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On 1/31/2022 at 9:59 PM, Odd Duck said:

I’m home from work early since I just tested positive for COVID today.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😞 

I felt like my allergies were up the last couple days, woke up this morning with slightly scratchy throat, but that’s all.  Starting coughing after I got to work.  They had tests available for staff and my test turned positive in about 3 minutes, supposed to read at 10 minutes.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 

On 2/1/2022 at 10:11 PM, Torrey said:

Fully vaxxed here, too... and I found out recently that my supposed allergy to the post surgical dressing is actually a covid rash🤪... 

I'm so sorry for both of you.  It certainly is making the rounds. 

One of my sons tested positive last Wednesday.  We were all (6 kids, spouses, grandchildren, me) gathered to test (again) before heading to the funeral home for my ex-husband's visitation.  Poor Tim, missed the service for his dad.  No one else tested positive, and we all tested every day for the next three days.

I left my tank unattended while I traveled to NC, but I did borrow an automatic feeder.  The fish all seemed happy when I got home, so I feel better about leaving them again when I go back to help with clearing the house - mostly babysitting the little ones while others do the heavy lifting.

I worked today, but was able to do a small water change.  My fishkin and snails are real pigs when it comes to zucchini.

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On 2/11/2022 at 10:10 PM, HH Morant said:

Too lazy to work on tanks tonight. Here is what 300 angels looks like.





TBH, these 2 pics are the perfect visual of why I wish a dwarf angelfish existed.

I would love for our 4' to be full of angels like that... but in 6 months I would need a new aquarium too big for our apartment. 🤷‍♂️

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I, . . . . . . . .


Finally tested NEGATIVE for COVID today!!!  Yippeeeeeee!!!

I will still be staying mostly in the bedroom for another 5 days since my hubby has multiple extra risk factors, but I’ll be working tomorrow, and will be getting some fish stuff done next week while still masked and mostly gloved at home (when at risk for exposing common touch points).  Then I feel like I can finally go without a mask at home, at least, without putting him at risk.  I got one of my empty, bare bottom tanks set up with an UG and a matten foam as substrate a la @gardenman.  Got a few other, minor things done, too.  Still have a LOT to do before I have the fish room even close to ready, but there’s at least light at the end of the tunnel now and I can actually see being able to accomplish my goal.



Edited by Odd Duck
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Today I was checking my quarantine pail. I use 5 gallon pails to treat sick fishes and qt stuff. A couple of weeks ago i picked up some plants ! How do I get rid of snails on these plants. Well 8 months ago i purchased 4 assassin snails. I put 1 in one tank and 3 in another tank. Fast forward I now have at least 40 assassin snails; so i put a few in my qt pail. These snails *love* to eat pest snails yum yum yum.... I have two very interesting in plants in my pail and one plant i think is going to be disappointing. One plant in the pail is  crypt apong. It looks just like the aponogeton  bolivianus I have. The other plant is this fanstatic  crypt  called Siamensis Rosanervig that is truely amazing. I have some very nice crypts including nurii rosen maiden, Jacobensii pink (another very nice crypt - but my one Jacobensii pink has spread into 8 Jacobensii pink so you have to be a bit careful with this one); red spiralis, nurii pahang and a few others but I think this new one is pretty interesting. Hopefully it will spread like the Jacobensii pink. I think in my 40 I should rip all the plants out and just keep the crypts. I also found some tiger spiralis pretty cheap and that will be joining my pail next week - I'm curious to compare it to the read spiralis I have which is extremely nice looking but very very slow growing.p.jpg.d633a9e62cad75d3ccc06c37f2b896f5.jpg

Now to my disappointment. I picked up some spiral vals; and while it has already sent out runners in my pail so instead of 2 vals I now have 8 vals none of them seem to be very spiraliy. They all seem to be as straight as my italia val is straight. This is very concerning. Maybe i need to find a curl iron?

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@Odd Duck I’m glad you’re negative and feeling better! 
Now for a question. Why the matten filter on the bottom? I’m thinking maybe you don’t want to block one side of the tank? 🤔 

Edit: I’m now reading the thread on bottom of the tank matten  filters. I feel so behind the times. All the cool kids are doing it! Someone should make a TikTok!

Edited by Patrick_G
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Drumroll, please. Today I ... succeeded in feeding my two 20g tanks only one small meal instead of two Thanksgiving dinners. Heartless and cruel, but my platies have double chins, so it's for their own good. I'm avoiding eye contact with them right now.

Did two small water changes.

I also tried to map out the musical tanks situation I have going on. It's like one of those logic puzzles from elementary school: A can't go with B, C can't go with D, E can go anywhere but first you have to catch them. Therefore, your bazillion yellow guppy fry will go where, exactly? 

And I broke my "no new fish until April" rule and ordered a pair of fancy guppies online. Shhhhh!


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On 2/13/2022 at 5:33 PM, anewbie said:

Today I was checking my quarantine pail. I use 5 gallon pails to treat sick fishes and qt stuff. A couple of weeks ago i picked up some plants ! How do I get rid of snails on these plants. Well 8 months ago i purchased 4 assassin snails. I put 1 in one tank and 3 in another tank. Fast forward I now have at least 40 assassin snails; so i put a few in my qt pail. These snails *love* to eat pest snails yum yum yum.... I have two very interesting in plants in my pail and one plant i think is going to be disappointing. One plant in the pail is  crypt apong. It looks just like the aponogeton  bolivianus I have. The other plant is this fanstatic  crypt  called Siamensis Rosanervig that is truely amazing. I have some very nice crypts including nurii rosen maiden, Jacobensii pink (another very nice crypt - but my one Jacobensii pink has spread into 8 Jacobensii pink so you have to be a bit careful with this one); red spiralis, nurii pahang and a few others but I think this new one is pretty interesting. Hopefully it will spread like the Jacobensii pink. I think in my 40 I should rip all the plants out and just keep the crypts. I also found some tiger spiralis pretty cheap and that will be joining my pail next week - I'm curious to compare it to the read spiralis I have which is extremely nice looking but very very slow growing.p.jpg.d633a9e62cad75d3ccc06c37f2b896f5.jpg

Now to my disappointment. I picked up some spiral vals; and while it has already sent out runners in my pail so instead of 2 vals I now have 8 vals none of them seem to be very spiraliy. They all seem to be as straight as my italia val is straight. This is very concerning. Maybe i need to find a curl iron?

Val spiralis is not named for the shape of the leaf, which is flat.  It is named for the shape of the flower stalk which is a tight spiral.  The twisted leaf Val is torta or contorta.

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On 2/13/2022 at 5:44 PM, Patrick_G said:

@Odd Duck I’m glad you’re negative and feeling better! 
Now for a question. Why the matten filter on the bottom? I’m thinking maybe you don’t want to block one side of the tank? 🤔 

Edit: I’m now reading the thread on bottom of the tank matten  filters. I feel so behind the times. All the cool kids are doing it! Someone should make a TikTok!

😆 😂 🤣  I’ve never been a cool kid before, only a geek.  😝 

Putting a regular, vertically oriented, matten filter in place is a bit of a pain since you have to have supports to hold it upright.  I’ve thought about it but always end up at, “Dang, that sounds like a hassle”.  The UG filter holds the matten off the bottom so you get flow through it like you need for a matten filter to work and the only thing that was a pain for this install was cutting the opening for the lift tubes.  Then it’s just press into place and fill plus a little fiddling to get trapped air out from underneath.  Not to mention that it looks just like a black sand substrate.  What’s not to love?  Giant filter for little effort.  A solid win in my book.

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On 2/14/2022 at 12:41 PM, Odd Duck said:

Val spiralis is not named for the shape of the leaf, which is flat.  It is named for the shape of the flower stalk which is a tight spiral.  The twisted leaf Val is torta or contorta.

Oh great; just great. Make me feel like the moron I am. Guess I should have looked at pictures first. Hum. Now to find torta and contorta. What to do with this stuff in the pail - it sure is growing fast....

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On 2/14/2022 at 1:31 PM, anewbie said:

Oh great; just great. Make me feel like the moron I am. Guess I should have looked at pictures first. Hum. Now to find torta and contorta. What to do with this stuff in the pail - it sure is growing fast....

It’s a VERY common mistake and I’ve seen the wrong pictures even in articles about Vals!  It took me a good bit to figure it out, so you should NOT feel bad.  The names are confusing!  As far as torta and contorta, I should have clarified.  I’m not convinced that isn’t a naming mistake.  I think they’re the same plant, just ended up with 2 names in the trade.

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On 2/14/2022 at 1:43 PM, Odd Duck said:

It’s a VERY common mistake and I’ve seen the wrong pictures even in articles about Vals!  It took me a good bit to figure it out, so you should NOT feel bad.  The names are confusing!  As far as torta and contorta, I should have clarified.  I’m not convinced that isn’t a naming mistake.  I think they’re the same plant, just ended up with 2 names in the trade.

I was about to ask that question - difference between torta and contorta; it is really confusing since i'm seeing radically different pictures for the two. I've even seen a few pictures associate with contorta that seem a lot closer to echinodorus vesuvius.

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On 2/14/2022 at 1:45 PM, anewbie said:

I was about to ask that question - difference between torta and contorta; it is really confusing since i'm seeing radically different pictures for the two. I've even seen a few pictures associate with contorta that seem a lot closer to echinodorus vesuvius.

Yep.  Exactly.  I think it’s one company vs. another with the names and I’ve seen it apparently randomly applied to spiralis.  I’ve also seen pics of what I could swear was E. vesuvius labeled as various Vals.  I think I finally found a more legit looking scientific article that finally helped me sort it out and there was only one of the torta/contorta names listed and I’ve seen it wrong so many times that now I can’t remember which it was!  I think it was only torta, no contorta, but I can’t swear to it.  I need to find that article again.

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On 2/14/2022 at 1:51 PM, Odd Duck said:

Yep.  Exactly.  I think it’s one company vs. another with the names and I’ve seen it apparently randomly applied to spiralis.  I’ve also seen pics of what I could swear was E. vesuvius labeled as various Vals.  I think I finally found a more legit looking scientific article that finally helped me sort it out and there was only one of the torta/contorta names listed and I’ve seen it wrong so many times that now I can’t remember which it was!  I think it was only torta, no contorta, but I can’t swear to it.  I need to find that article again.

Actually I found a third plant and a store selling two different plants - the third one they are calling: vallisneria corkscrew (vallisneria americana var biwaensis) vs vallisneria contortion (vallisneria asiatica); so there are at least two - they don't sell 'torta'. One site claims that vallisneria americana biwaensis is sometime called torta but they can't guarantee it since it has been sold under the name torta so long it is not clear they are the same any longer.

The places selling torta only refer to it as vallisneria torta. So i think there are three different plants.

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On 2/14/2022 at 12:31 PM, anewbie said:

Oh great; just great. Make me feel like the moron I am. Guess I should have looked at pictures first. Hum. Now to find torta and contorta. What to do with this stuff in the pail - it sure is growing fast....

If I were nearby I'd take it off your hands, I love the cell structure in the leaves of spiralis.

Plus, until I can figure out a more effective way to catch fish, I need plants that reproduce faster than endlers...🤦‍♂️

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On 2/14/2022 at 2:12 PM, Torrey said:

If I were nearby I'd take it off your hands, I love the cell structure in the leaves of spiralis.

Plus, until I can figure out a more effective way to catch fish, I need plants that reproduce faster than endlers...🤦‍♂️

I live in the south-east....

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On 2/14/2022 at 1:55 PM, anewbie said:

Actually I found a third plant and a store selling two different plants - the third one they are calling: vallisneria corkscrew (vallisneria americana var biwaensis) vs vallisneria contortion (vallisneria asiatica); so there are at least two - they don't sell 'torta'.

The places selling torta only refer to it as vallisneria torta. So i think there are three different plants.

Down the rabbit hole, I go.  Reading more sources leads me back to the conclusion that some of the binomials used in the trade are more likely to be varietals and not true species.  I found this picture, but it was posted on ResearchGate which is not the most reliable source of information.  It does appear to be linked to a decent article that was describing some DNA testing done trying to determine if they were true species or synonyms.  Neither contorta or torta are named as species.  So much for what I thought I had sorted out in my mind.  🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I know there are loads of synonyms in the trade and the names get very confusing.



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On 2/14/2022 at 2:21 PM, Odd Duck said:

Down the rabbit hole, I go.  Reading more sources leads me back to the conclusion that some of the binomials used in the trade are more likely to be varietals and not true species.  I found this picture, but it was posted on ResearchGate which is not the most reliable source of information.  It does appear to be linked to a decent article that was describing some DNA testing done trying to determine if they were true species or synonyms.  Neither contorta or torta are named as species.  So much for what I thought I had sorted out in my mind.  🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I know there are loads of synonyms in the trade and the names get very confusing.



Ok. I found a store selling three different corkscrew like vals so i ordered one of each. They weren't expensive. We shall see...

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I made a solid attempt at locking the barn door after the horse is gone by removing the breeding males from my endlers and and ginga guppy tanks. There are at least 5 bred females in the ginga tank and 3 in the endler tank, so I'll still have enough fry on the way to repopulate the planet in the event of a global shortage. 

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