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Try a bulkie roll or bagel. On a slightly more serious note, there is something special about hair algae on Mopani wood if you can contain it. I dislike hair algae when combined with floating plants or moss to create velcro, but I like it when it is rooted and independent.

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Thats brilliant, I need to try the bagel 😂 but yeah, what I have done is use a marimo moss ball to try to mimic hair algae a bit but it does not flow like hair algae does. It looks really good in your aquarium! 

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I should be clear that there was no plan. That bow is in different room than my other glass tanks, and it got a ton of window light in addition to my schedule. I used to have to get in there periodically with a pair of skewers to spin off the excess strings of hair algae, and scrape the back glass. I tried many different filters, and flow levels. Eventually, I ended up with a pair of nano sponge filters. The plants were enough for filtration, but I wanted to move water, and my shrimp love sponges so much.

I got 85% blackout curtains to control the window light, and I also added a spare symmetrical HoB, to help submerge any spare duckweed and catch it in the medium pre-filter.

This is the only tank I have with hair algae like this, so I don't have a recipe.


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She is thriving and getting along. Her previous tank was a healthy home, but it was getting hard to keep up with the water top-offs from evaporation. It might become another shrimp tank.

I have never moved a fish with lights-out, but maybe it was a good idea.

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I have not yet tried male Bettas. I thought the females were under-appreciated, so I was drawn to them.

The Bloodfin tetras are probably my current favorite tetras, but I might be getting some new inhabitants soon, so I am moving some fish around to prepare.

I will probably be moving all of the White Clouds from my parents’ tank to my cousins’ pond next, to open up a seasoned tank.

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@James Black, I ran these 2.5 gallon tanks with lights and various filters for a while, as I was learning. After running no-tech outdoor tubs, and dealing with ambient light for indoor tanks, I decided that my tech was taking up too much room in these small aquariums.

They are on the northern side of my apartment, so the light is mellow.

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To beat the heat, I had to clean some sponges, increase flow, remove duckweed, remove a light, and remove lids. I did add some mulm to a 2.5 to get it ready for shrimp. For my optional HoBs, it seems that the prefilter for each catches about four times as much as the filter sponges. I don't really need them for filtering, but I am glad to have them moving water during this heat. I just squeezed out the prefilter sponges right into the tank water in photos 1 and 3. In photo two, I added mulm water. The other three are just shots of the 2.5 shrimp tanks with no changes.







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@Streetwise wow I love the footprint of the 2.5s, I envision an organic soil aquarium with large amazon swords growing leaves out of the water and driftwood sticking out the top. But maybe that is just my mts creeping up 😂 anyways, I love the tanks! I love the way the crypts are sticking out of the surface. 

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