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  1. That tank is worth a few hundred dollars even in less than ideal condition. Scratching my head as to why your neighbor didn’t try to sell it…. Acrylic is very easy to restore. Just like headlights even the deepest scratches can be restored with liquid plastics and some novus acrylic buff and polish products. I would rent a polisher from a hardware store and buy novus on amazon. Looks like so: If I recall the dark tint black is to reduce glare as the light is meant to be mounted inside the tank. There are special waterproof cased LEDs you will have to consider. But I think you can get freshwater ones for around $40 for 32” light bar. The suction cups suck, do be aware. I just replaced them with cheap suction cups you can find at most general stores. You don’t need a lid, the tank is the lid. Dont enlarge the holes keep it as is. The holes are meant for feeding and equipment. The idea is you invest in robotic or magnetic algae scrubbers and don’t ever reach in there other than initially to setup the tank. Again I can’t stress this enough that tank was around $600 new at it’s absolute cheapest and depending on brand, it is well worth the time investment and elbow grease even if your goal is to flip it. Good luck!
    5 points
  2. My Tanganyikan community is finally complete! I have had this 40-breeder tank setup for about a year now in several hardscape layouts. Stocking is as follows: Leleupi (1) Brichardi (1) Julidochromis marlieri (1) Gold Compreciceps (1) neolamprologus Buescheri (1) Tropheus Moori (2) (phoenix and kaiser orange) Synondontus catfish I have stuck to feeding spirulina flake and sera granugreen as to not get the tropheus sick. All fish seem to be thriving on this diet. Alot of these Tang cichlids are classified as "carnivores" but they all are small enough that they graze on aufwuchs and algae in the wild. I am sure moving to a more veggie-based diet cant be too harmful in the long run. I do plan to make my own "shrimp mix" which many seasoned tropheus breeders say is a great food. While many are quick to say this tank is "overstocked", it is simply the only way to avoid excess aggression. There is the occasional chasing but nothing out of the ordinary. While we cannot go by everything we see or read on the internet, I have seen that Prime Time Aquatics has kept many more Tang cichlids in a 33-gallon long with great success. The biggest takeaway is adequate rockwork. a majority of these fish are rock dwellers and I find that lava rock is the most cost-effective means of providing that for them. It is very light and cheap. I do wish I could have sourced black lava rock so that it would look more like a biotope but it is hard to find and quite expensive. The only mistake I made when setting up this tank was buying a tretocephalus about 6 months ago. It is a nasty fish and doesn't mix well with other tangs in a confined space. Thankfully a friend in the hobby was able to rehome him. I replaced the tret with two young tropheus and they are thriving amount the rock work. Fell free to ask any questions about keeping Tanganyikans!
    4 points
  3. Please note that it is not snail safe.
    4 points
  4. I noticed some rambunctious behavior in my 40g around 11:45am yesterday morning and quickly realized it was my Corys spawning! The first time I witnessed a spawning from these fish I was able to collect about 30 eggs if memory serves. The second time I was only able to collect about 20. To my amazement, the largest albino female continuously spawned from 11:45am (at least that's when I joined the show) all the way till 1:25pm! I was able to collect well over 100 eggs and it seems like most are fertilized! From what I could tell, many of the bronze males attempted to fertilize her eggs, but only one of them was able to keep her attention. As you can hopefully see from the pictures, the aforementioned male would swim in front of the female, arch his body effectively blocking her path, and deposit his stuff. Her once erratic swimming suddenly calmed as if hypnotized. Almost immediately afterword, eggs would start to drop and she held them with her fins. She began depositing the eggs on the leaf of a large Amazon Sword plant and immediately attempted to eat them so I shooed her away. The leaves weren't looking so good so I just trimmed them with eggs attached and dropped them, leaf and all, into a breeder basket. I ended up cutting off 4 sword leaves and she transitioned to spawning directly on the glass where I collected all of the eggs with my insurance services card. There was one albino male who made several attempts to fertilize her eggs, and while I was rooting for him, he couldn't seem to get the technique quite right and she quickly lost interest. After all that work, the large albino female was noticeably exhausted and bumping into things so I decided to feed an o-nip tab. I wish I had a comparison shot of her belly before to emphasize just how sunken in her eggs satchel became! I will return when the fry have grown large enough to see in pictures. I hope you all have the chance to experience this at least once. There's really nothing quite like it. For those of you who like to see parameters, here are a few: Water: 40 gallons Temperature: comfortable Fish: yes
    2 points
  5. update: salt does not appear to have done anything. We just dosed No-Planaria
    2 points
  6. That is definitely a mad face !
    2 points
  7. @Shadow I agree, just perfect. Perfect lyrics and so heartfelt. I can feel it in my soul. So glad Eddie's voice evolved to better enunciate. That was my only complaint of early PJ; my old 70s "live concert ears" strained until I memorized all the words, of course. Loved their MTV Unplugged video.
    2 points
  8. If the tank is fully cycled it should happen fast enough that you can’t detect it. Essentially, that’s how you know a tank is cycled. I know my tanks produce ammonia on a daily basis, but I can’t pick it up on a test, because it’s being converted to nitrite and then nitrate at a rate fast enough that I can only pick up nitrates.
    2 points
  9. Snoopy is ticked off! Despite sending them down the tube to target Snoop, the tetras pushed in and stole 95% of the white worms! After they already ate a ton of grindals! I did reattempt, to make sure she got a few with the baster then. But this happened afterward. She’s holding a grudge and wants her space! She is particularly annoyed with the pristellas. The black neons she doesn’t seem to mind. Part of the prob is she instantly wants to rub her belly in the worms (shown in a previous vid), the worms float about, and it’s fair game to whoever is around…
    2 points
  10. You could use a drill but a rotary polisher moves in a motion that helps to mitigate swirling and other such defects and is easier to operate for long uses. I say it’s easy because it’s not a lot of skill involved, it’s not ferrari paint. But it will be time consuming depending on the scratches. here is what you’re looking for. Or honestly a smaller handheld one would probably be better
    2 points
  11. Hell yea! Thanks, my friend! Downloaded and saved for my future co op property my friends & I are starting locally. 🙂 FYI, in saying that...citrus does hate wet roots confirmed by my orchard owning friend locally for satsuma mandarins native to here. BTW if you and @Guppysnail want to try some of the best citrus there is...DM y'allz addys and I will priority mail you two some of my satsumas off my trees. 🙂 They ripen in the winter and are best after the first freeze which we had a week ago. This is just one of them at my Uncle's place 😂 They are more BUSHES than trees but they produce the sweetest and most tasty citrus there is. I make marmalade out of it as well.
    2 points
  12. I just got back from a 10 day trip to Arizona with three of my granddaughters… I left green beans, a bottom wafer, and a chunk of Repashy in each tank. The 10 gallon is combination Mystery Snail nursery and quarantine. I stayed with one of my sons after coming in to MSP (Minneapolis/St. Paul) and the next morning went to a close by fish store. One hundred dollars later I head north toward home with five more Pygmy Corydoras and eight White Cloud Mountain Minnows. When I got home, I found everyone fine… and the water in my 20L was much clearer! I must be over feeding. Now the new fish are settling in.
    2 points
  13. I'm very sorry for your loss @ShineOn75 Please feel free to send me a DM if you run into issues with them in future.
    2 points
  14. assassins will help, but cut back on your feeding.
    2 points
  15. Technical Paper added for NERMs to download on the CARE Forum: "Small-Scale Aquaponic Food Production" "Keep it secret! Keep it safe!" ~Gandalf
    2 points
  16. IME I haven't seen predation on any of my corydoras eggs from neocaridina, they do clean the eggs and eat infertile/fungus eggs. They haven't touched my smallest cory eggs either (hastatus, habrosus). This has confirmed what I've read from some corydoras breeders who keep shrimp with their corydoras. But you never know, in the immortal words of Jeff Goldblum I have seen amanos eat corydoras eggs though. Though big suckers actually follow my spawning pygmy corydoras species and consume their eggs right after they're laid.
    2 points
  17. Hello. I decided to try building the “cheap and easy” aquarium stand from the KGTropicals YouTube channel. This one is for a new, 20 gallon long that I’m going to set up. It is in-fact pretty cheap and easy to do. I used 2x4s and I’m going to use some reclaimed pallet wood to finish off the bottom shelf. I did spend some extra time sanding all the boards so that it looks a bit more finished and so that it will take stain better. This was also my first try “test” as I plan to eventually build a new stand for my 38 gallon. For that one, I will be a little more exact with my placement of the screws and might even use a pocket jig to hid the screw holes. Either way, there is the option to apply some trim and/or sidewalls to make it look more finished. Anyway, happy with how it came out. Super sturdy and confident it can hold a lot of weight. Cheers.
    1 point
  18. Monday we had a significant rain and windstorm in Southern Maine…. observed wind speeds of 60 mph experienced. I experienced momentary losses and grid circuit breakers reset… but By storms end, 60% pf my town had lost power, and 8 hours 30% are still without. my County as a whole saw 75% outage and currently is about 25% outage.. Best estimate is restoration by 10:00 pm Friday night… This has turned out to be the worst power outage in Central Maines History. much worse than the Ice Storm of 1998 as it is more widespread.. are you prepared for a 5 day outage? It can happen even if it is radically out of the normal yearly expectations…
    1 point
  19. Hi everyone! Happy holidays! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Medium Amano Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Assassin Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Assorted Small Angelfish (Locally Bred) Apistogramma cacatuoides "Super Red" Apistogramma nijsseni "Panda Apisto" Small Pigeon Checkerboard Discuses Medium Pigeon Checkerboard Discuses German Blue Rams Bolivian Rams Corydoras and Other Catfish Panda Cories Albino Cories Sterbai Cories Reticulated/False Julii Cories Pygmy Cories Habrosus Cories Bronze Cories Paleatus Cories Dwarf Anchor Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus Assorted Small Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Medium Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred by Christine) Loaches Kuhli Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Black Emperor Tetras Red Phantom Tetras Serpae Tetras Glowlight Tetras Diamond Tetras Costae Tetras (Locally Bred by Phil and Kelly) Barbs Danios Leopard Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Rasbora Het/Harlequin Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Gold White Clouds Badis Burmese Red Neon Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Chocolate Gouramis Powder Blue Dwarf Female Gouramis Sparkling Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Asst. Mollies Asst. Platies Asst. Swordtails Rainbowfish Thread Fin Rainbows Dwarf Neon Praecox Rainbows Killifish Clown Killifish Florida Flag Fish Six-Barred Panchex Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Assorted Medaka Oddballs Peacock Eels Black Ghost Knife Pea Puffers Red-Brown Congo Puffer Sales (While Supplies Last): -40% OFF All Non-Aquarium Co-Op Branded Rimless Tanks Photos 1. Burmese Red Neon Badis 2. Panda Apisto. 3. Koi Swordtails 4. Costae Tetras
    1 point
  20. So I keep two outdoor gardens, I collect rare cactus(my friend is super into it and raises them, gives me deals on super cool rare ones), rare indoor potted plants along with hanging plants & my screened porch area. Here's some pics of some of my faves... White Fusion Plant aka Calathea White Fusion aka Calathea Lietzei Variegated Monstera Albo aka Monstera Borsigiana Albo Variegata In my garden last summer...those are all my tomatoes 🙂 Heirloom Carrots from my winter garden recently Pothos and Christmas Cactus Bridgesii x Pachanoi, Sharxx Blue x Roseii 1, Peru Blue 3 x Sharxx Blue, Weka, Churchill amongst others. Just some of the planted things I got going on around the property...what about y'all? 🙂
    1 point
  21. Hi all, First post here. Just picked up a 55 gallon (standard dimensions) acrylic tank from a neighbor who left it on the corner. I'm considering transferring my existing 46 gallon bowfront to the 55, as the 46 was bought used and is pretty scratched up, and the old owner took off the center brace, which I replaced with a couple strips of acrylic epoxied onto the rim (it's worked for a few years but has always scared me). However, the 55 is a little odd, and there are some potential problems. Acrylic tank. Seems like a really nice tank, but it has deep scratches on the outside of the side panels from being left on the curb The top is heavily tinted black. Not sure how this will effect lighting The top has very small openings. Largest are 4.75" x 14.5". Probably great for ropefish or octopus, but less than ideal for planting and putting in rocks and wood. I've done some research, and (once I leak test) plan to use an auto headlight scratch removal drill kit, like Zenzo did in this video: Removing Scratches from Acrylic Aquarium. Luckily, there don't seem to be any scratches on the front panel, so I'm not too worried about making it perfect. My questions for the community: Any tips on scratch removal? Will the tinted top be too difficult for lighting a low tech tank? What tools would I need to enlarge the openings on top? I'm a renter with limited space, so I am not able to buy any large power tools. I am looking at the cheaper metal / particle board stands on amazon like this one, as I'm on a budget and don't have the tools to make a stand. Anyone have any personal experience with these? What do people use for lids for acrylic aquarium? Is this all too much trouble and should I just buy a new glass tank for ~$150? Pictures of the 46 and the new tank.
    1 point
  22. 5.5 gallon fish tank. 1 betta. 1 pleco. HOB + Sponge. The water smells earthy and good; smells like a healthy fish tank. I have been doing fish keeping for awhile now (still a beginner- lol), however this has me baffled and I dont know what to do anymore. Every single java fern I get, from anywhere can either be from petco, petsmart AND independent seller. The tank is beautiful nice and clear. then 30 days, once that 30 days comes in. (experimented with leaving it alone for almost 2 months, the water was so thick, i couldn't even see the fish anymore lol[joke but it was bad.]). seems like a bacterial bloom happens, the water becomes so foggy. do water changes weekly 10%, add new water into my tank. (can't use tap water because the water quality is really bad, so spring water with Prime.) All my java fern end up with that fuzzy white stuff and little cotton balls on the tips and they just end up dying. I brush it off, then siphon or the HOB picks it up- place it back in. my java fern are not planted, they are wedged near rocks with lots of breathing room. its not a crowded fish tank. I have taken them out of the tank, hydrogenproxide them (comes back and worst.) I have gone to the extreme, brush them out, then bleach for 5-6 seconds pull out. put into a replacement tank and transfer over a couple days over. My plants only get 3 hours of light from the fixture it has. I just dont know what do anymore. I use testing strips, the carbon is a little high though. (dont know what to lower it.) sigh, what can I do. Stressed enough about this issue.
    1 point
  23. Fish only, no dwarf shrimp, then I will often just do a 50% water change. The max ammonia I ever want to see is 0.25 at most. By the time you do the water change, that's cut to about 0.15 and after 24 hours you're back up. Ammonia --> Nitrite happens pretty fast, but nitrite --> nitrate takes a little bit longer to get done. 1.0 is a pretty high amount of ammonia, in my experience. The goal of water changes at this point is to keep ammonia from climbing too high, but it's also about getting the dechlorinator in there when you end up with any ammonia or nitrite. Once you see nitrite, you'll likely never see ammonia anymore because it can so quickly be converted to nitrite. Then you're doing that same thing with nitrite.
    1 point
  24. I wish I had space but I’m really trying to avoid pairs. I already have a pair of tropheus and am afraid of breeding aggression. Thank you so much for the offer though!
    1 point
  25. When do you think it's worth doing a water change? the fish in cycling guide most people refer to (Using seachem prime) says 50% at 2.0 but maybe when it hits 1 or .5 doing a 25% change would be better? The fish at least seem ok, they are eating and swimming around normally.
    1 point
  26. Friend has been experimenting with her worm cultures; they go crazy for flake food. The white worms seem more active, in more areas of the container, she reports. @Guppysnail
    1 point
  27. @Shadow WOW! Those look awesome. Yeah . . . wet roots . . . not good . . . drat! I may DM you about that. Did anyone take you up on your shipping experiment with those Neocaridinas yet? Maybe there's a way to pack a couple in the box? Marmalade . . . all I can think of is this scene from Paddington . . .
    1 point
  28. Graeme uses something for his that I believe is exactly what you're talking about. It's just a multi-stage filtration thing that results in a water similar to RO filtration. It's a great little way to guarantee the quality of the water.
    1 point
  29. So I think the 5.5g will be scaped and that will continue to house the embers. The original plan was for them to live with the shrimps but now that I see how they eat, I don’t trust them at all with shrimplets. But first they need to continue on with quarantine. There was a sick fish in their tank; he passed; and so their quarantine clock has reset and we will go one more month before changing up the tank. Sidenote: when I go to edit what I’ve written, I tap to get a cursor but it’s highlighting a whole word instead.. then I have to manually drag to unhighlight and let go where I want the cursor to be. Not sure if it’s a forum thing or a mobile device thing, but it’s only been happening for a few days. Anyone else noticing the issue? Edit: seems to be happening on my other apps too, so, not a forum thing. Annoying though. Phone must’ve gone through some update.
    1 point
  30. Sorry for your loss I would keep a very close eye on your remaining Cory's for any similar symptoms @ShineOn75
    1 point
  31. Yea its a great Unplugged, although Alice In Chains, The Cure then Nirvana are all my personal faves.
    1 point
  32. I would just put a guppy in my tank. Guppies will constantly nom nom nom on stuff around the tank, and for the most part, will not eat baby shrimp. The 2 guppies (males) in my 20-gallon tank cleared out all the planaria and hydra playing around inside.
    1 point
  33. It’s nice to see everyone has enjoyed their calcium wafers 💩
    1 point
  34. The live rock may be dead rock by now but... can't you just re-establish the bacteria colonies in the rock? Not sure why buy any more.
    1 point
  35. What up what up? Started maintenance pretty early this morning since my girl got up early to go help a friend. Cruised through all the small tanks. Did a water change on my girls shrimp tank, even though I vowed to never do it. I’m not sure a water change has been done on that tank since we set it up. A couple of top offs, for sure, but I think this was the first legit water change. Moved onto the bigger tanks. Siphoned out the algae in the Pea Puffer tank and removed a bunch of plants from the Angel tank. The whole right side was basically dark, so it feels good to have some light in there again. Removed the 107 and cleaned that out. It had been probably 4-6 weeks since I’ve done that. I have a new “U” tube coming for the Fluval C2 on the 20 high, and a new power cord that I hope works for a c02 canister. Really just trying to get everything cleaned up and looking nice for my girls family that gets here in a couple of days. Nerites are still alive in the Pea Puffer tank! Next time I’m by the LFS that I have credit at I’ll probably pick up a couple more. If I can get this algae under control in that tank I’d be loving where I’m at. Merry Christmas, friends. I hope you have a great holiday!
    1 point
  36. My brother sent me home with a chunk of coral he got decades ago when he was stationed in Hawaii. He thought I could use it as decoration in my aquarium. Is that a good idea? I only want freshwater tanks. If yes, what will I need to do to clean it?
    1 point
  37. You can try painting the pieces if you are unable to find a replacement. Especially having them above the water as oppose to in the water it might give you a better chance of alleviating any concerns or issues. Simply betta has a ton of videos on painting things for her tanks. As far as what those things are and where you would find them, I think your best bet might be mcmaster-carr or home depot / lowes. They look like a generic "channel" and you would use them in various industries with glass. The specific dimensions or spec sheet would be helpful to give you a part number to track down, maybe there is one stamped on the parts themselves? That being said I'll try to link below the closest I could find. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Thermoclear-1-4-in-x-96-in-x-1-4-in-6mm-Thermoclear-Polycarbonate-Multi-Wall-U-Channel-PCTWU-6MM/205202529 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Thermoclear-2-in-x-96-in-x-1-4-in-6mm-Polycarbonate-Multi-Wall-H-Channel-PCTWH-6MM/205202532
    1 point
  38. We were moving some furniture around a few weeks ago, and my wife found my stash. It was humiliating. "Is this a bag of rocks? How much did you spend on these?"
    1 point
  39. Such a great soundtrack!!! He won an Oscar for it I believe as well. I am a big Pearl Jam and Vedder fan as my teenage years were aligned perfectly with the release of 'Ten'. 🙂 Such a perfect song...gives me goosebumps.
    1 point
  40. Well the problem is completely gone and the top is a mirror once again; i guess the solution was a little motion on the surface; of course it cost $65 for those power heads; i'll probably leave two running for a while - well one more week then remove them all. I should add one of those thing (what do you call them) that makes current near the bottom for my L206; they love current (I have 4 to 6 of them in the aquarium). They seem to get along much better with loaches than the bn and i don't really understand the dynamics - maybe they are a little larger or a little darker 😉 Or maybe the loaches are plotting against them only time will tell. Anyway this is my final post to this thread since the problem has been resolved; for a small tank a small power head would have resolved it - just noting in case 2 centuries from now someone stumble upon the same issue.
    1 point
  41. It might just be a time thing, im going to keep looking for the next few days if there is any difference. Ill be sure to update this thread with my findings.
    1 point
  42. I am going to have to give salt a shot in a couple of my tanks. Anything that I feed BBS seems to end up as a hydra farm (except for my CPD tank which also has shrimp... why is that?). I don't even know if it's a problem for the most part. But I don't like it. Additionally, the only thing that I've has success with keeping them in check are spixi snails, and the tanks with the worst issue are softened water that I'm trying to drive the pH down in for some apistos.
    1 point
  43. Hydrophilus triangularis (giant diving beetle)most likely. There are quite a few species in the US, but triangularis is ubiquitous and the most commonly seen. Do be careful, they bite, and they bite rather hard. Their larvae are what are commonly referred to as water tigers and can make fun pets.
    1 point
  44. One thing to try to help with your nitrates is to add a pothos plant. You can pick up a small plant for cheap at big box home stores. Pull it out of the pot and rinse off all the dirt real good from the roots. Then just submerge the roots of the plant in the water and leave the leaves and stems sticking out. If you have a hang on back filter you can put some of the pothos in the filter media compartment. They’ll suck up some of the excess nitrates. Not a replacement for water changes, of course. I too have some goldfish and a bristlenose Pleco that I brought indoors from my summer tub/pond. They make sooo much waste, I feel your pain. Some people use the egg crate material and cut it to fit the space/gap between the lid. How to Use the Pothos Plant as a Natural Aquarium Filter https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/pothos
    1 point
  45. Thank you! I have noticed both of those things from the industry and ACO. That’s why I was so excited to find this and join! 😂 finally some people that are honest.
    1 point
  46. Yes to both! Haha and no worries this industry feeds off the inexperienced. Which is sad because a better business model would be to inform the buyer and have them be successful and coming back for years. ACO follows the latter model hence this forum, so you’re in the right place just keep asking your questions
    1 point
  47. Yesterday morning there was so much activity. Girl 1 still won’t commit to the cave. She goes from coy to coquettish and back again in minutes. Everything happens when lights are out so I apologize for the glare. While watching the boy get frustrated I spotted the other girl rise from under the moss log where she lives. Haven’t seen her in a few days. Was hoping she was on eggs. No luck but she rose with an impressive egg belly. She hovered about until the boy noticed her. The boy went straight to her and he lost all interest in girl 1 who was showing yellow. Though girl 2 had an egg belly she showed no yellow. After 10 minutes of the boy starting to show interest she began getting yellow. I managed to get pictures of her before and right as she started turning yellow. Before just getting color.
    1 point
  48. So glad you are enjoying them! Fingers crossed for fry. One thing I have noticed about these fish is that they really color up splendidly over dark substrate. I have mine over Caribsea's Peace River substrate, and the blue in the males is somewhat subdued. However, over a black bottomed tank, their coloration really pops.
    1 point
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