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Everything posted by SarayParay

  1. Hello, so we had a power outage today. Not sure for how long as I was outside gardening. When I came back I noticed that my HOB in my 20 gallon was running but with no water. I quickly filled it up with water and it began working. That was 6-7 hours ago. 20 minutes ago I did a 25% water change to my tank because it's the 5th day using Paracleanse. Well I go and connect everything back up and my HOB Filter is not working. Was it the power outage and it running without water? I'm pretty bummed out if so. I can't afford another HOB filter at the moment. =\ It's a Aquaclear one. Thanks.
  2. Okay, awesome! Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it.
  3. Okay, two weeks ago I did one treatment of Maracyn. I have Paracleanse so I'll go ahead and do that treatment because I don't want to lose any other fish. Hopefully it was just her, but better safe than sorry. It's okay to treat the whole tank, right?
  4. For my PH it's always been at 7.8. For the substrate I have the planted side with Eco-Complete and black sand. I bought them from PetCo back in June. 😞 Thank you for replying.
  5. Here is a picture of her out. Her color changed after dying. She was a very right orange. 😞
  6. Hi. I am so sad. I have had this tank since mid-Juneish? She is my first casualty! I’m heartbroken. Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 5.0 20 Gallon Tall 5 Platies (4 females and 1 male) well now 3 females and 1 male 4 Zebra Danios 3 Nerite Snails 4 Amano Shrimp Nothing new has gone into the tank. I took out 6 baby platy fry yesterday because I felt they were getting bigger and moved them to their own tank. I am changing the water tonight even though I do a water change every Sunday night. Help?
  7. Okay, good. Because I don’t want more living things in my tank. I was freaking out. Thanks!
  8. Is my Amano shrimp pregnant? If she is, what am I expecting? 100s of babies? Lol
  9. 😞 Do other fish eat the dead fish? 😟 if so, do you have an idea if it was the betta or the other panda?
  10. So all day today things were good. I go to feed them dinner and I find one of my Panda’s is half eaten. I have no idea who ate him or what happened! It is my 10 gallon. 1 male betta 2 (now 1) Pandas 4 Amano shrimp I am so sad! I used to have 5 pandas but 3 of them died late July/August due to high nitrates. I’m so sad.
  11. Hi Fran! I don't think there is a limit to plants? Not sure though. 🙂 Did you meant to post this as your own question? I don't mind it being here but perhaps you'll get a lot more answers if it's its own post. 🙂 Personally though, I think the more plants it has the better because plants help maintain a clean tank and they also suck up nitrates. 🙂
  12. I just received my Pearl Weed and Dwarf Aquarium Lily Bulb that I purchased. So for the pearl weed, do I just plant it in the basket? Do I remove the wool stuff? I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I have no idea how to plant some plants. Thanks!
  13. Okay, thank you very much. I’ll do that. Is it okay to add the medication if I also have Mickey Mouse Platies and fry? I also have 3 Nerite snails and a pond snail. The tail is almost gone now. 😞 I feel bad.
  14. I woke up this morning and saw my Zebra Danio is very injured. I want to quarantine it but will it die either way because it will be by itself and not with the rest of the Danios?
  15. I did it! Took me several hours... I finally found a video on YT that helped me get an idea on what to do. I basically removed half of my tank water and put it in a 30 quart plastic bin. Then I put the decorations and heater and my sponge filters there. Then I put the fish in there. I then added the rest of the water to a bucket and put all my plants there. I had no idea I had that many... LOL Mostly Vallisneria and Elodia Anacharis. I then pushed my sand to the right and put Eco-Complete substrate on the left of the tank and on the back of the tank. Then I pushed back some of the sand back and evened out as much as I could. The back left corner I piled on Eco substrate because my plants kept floating. I was annoyed because they kept getting out of the dirt whenever I planted another plant. This is my tank before. LOL a mess. The water is still cloudy and I'm going to be removing a decoration because I don't want it very cluttered. I also left space on the back right of the tank because I ordered more plants and am waiting for them. Different plants too! Once those plants are in I'll be able to finish and see what looks good and what doesn't in regards to decoration. I'm nervous and excited. 🙂 Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!
  16. Oooh! Loving your tanks. Hopefully I'll be able to have more than 2 at some point. lol Very nice! Is your hospital tank a plastic bin?
  17. I have a 20 gallon and a 10 gallon. I think I prefer my 10 gallon. My 20 gallon is a bit too deep for me. hehe
  18. Thank you so much Ben! It's funny because I thought Mickey Mouse Platies were ugly and it's the fish I have come to love so much. LOL
  19. Aaah!! Okay, that makes sense. Will definitely be keeping that in mind! Thank you! The white flakes are your sand, right? Wow! I had no idea about that. I have black sand. I was thinking of mostly doing the eco substrate in the back corner of the tank and what not. Since I can't find the Dwarf Four Leaf clover grass, I think I might not be able to try the carpet plant. Thank you for sharing and good luck on your journey! I'd love to see the results so please tag me if you decide to share. 🙂 Thank you very much! I will definitely be posting pictures once I do it. I will not forget!!! Thank you!
  20. "Don't worry. Just put it in a bowl and feed it. It won't die." When we got our first betta fish and I asked how to take care of a fish. LOL Glad I went to YouTube.
  21. AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your experience with me and for sharing your pictures. This is what I wanted to see. Someone who did this and it came out great! Did your plants die or wilt a bit after moving them? I guess that is my main fear that they will die after moving them. It is what I have been reading online. Thanks again!!! Oh okay! Thank you for explaining! From what I have read, it's a super easy to grow carpet plant. It's why I kind of want it since I'm a beginner. hehe. Thank you!!!
  22. Thanks! So for my 10 gallon, I went with shrimp and PandaCorys. In my 20 gallon I have Mickey Mouse Platy and Sunburst Platies, and Zebra Danios. I also have Nerite snails and shrimp. 🙂
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