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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. I expect the reason why beta racks exist is because people were looking for a cheap system to grow out their betta juveniles/ sell them at a store. If you think about it they probably only spend at most a month in them. I agree with @Patrick_G, bettas usually live in shallow water with a big surface area.
  2. Sorry, bit off topic but do you breed any of those L numbers?
  3. You’re lucky that you’ve got such a ‘accomplished’ local Nerm, I’ve got diddly squat !
  4. Try splitting them up by groups of 5 to 10, and separate males from females if you don’t want any unwanted breeding in the bags. I split a load of 24 angels between 2 boxes. I guess the basic rules is common sense!
  5. I only ever named a betta who I grew really attached to : Velvet.
  6. I expect @mountaintoppufferkeeper will have some good advice for you!
  7. Are there any kind of plants that you could put in there?
  8. I had this problem and the spot eventually spread and killed the fish after I isolated him in a QT tank. Try Maracyn or Ich-X, it seems to only be superficial.
  9. I’ve raised gazillions of angels and transitioning from RO water (rainwater for me) to tap water has never changed anything!
  10. Normally melting only really happens around the leaf edge on anubias. Is there any new growth around the stem?
  11. I’ll tag @Zenzo, form the Tazawa Tanks YouTube channel, because he does soooo many cool African Cichlid setups.
  12. I think I’ll try the freezer, just my dad might get a heart attack when he finds ‘brown prawns’ in his ice cream drawer!
  13. I expect I’ll feed them to my angelfish. Thanks everyone!
  14. My cherry shrimp colonies have really taken off and I’ve noticed some brown ones which I really should cull. How do I do it humanely?
  15. I tried making my own and so far it’s worked better than the yarn ones!
  16. Couldn't find any splash tetras; so I ordered them online; but the endlers and shrimp are alive and looking good!
  17. Forgot to say to all those who didn’t win: Good Luck for next time!!
  18. The winners of the Autumn C.A.R.E Forum Fish picture contest are: In first place, with a whopping 49 points; Fish Folk! Congratulations on winning 4 bars of Swiss chocolate! In second place, with 38 points, Tolstoy21! 3 bars! In third place with a respectable 31: Jwcarlson! 2 bars! Fourth with 28 points and 1 bar : Henry C The random member you wins 2 bars is: (I put names in an online shuffle thing) Lisathewulf! She joined recently. @Fish Folk, @tolstoy21, @jwcarlson, @HenryC and @LisaTheWulf: I shall message you privately and determine any potential allergies while posting the prizes to you. It has been a pleasure to organise this and I shall do another one around Xmas. HAVE A NICE DAY!
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