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Everything posted by Dtolb15

  1. Hey David! They may need a "dirty" "seeded" "algae covered" "densely planted" (sorry for that mini rant) tank to feel comfortable enough to spawn for the first time. With many of my failed attempts, it turned out I was trying too hard, especially so for first time spawning groups.
  2. I am having a blast breeding Blue Dream and Cherry Shrimp in two different 10-gallon tanks. I did have some Cherrys in a 5gal, but I grew concerned with the water parameters and planera. So now I keep a few baby guppies in each 10. On the guppy note, I am currently breeding a ton in a 55 gal. Started in a 20 but they quickly exploded and decided to move them. So, my advice, if you plan on breeding guppies in a 10... be ready to offload them sooner than you think! But many do it to line breed, just be ready 😂 Best of luck!!!
  3. Thanks Zenzo!! New to the forum but long-time member and fan of Aquarium Co-Op. Finding this hidden gem continues to solidify my love for the co-op! Cory, you and the team are doing fantastic! Thank you for everything!!!
  4. That would make sense to me!! Crazy they could know given how they carry them. Moms are just the best in every species! 😂
  5. I currently have 7 "teenager" clown plecos in a 20L growing out with Sterbais. Was considering moving the plecos to a 15gal. With your advice I am now committed to the move! And will thin them out once I see which to keep as breeders. Thanks!!
  6. Awesome!!! I have been on the hunt... looking to start a breeding group for myself! No luck at my LFS and wary of what I am seeing online so far! Congrats again!!!
  7. I am also wondering... considering picking up a few myself!
  8. Momma has been working hard! Anyone ever experience eggs dangling or falling out? Not overly concerned as I know I will soon be overrun with babies! Just curious!
  9. I've also been on the hunt for L133s but haven't heard about that! Guess I better get on them before the price jumps!
  10. Any ideas for isolating the eggs once they are laid? thinking of knitting mesh or something to block off an area?
  11. Nice!!! These look amazing so far!!!
  12. Sorry to hear that! Thankful you are able to find the bright side of it! Your 29 is looking fantastic!! I can already see what you mean!
  13. Best of luck!! Loving my two-week-old platies!!! Freeloaders!!! Love the tank!!!
  14. No, I tried to get by with air dry clay and then spraying the sealant.. it was a mistake! Hahah!!! I do know a place I could take it but I hear it is expensive.
  15. I’ve been reading up on this a lot lately. I believe it’s a balance between having a tank large enough to produce a sustainable supply but still be able to feed them adequately. I currently have two. 1 in a 10 gallon, 2nd in a 29 gallon tub. So far the 10 is thriving, hard to gauge the 29 just yet. Not really a specific answer, jus sharing my experience.
  16. Seen Cory answer this in a video a few days ago, but I couldn’t tell you what video it was as I listen to the Co-Op nearly all day at work. Basically any stray current can be eventually be detrimental to the fish and possible lead to other diseases. Contact customer service.. they always take care of us!!!
  17. I started to make some out of clay, I rolled it out in sheets, wrapped around PVC pipe in wax paper with a tad of cooking spray. I was then able to press them down to a “D” cave. Downside, used the wrong clay.. tried to seal it with fusion spray sealant.. broke the 5 I made. Trying again soon, with the right clay! Overall the method worked great, just need the right products.
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