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  1. Does the floating plant will grow better when the sponge filter flow is in the ring or without the ring and when does floating plant start cover the top for the anubias to grow without growing algae on it and I see roots going down into the sand. Is that good that the floating plant are alive and best t not to cut the roots I put a different heater in there to
  2. One of the best things about this hobby is its inherent delayed gratification. Yet, I still feel unsatisfied with the growth of my tank at the moment. So, perhaps you friends could give me some motivation! Show me progress pictures of your plant's growth. You can do as many pics as you'd like! Whether the progress is from day one vs five years in or last month vs now, whatever it may be! I would love to see it!! I think this is also a great way to show off your tanks and recognize the change; to take a step back and feel pride. Sometimes we fishkeepers seem to always want to be better when in reality we are already doing such a great job. And, once again, I would love to see how plant growth is illustrated and how things change over time.
  3. I found Two oblong white growth on the glass in my tank. They were above the water line so not wet. Not sure what it is. Can anyone identify and any idea if it is dangerous.
  4. I went ahead and adjusted things a bit about 2-3 weeks back on the tank. I ended up changing a few things and so it's all about checking in and keeping track. So.... let's see it everyone, show off your plants and share that new growth!
  5. Hello all, I’ve got a relatively new tank set up and I’m trying to get the plants grown out as fast as possible and still keep them healthy and robust. the lighting I am currently using is full spectrum an lights the tank well. I remembered this evening that I had an RGB LED strip light i fabricated a while ago, so I decided to get it out and see if it will help at all. my question is, should I set it to red or blue or cycle the two, ie red for four hours then blue for four hours, or some other combination. Thanks
  6. Hi Folks, My java ferns' outlook is looking bleak (I hope it makes a comeback). I spoke to the staff at my local aquarium shop about the java fern and they suggested my lights might be burning the fern... This is our first tank and we bought a starter set from petsmart that came with stock led lights... could these be causing the issue? I currently have the timer set to 4 hours of light and 4 hours of darkness, cycled twice a day. This is a 20 gal tank and gets feed 2 pumps of easy green everweek, with 2 pumps of iron every other week. Should I look at a co2 bubbler... are there any other options I can do to help the fern out? Also, what can I do to help my plants grow? Thanks
  7. I'm looking for any insight people may have. One of my neon tetras developed a black type growth on his side. I've been monitoring it and it slowly seemed to be growing over months, so quite slow. None of my other tetras got it and he swims and eats and generally seems in good health but it is obviously something and was spreading. I am limited with meds in Canada. Melafix, Pimafix and aquarium salt didn't seem to do much. Seachem Paraguard seemed to reduce it's size a bit but nothing seems to have got rid of it and I worry it will continue to spread. My next attempt will be Jungle Fungus Clear which I managed to get my hands on. I did treatments spaced out over time I haven't been inundating the poor guy with meds after meds but I'm at a loss and would like him healthy so I can move him in my community tank and keep the rest of my fish safe and healthy. Hard to get a pic but this is the best I can do. Tank is fully cycled, no water issues and heated. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
  8. Has anyone ever tried barley Straw to get rid of algae in their aquarium? I have read it works even on the black beard algae. I'm thinking of trying to see if it works, I read its slow but natrual so I'm thinking of trying it out. Any info yall might have plz chime in.
  9. Not exactly sure what this is, but it is only affecting one fish - should I move to a hospital tank (assuming I can grab him) or should I treat the whole tank? If I treat, what should I use? I have ParaCleanse and Maracyn Any help is greatly appreciated!! (**current tank setup is 29 Gallon, 18 Embers, 18 CPDs and 3 Otos)
  10. Leibs

    Growth on Angel

    Came home from a few days away and this guy had this growth. Anything to do besides quarantine/med trio? Water parameters normal good with regular water changes.
  11. How fast or slow do Siamese algae eaters grow? I just got mine from Aqua Huna. There are eight of them and they are about 1/2" and about the diameter of a pencil lead.
  12. hi! i got a 1.5 inch pleco around 3 months ago and will get 3 more of the same size soon. any idea how long it will take for them to start breeding/ achieve maximum size? thanks!
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