was ich or the other white spot disease. I wrote in and someone had mentioned to immediately start a treatment of melafix for 7 days. I lost two more fish in the process of the treatment but managed to save 1. Did my 7 days, all was good, did a water change, went to the store and got 8 tetras. I didn’t do the recommended quarantine tank, but I did 3 days of treatment of the melafix to make sure the new fish were not bringing any baggage with them. All went well for two days, then the first tetra died. The day after I noticed that two fish were covered in white spots. So I immediately started another 7 day treatment, 1 more tetra died 2 days after. Now today on my day 7, another tetra has passed. So I did a water test, all is good, did a 25% water change and checked the fish for white spots….and they are all gone. Any one have any ideas of what is going on? Am I doing something wrong? I posted some pics of the fish after water change, please help!
  3. I’ve lost most of my fish, I have two left. I’ve been treating for Ich, I did 4 days straight and didn’t notice anything until today. Can anyone tell me what is going on? Did I not do the treatment long enough?
  4. Thanks for the video. how long should I wait before adding new friends into the tank? How can I prevent bringing fish home with diseases? I have heard about doing a quarantine for 3-4 weeks, but I don’t have another tank.
  5. Hi , I have a 10 gallon tank for a little over a year. I had 10 cardinal and neon tetra with only 3 cardinal tetras remaining. So before the holidays I added 3 neon glofish tetras (bigger) and suddenly they have been dying one by one. I test for nitrates and ammonia regularly and it’s always perfect. The only issue I have been having for a few months is green algae, if I skip a week of doing a water change the water will turn green and the decorations as well. I asked the people at the fish store and they said it’s probably high phosphates. They gave me a phosphate remover to leave in the tank for a few weeks. It didn’t help much. Regular water changes and the cleaning of decor keeps it clean. I started treating for Ich with Malachite green as of Sunday and today I lost another cardinal tetra. It was the only one that had the white spots. The remaining two fish don’t have any spots. Should I continue the treatment for another day? How long should I wait before adding some new friends for my lonely survivors? How do make sure that the new fish don’t have any dieases? Do you know why I have the green algae? How do I get rid of the algae once and for all?
  6. Thanks for the tips. What about my algae problem….am I doing something wrong that’s bringing it on?
  7. Hi , I have a 10 gallon tank for a little over a year. I had 10 cardinal and neon tetra with only 3 cardinal tetras remaining. I added 3 neon glofish tetras (bigger) about two weeks ago and suddenly they have been dying one by one. I test for nitrates and ammonia regularly and it’s always perfect. The only issue I have been having for a few months is green algae, if I skip a week of doing a water change the water will turn green and the decorations as well. I asked the people at the fish store and they said it’s probably high phosphates. They gave me a phosphate remover to leave in the tank for a few weeks. It didn’t help much. Regular water changes and the cleaning of decorations keeps it better. As of right now I have 1 neon glofish tetra and 2 little tetras left. Today I noticed that one of the little ones is covered in white spots, so I did a water change right away and changed the filters and put some ich medicine. Was it the new fish that brought the disease? Is it really Ich? Do you know why I have the green algae? How do I get rid of the algae once and for all? I’ve attached a photo of the fish with the white spots and a photo of the algae on the glass.
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