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On 11/6/2023 at 9:55 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Talking about swaps, do you have any tips for them @Guppysnail? My clubs organizing one soon and (seeing as I haven’t got any sellable size fish) the club treasurer has asked me to help out at her table. 

I used this video. Got to thank Jason in person for this video when I was at the Keystone Clash

For actuality manning the table. Be chatty and informative. If someone is looking but seems undecided tell them what you like about that item. Ask what they are looking for etc. Be friendly and approachable. 


@TheSwissAquarist take bags. I keep plastic grocery bags. I found people forget bags and then have no hands to really look. Or are already struggling to juggle and decide not to buy more because it’s too cumbersome to carry. 

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Apparently both my Badis badis dads are now raising fry successfully. Until now it’s only been 2-5 at a time. They all chose caves. Now not a single cave is unoccupied so some chose under a certain plant. One lives under the canister intake. So real estate is sold out on the ground. 

Found this chunky monkey the other day begging for food. 

Today I moved a Java fern to vacuum (I only vac the 29 1x a month, being short stinks)

When I moved it there were at least 30 smaller Badis badis half the size of chunky monkey that scattered. And I found about 8 of the larger babies 🙄


This tells me the internet was wrong…again. I’m supposed to never have surviving fry. It also tells me the 6 Honey gourami in that tank are LOUSY hunters. 🤣



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On 11/7/2023 at 1:40 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

@CJs Aquatics has been wondering about passive breeding of these guys. 

@CJs Aquatics for Badis badis the key to passive breeding these is live worms.  I know some folks transition them to commercial food but it does not curb the instinct to hunt.  So if their fry are the only thing live and wiggly they eat them.  My adults don’t even find live bbs interesting.

White worms keep them full enough they don’t bother the fry  

They are also cave dwellers.  I have these rock caves lining the entire floor plus a log cave.  their preference once sexually mature is to never be in the open.  They snake through from cave to cave.  And through dense plants.  

Mine are in a community tank with honey gourami and fry still survive. 



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My fish have gone to far. They love to make babies but this is ridiculous. 

Last night I was doing the final clean out and water change on the GBR babies hanging box that just started free swimming Friday night. Very actively working in the parents tank. 

The parents came begging for yummies. I said no you had enough today. 

So while I was still actively working in their tank they went and spawned again 😲🤯 with me in the tank fussing. 

Seriously fish are supposed to be reclusive about egg laying. 

They must think they could trade me eggs for food since I pay so much attention to their eggs and babies 🤣


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I got WHEELS baby! 🎉

If anyone runs across the thread the person announced these for sale at target let me know please. I need to thank them and can’t find the thread. 

I NEEDED these more than I ever knew.  My fish room is actually 2 rooms I have to go between  


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On 11/9/2023 at 7:02 PM, Guppysnail said:

I got WHEELS baby! 🎉

If anyone runs across the thread the person announced these for sale at target let me know please. I need to thank them and can’t find the thread. 

I NEEDED these more than I ever knew.  My fish room is actually 2 rooms I have to go between  


That's pretty fancy I just might need one of those 😆

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Rams are doing great in the grow out 

New Corydora hastatus are awesome 2C3FFD9D-6438-4D08-9332-2C29026E66FB.jpeg.36a81c43536ce6a0e41f3de116c5b5df.jpeg

The 3 Bolivian rams I got are doing great. I got 3 more from the same guy. That was aggression is spread while I grow them out. I’m switching them to a 15 gallon tank so they each have some personal space. 


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I thought the air (and therefore flow) was reasonably equivalent and didn’t do any sort of testing to speak of, but I wasn’t going to not post something when ACO was kind enough to send me a freebie.  I had the pump output adjusted to make the healthy stream of fine bubbles I like from the Ziss adjustable airstones, then just swapped the airline straight to the air collar.  Either airstone or collar could have run at a higher volume but that doesn’t necessarily increase the water flow through the sponge.  @Cory has a video about adjusting sponges for maximum efficiency but I’m terrible about saving them after I’ve watched them and I can’t search YouTube on an iPad as stupidly, there isn’t a search function within a channel on an iPad.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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I had to put a tank divider in the curviceps tank. He kept harassing her and actually beat her up. She took to hiding in the hornwort or behind sponge filters. I was hoping when she was ready to lay again they would make up. He won’t even let her eat a single worm though without ramming and chasing her.
 She is pleased he is mad 🤷‍♀️


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On 11/15/2023 at 12:34 AM, Guppysnail said:

My uplift kit came last week. I’m thinking of trying it with my GBR babies. 

@Odd Duck how much does it increase suction into the sponge?  Think the fry will be ok with it?


Why does this spongee guy make me unreasonably happy?





I so need one of those for my 63 gal when I next change the filter 😎

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I had 2 really pretty sword plants still connected by the runner. The susswassertang nursery overthrew so much I thought they were dead. I was thinning the crazy dense moss today and found the swords still alive INSIDE the moss. Crazy!  I pulled them out front and pushed the nursery back so they get some light. They have grown curly que miss shaped. Now they will probably die on me 🤣




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  • 2 weeks later...

My Bolivian rams are doing fabulous. I’m so tickled with them. They are still very young but I can see a touch of red on the tail sides. It’s not enough to show in photos yet. 

One little on as it puts on size is showing a minor spinal defect towards the tail. Still spunky , eats well and is very friendly and fearless. However it has an odd gate to its swim and tires easily.  Then it rests on the substrate and scoots along. 

It will need removed from the group when they get near sexual maturity.  Maybe it can live with my frogs as long as the defect is not severe enough to degrade quality of life to discomfort. 

Yesterday I upgraded them to a 15 gallon to grow out more. I need to get more plants for them. 

They are all nosey and playful. Not shy or nervous at all. As soon as I sit in front of the tank they come running. Little beggars 🐷.  So I do t feel it’s a rush for plants.  They will grow in. I did get a few tiny crypts from the club auction this weekend.  I’ll put those in with them. 









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On 12/4/2023 at 1:48 PM, Guppysnail said:

My Bolivian rams are doing fabulous. I’m so tickled with them. They are still very young but I can see a touch of red on the tail sides. It’s not enough to show in photos yet. 

One little on as it puts on size is showing a minor spinal defect towards the tail. Still spunky , eats well and is very friendly and fearless. However it has an odd gate to its swim and tires easily.  Then it rests on the substrate and scoots along. 

It will need removed from the group when they get near sexual maturity.  Maybe it can live with my frogs as long as the defect is not severe enough to degrade quality of life to discomfort. 

Yesterday I upgraded them to a 15 gallon to grow out more. I need to get more plants for them. 

They are all nosey and playful. Not shy or nervous at all. As soon as I sit in front of the tank they come running. Little beggars 🐷.  So I do t feel it’s a rush for plants.  They will grow in. I did get a few tiny crypts from the club auction this weekend.  I’ll put those in with them. 









What a bunch of cuties. Interesting the juveniles have a bunch of spots.  

As far as the cull, fortunately Bolivian rams are great community fish!  The only thing is, they are not very assertive in feeding, so if you put them in with others that are greedy with food, they may just hang back and not get any.  I use a glass feeding tube for Snoopy so I can send food down past the tetras to get to her.

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