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  1. That sucks to hear! Was that solo cup used for something else beforehand? or maybe something on the cup if it was new, cant imagine there would be being they're safe for human use. Generally when i move stuff around in my own ecosystem i'll just generally back the temp down or up to match the new tank, most my fresh water all run the same temp aside from quarantine so i'll just cool that tank down a few days before moving, but 5 degrees shouldnt make to big of a difference. I'm curious to see if you get it figured out, in my head its gotta be something oddball that we dont normally think about!
  2. I've had great success with mine as well, unfortunately the puppy found mine and ate it during the move and being the basement is so cool i opted to buy the ziss that i can run a heater in as well.
  3. Unfortunately I lost my gsd of 13years shelby a few weeks back. Best dog I've ever had and has really been hard, our year old English cream golden Ravioli is definitely a character and has helped so much through this. Definitely doesn't have that obedience or gsd personality though that I miss so much.
  4. I love the python setup, it is a little slow for bigger tanks but i try to schedule in my water changes when i can finally relax and really pay attention to the tanks so a little extra time wont hurt! It would be just fine for a 29 and beats the heck out of buckets!
  5. Hey all been pretty absent for a good bit, got into our new place, been currently working on my old house which goes on the market monday, her old house which just went under contract, and of course the new one, while still working full time! The night we closed both our trucks got hammered by hail and 4 days later my 13 year old german shepherd had to cross that rainbow bridge. Been a crazy time. So last week I moved over the 10gal med/qt tank as well as a new 20 long I had to get them up and running. For now their in the "fish lair" (the room with the crawlspace she refuses to go in) So I took that over for supplies and what not. Last night father and law and I caught and bagged the 27 fish in my planted 40 and got that moved over, everyone made it and we learned this scissortail rasboras really like to jump! Picked a few of them up off the floor! Unfortunately my scaping took a beating but for now it's running and I can deal with that later. Tonight the Ceylon puffer and the 55 will move up. And hopefully this weekend we have the chore of trying to move the 125, really hoping that goes well as the geophagus tapajos and severums are just thriving in that tank! The raphael cat is in the 20gal for now. He will get moved into the 125 as he is getting some size on him! Oh and there's the betta to move but that will be simple. Pretty excited to have these in the basement in case of any leaks, we've been trying to figure out where to put a nice show tank upstairs, possibly the puffer but I just don't have the time right now. And still need to come up with a pump system for downstairs as our septic would need a evacuation pit and all that to drain. So for now it's buckets and stairs! Wish us luck on the rest!! Trying to teach the golden, Ravioli fish are friends...he wanted to show off his shark!
  6. Hey hey all, the wife and I are under contract for a real nice house out here, it is on septic but the basement is below the septic entrance and without a sewage pump we can't drain anything down there yet, I've seen folks just put a pump in the tank for water changes, it is a walk out basement so I got to thinking what about adding an in line pump into the python and just pumping the water out to a cheap sprinkler or something to atleast make use of the fish water in the yard. Anyone done anything similar? There is water plumbed down there so filling isn't an issue, I'd just rather not bucket the water changes for 255gals worth of tanks currently! Photo of the raphael, just because he was out and about this week!!
  7. I would definitely get some dither fish! I have a pair of beautiful red severums that just crammed themselves behind the filter intakes and rocks for probably the first month i had them anytime i walked into the room, i was having to setup a camera infront of the tank to get a look at them, threw some scissortail rasboras from another tank in there and within about a week they would come out but were very skittish,I then would not feed for a few days then feeding baby brine or blood worms and just standing back from the tank while they ate, then slowly work my way closer to the tank, now a few months later those two are front and center 99% of the time when i walk in the room!
  8. Ive gone to using foam pond filter foam in my hang on backs, you can get it in a course, medium and fine pack online. Doesnt break down like filter floss does or seem to clog as much, just rinse and ring out and back in the filter. its the kind of egg crate shaped stuff.
  9. Mines needed a cleaning or I would have posted sooner! 6' 125, 7 geophagus tapajos (3 mated pairs that are breeding) a mated super red severum pair, 6 orange venezuelan Cory's and 5 scissor tail rasboras. The val is starting to take off like crazy! Bdbs substrate, fx6 and a tidal 110 just for polishing. The aco sponge filters are what I used to get the tank going and just haven't taken out yet. Tank was free from a lfs that closed, The stand i built myself outta 2" stainless sq. Tube i had laying around. Man I love this tank!!
  10. We have a pretty large nest in a massive and pretty much dead tree next to the tractor supply store in the town i work in, they sure are a sight to see!
  11. I've got all the tidals from 35-110 and love them, i tried an aquaclear a few years back and hated it, could never get it to quit rattling and was allot louder than the tidals.
  12. Up to 55gal i like the co-op heaters, over 55 i run Eheim Jagers
  13. Well pretty sure they ate that bunch of eggs, i've got hope that they might have taken into their mouths but atleast one has been eating, man did that pair get aggressive though! Came home yesterday to find eggs on another piece of slate from a different pair at the other end of the tank. That female is smaller and far fewer eggs, but they seem to be much more relaxed in protecting them. And i do stand corrected on the my father in law bred them, he has bred geo's but not the redhead's, i suppose the next batch i'll get into the breeder ring and see if some success happens, I have 2 more that are starting to show pairing activity, so for now appears 3 pairs and 1 single male.
  14. Here i was all excited my Vals in the 125 were starting to shoot out and grow, then saw this! Picked up 10 geo tapajos at the LFS on black friday, lost 3 to ick when i moved from qt to the big tank, they cured up and have been starting to get real good coloring and size on em. Came down this morning to see the first batch of eggs! Was pretty shocked being they are still young and according to the LFS "he didn't know of anyone thats spawned these out here". Even though my father in law has in the past. So being their first batch of eggs gonna leave this bunch and see what happens, i've got a german breeding ring ready if some do hatch and make it since i have kind of given up on getting the coreys to breed. Excited to see what happens here, i think the bristlenose and coreys in that tank are to small to take a shot at the eggs, but there are 5 other geos and a severum pair in there as well. Just thought i'd share being these are my first eggs, besides the snails!
  15. I would play with the positioning/ angles of your spray bar. Just little bits at a time and observe if anything changes, my 6' tank took a bit of playing with and got to the point of only having debris collect around decor, now that my geo's are getting a bit bigger and digging more everything seems to get put into the water column and collected. I've only siphoned that tank once or twice since getting the flow figured out. Now thats not to say there isnt a pooping corner! My puffer only uses one corner of the tank and leads to a constantly clogged powerhead prefilter. Havent got that one sorted out yet!
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