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On 1/21/2022 at 9:00 AM, Guppysnail said:

@HH Morantthat is simply a gorgeous piece of wood. I also think you need to add a few more angels to that tank 🤣

Thanks, @Guppysnail. It is actually two pieces of wood. I am trying to find the best way to stack them.

And I am about to start peddling the angels to various pet stores in the vicinity. It is difficult for me to do now that I have named them.

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Cleaned up an old fluval nano tank that had previously had a betta in it for a couple years. Had it tore down in the closet for over a year now. Cycling it with a ramshorn in it for now. He's been happily chugging way for a week so far.

Don't want to jinx things, but I may have succeeded in starting this one duckweed free...


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Found a hydra outbreak in my hospital tank

Found one of my favorite male guppies deceased

Frustrating day. Kind of scared to put any tools or my hands in the big tanks to trim plants etc. because I don't want to spread the hydra and IDK why my guppy died--he was perfect looking, no injury, vibrant color, and had been behaving normally midmorning when I made a video to test my new camera.

Feel like I am waiting for another shoe to drop and I want to sterilize everything I see.


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On 1/22/2022 at 7:22 PM, PineSong said:

Frustrating day. Kind of scared to put any tools or my hands in the big tanks to trim plants etc. because I don't want to spread the hydra

@PineSong, I am so sorry about your guppy. I think the unexplained losses are the hardest, because we beat ourselves up wondering if it was something we did wrong.

If all the water parameters check out, and there's no visual explanation, I would say you did everything right and he lived a wonderful, happy life.

As for the hydra, most of my fish think they are delicious. Even the endler fry like to hunt hydra. I wish I had known more about how to view my aquarium as an eco system for the first almost 4 decades of my fish keeping. I would have been a lot less stressed, and could have spent more time enjoying the entire system instead of thinking I was doing something wrong when I had green water, or found snails, or discovered symbiotic green hydra... or tiny hoppy things in my aquarium. 

Two years ago, I was ruining the hobby for myself, because my trauma / grief response to my youngest's death was to go OCD on my tanks. I wasn't having fun, my fish definitely weren't having fun, and I am pretty sure my spouse wasn't having fun and was contemplating leaving.

Fish keeping is (theoretically) a method of bringing nature inside, so we can touch nature daily.

That includes the full circle of life, as well as the snails, duckweed and hydra. I even found a benefit for hydra.

I doubt you did something wrong, and unless you have CPD fry, I don't think the hydra will do much damage. Fish really do take great delight in hunting them.

Of course, when the endler bachelors hunt, they probably create 5 more hydra from each one they eat. The bachelors are under the impression that hydra are for playing tug of war🙄

I'm sorry today was rough.

I hope tomorrow is better. 

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Today is water change day on 29g,36g,10g,5g,2.5g tanks. 2 Lfs runs scout out gravel, floating plants, few extra stem plants. See what bristle nose pleco, angels, and German blue rams they can get ahold of locally. Might get some more neocardinia shrimp. Start re-aquascaping my smaller tanks while waiting on all supplies to arrive for 36g. 

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On 1/22/2022 at 11:49 PM, Torrey said:

I'm sorry today was rough.

I hope tomorrow is better. 

Thank you for the kind words. I am going to fight those contamination worries and carry on. My guppy fry are not going to divide themselves by sex and my houseplants need tank water so it's back to regularly scheduled programming for sure.


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For those that follow I had put 3 1/4 inch pleco into my 5 gallon tank a week or so ago to avoid the shark (nannacara) that has been hunting them. I realized (this was actually friday so a bit slow to update) that they had no wood; so i hunted all my tanks for a small piece of wood that would fit in a 5 gallon and found a tiny block I had purchased years ago (it was one of those little blocks that had an anubia attached - not more than an inch long); and plucked it out of the 29 and into 5. It didn't take those little guys long to discover it and start nawing on it... so for all you folks with bn - be sure to have at least one block of wood in the tank for them...

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On 1/23/2022 at 5:47 PM, HH Morant said:

On my upstairs tank, changed the water, put in the wood, took out the plastic plants, added the lights.

Baby angels don't care. They just want more food.




that exact thing my baby bettas do i have in the back ground a super cool palnted look and they are in the front corner asking for more

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On 1/25/2022 at 12:08 AM, HH Morant said:

In my upstairs tank I put in plants for the 1st time and turned on the UV sterilizer for the 1st time.  Working with a peninsula tank is definitely different. Even when I was putting in the plants, the angels were already checking them out.




So freaking cool l!! Love all those little babies 

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Did some water changes as usual per wednesday. In the large tank i pulled some jungle val:



This one was only 4 ft; the larger ones were around 8ft. I think i pulled 10ish plants; but never fear i still have twice that in the tank. The problem is they were spread off the side and literally strangling the sword plants (the roots of the jungle val were causing a lot of damage to the swords and on that side of the tank i have some nicer swords - not that common behari (sp) which is on the other side and I wish was strangled.


I also did a water change in the 5; and debated giving this fellow a hair cut:



But coudln't find my knife. I'll get a better picture of him when he moves away from the corner so stay tune 😉

Not picture but i also removed a java fern that had an 8 inch rhizome and 12+ inch leaves from my 40b. Really nice plant but i wanted to give the crypts a chance to regrow as they were being strangled.

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On 1/26/2022 at 11:37 AM, anewbie said:

I'll get a better picture of him when he moves away from the corner so stay tune 😉

Is that hair algae on a mystery snail?

Looks like the Cupie hair dolls my kids put on their erasers! Adorable!!!🤩

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Not much today; just feeding the fishes zuc as i usually do after water changes. Also took another picture of the snails (I have two that need hair cuts). There is a lemon pleco at the bottom to show you the scale of things and a crypt flamingo behind the bottom snail:


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Finally did a substantial water change after the cycle of my new 40B - gravel vac - clean a bit of algae off the silk/plastic plants and glass.

Time to go shopping for real plants..  The crew is liking the fresh water and they all play slip and slide on the section I left bare - have to get a movie of that.


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I think I've mentioned this in the past but angels are more like devils. Anyway one of my angels has been rather harshly treated by his tankmates (to be more precise his sons); so I moved him to the 29 to see if he can finally heal up. This is of course creating problems because the other fishes in the 29 are terrified of him (i have some hongsloi and cardinals in the 29); and they are not pleased at all but I'm not sure i have much of a choice. My hope is that if i leave him in there for 8 weeks he will finally heal up and i can return him to the other tank:


Anyway this is what he looks like today and I hope you treat your parents better than his kids are treating him:


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I got my new whiteworm and Grindal worm boxes done.  These are old snap lock type canisters that I wasn’t using but couldn’t bring myself to throw away.  The very thin, flat boxes I was using I just couldn’t get to seal.  Not strong/rigid enough plastic to hold the lid down tight on the long edges despite creating silicone seals.  So these got drilled yesterday and today got new, vented lids siliconed in place.  They need to set until tomorrow, then I can fill them.  I’ve been over harvesting whiteworms, rinsing the extras, and putting them in deli containers that were effective at keeping out the dratted fruit flies that plagued my old cultures.

I’ve already got 2 smaller, clean cultures running well, plus Grindal worm cultures restarted, too.  I just need to bake my fresh coir fiber a bit to make sure I don’t get any mites, soak it, and restart cultures in these boxes tomorrow.  The Grindal worms will go into the flatter boxes since they don’t climb the sides much.  The whiteworms will go into the deeper boxes since they do climb the sides when there’s abundant growth.






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