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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Wait - they're trying to "sell" you your own stuff back?
  2. Darn, the pictures didn't come through, but it sounds like everyone is on the right track and doing well. Yay! I'm glad the betta ate something. That's a good sign. It's like when we get sick and we start to feel a little better and eat light foods like crackers and toast. 🙂
  3. That sounds cool. I never saw a slate bottom tank before.
  4. Try micro sword. They don't need CO2, just liquid ferts like Easy Green. I'm growing them in low light, and they are happy. Also when you buy java moss on this site, they ship it to you attached to a sinking metal mesh. Looks like a little green shag rug when added to the tank.
  5. Haha. They are determined! This one has latches where the handles are, fortunately.
  6. I had the same thing happen last night 😳. Tank sprung a leak and I realized the stand (which was indeed designed for aquariums) had bowed in the middle and the tank wasn't sitting flush on it. Or maybe the tank was cheap. I had the container to make one of these dealios, and that's what I ended up doing last night. The cat likes that she can sit on the floor and watch the fish now too. Heh. 😸 Once a tank starts leaking, I don't trust it anymore. That's just me. I had a bad experience once where a leak looked minor, but then the bottom gave out (fortunately only substrate & decor were in the tank at that time). This is just a quarantine tank, so I think I will just leave the fish in here until they complete their month and then they go into the display tank. No sense moving them again and stressing them out.
  7. I use one of those touch lights for my quarantine tank. It was $5 and it looks like a hockey puck. It's pretty dim, but allows me to see what the situation is, and the fish don't seem to notice it when shining it from above. ( If I hold it against the side of the tank it will spook them. ) I only use it when I would like to check symptoms and monitor what is going on. This is the one I have. I don't attach it to anything, I just hold it and move it around where I need to see.
  8. I agree. Plant melt is common because the plants in this hobby are raised emergent (partially out of water). When they are completely submerged they will go through a melting period before they spring back. ACO plants usually don't, in my experience, because ACO allows the plant to melt in their tanks and then recover before selling. Just makes it easier on the buyer to have success. However, they do include a little card with the plant shipment warning that plant melt "could" occur. Just in case. Not sure where you got the plant, but give it time.
  9. I think he will like that. And try to keep the light off as much as you can so he can rest.
  10. A bit of Stress Coat could help. Perhaps some aquarium salt at level 1 and monitor progress. I think your net idea was clever. Instant breeding or emergency isolating area at no cost. 🙂
  11. I already have some knitting plastic mesh, so we are good in that department. I do have ONE java moss on sinking mesh on the bottom and 2 microswords, but there is a lot of plain sand. Haven't noticed any rooting activity, but when they were doing their mating dances, they were swimming through the java fern, which they normally don't do. They normally swim around the java fern. I suspect some eggs are in there. I put some floss around the intake, secured with rubber bands. To be clear, I'm not intentionally breeding these guys. They just decided it was time, so I'm trying to care for any fry, if they should hatch. I have a batch of infusoria going in a jar. The java moss is fluffy and has been branching out some. There could be some eggs in there, as long as the snail doesn't run the vacuum over it.
  12. Thank you for your advice! I learn something new every day on this forum. So many helpful tips. Happy fishkeeping!
  13. You may want to add a lid in case someone gets any more curious!
  14. My HOB filter is rather strong. I need to brainstorm how to fry-proof the intake somehow.
  15. I didn't see any drop so they must be tiny. I did notice they were going through the java ferns though between mating dances. They don't usually swim through the ferns, they usually just swim in open water, so I assume she was laying the eggs in those plants.
  16. How do you think I can keep eggs/fry safe, or look for eggs? I have a sand bottom, plants, driftwood, and 2 snails that are constantly on the move. Should I move the adults to a breeder box after I see their mating dance? Or move any plump-looking adults? And would they drop their eggs after being moved (stress)? What's the timeline between mating and egg laying?
  17. Um…Guys? I think we have some magic happening here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_uTjqOa7VHpcqpSL7ChH786IcFPIxgn2/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ilv45huWVZEVJa5MBRy1-lt0AQO-eCu6/view?usp=drivesdk
  18. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Tetras breeding
  19. Thanks. Yeah, I have seen it on driftwood before but then it looked more a slimy goo than this flaky stuff. I know biofilm is a good thing, so I will just leave it there. The heater and airline tubing that it is noticeable on are the new items in the tank.
  20. Ok thanks! Next question. All the fish are looking healthy but I noticed this white film on the heater cord and airline tubing. Any ideas? I also noticed some of it flaking off and floating around during the water change. Looked like white-ish clear fish food flakes but it is not food. The only treatment in the tank was paracleanse. That was a 5 day treatment followed by 30% water change per box instructions. Conditioner is Aquasafe plus.
  21. I’m sorry, Bev. I love the little snails so much. What a sad day. I know the snail had a nice life in your tank with you looking after him.
  22. I would recommend continuing with water changes to keep things under control (see test kit instructions for acceptable levels) because you have fish. If you didn't have fish, it would be a different story.
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