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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. There is an old ski station above where I live which closed down in 2014, and there’s some kind of scheme to turn it into a hotel. I am tempted to make a film out of it, because it is quite an interesting story. Back in the day you got on a bubble lift at a station in the centre of the village, and then you arrived at a midway station, and the final stop was a restaurant at the top of the mountain. The entire installation looks like everyone just left to go for a coffee yesterday, it’s filled with old chairs from the chairlift (and I will admit to taking an old souvenir fridge magnet from the office).
  2. I didn’t even know that was possible! Could you please post a picture? (Welcome to the forum btw)
  3. I was just looking at this thread form the beginning and almost wet myself.🤣
  4. Well what would you call square one ? Java Moss?🙃
  5. Skiing and snowboarding with friends (or surfing, @Anjum!) just off Glacier 3000. The guy who did the jump hit a fence post 10 feet further down😂
  6. I agree with @lefty o, quarantining in that tank shouldn't pose a problem. Can't wait to see the finished scape! (Welcome to the forum btw)
  7. I’m told that if you stop learning, you stop living 😜 . But if you feel that square one on the breeding spectrum is Apistogramma and co., then my guppy and BN pleco breeding is square 0.1 ! Though I did somehow breed some bettas and angels 😏
  8. Good Luck with breeding them and raising the fry! (You should change your username to ‘ Apisto King’ !)
  9. I expect most of the members on this forum will agree that guppies were some of their first fish that they ever kept and bred. This topic is where first time members can look and see how diverse their seemingly 'cheap and cheerful' first fish can be. For experienced members, this is where we can egg each other on 😜. @Fish Folk 's 'Low Expectation Guppy Setup' thread is a superb example of that. Even 3 years on, my first guppy male that I bred is still enjoying life: The Inspiration of this thread came from the Panda Cory Appreciation Society thread, and I felt that the Guppy should be given its just place on the forum. Is anyone else also trying to create their own strain?
  10. Can’t wait to see how this turns out!
  11. I agree with @itsfoxtail(welcome to the forum btw!)
  12. Any good advice to give? Have a nice day!
  13. Turning the light off for 1-2 days worked great for me!
  14. You’re welcome! If I were you, I’d try sinking the pH with Indian Almond leaves, and buffer it with crushed coral. I’ll tag @Guppysnail, who somehow knows a lot about this kind of thing!
  15. Sorry, but WHAT ARE THOSE???? Though the ones on the third picture look so cool!
  16. If you want it to thrive after it’s finished melting, I suggest some TLC (aka Root Tabs!)
  17. Haha looks like you followed my advice! I personally only use BN plecos as dither fish, because they’re a tad more ‘armored’ than the average schooling fish.
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