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Everything posted by Tarazzl

  1. After some homework, I went out and got a 36 gallon tank! So excited!! It seems like I just can't stop! PetSmart is doing a big sale anyway, so that justifies it! 😛
  2. Nice tank @Stephen Zawacki💯!!! I'm wondering what type of sand/substrate do you use for this tank?
  3. Awesome tank @Daniel E!! I have a 20g tank, currently I have a combination of platies, danios, and tetras. They are the survivors of the Ich disease. So I am considering restocking my tank, and reconstruct the layout of my tank. I love how you arrange the appropriate amount of live plants in the tank! I will definitely keep that in mind! Can't wait to see your little fish in the tank! 😃
  4. Will they be ok with danios, tetras and platies? I have a few left, don't want to abandon them.🙏
  5. I see. I just got a bag of hairgrass from Etsy. I am going to try germinating them before putting them in the tank with your input in mind. Fingers crossed. Thank you! 🙂
  6. Thank you for the info. So if I get CO2, and I will be able to plant them in pea gravel?
  7. I have pea gravel, not sure if it would work for my Small Cow Hair Grass?
  8. Awesome! I will definitely look into those items you suggested! Great advice and thank you!
  9. @tzahroxi, I hope you have seen some improvement for your tanks. I lost most of my fish due to Ich. Super frustating! 😫 I am a newbie when it comes to the aquarium stuff, so I definitely learned more ever since I joined this forum.
  10. I ordered API Super Ick Cure last night through Amazon and it will be here Friday. I will change the treatment when it arrives. I also ordered API General Cure, Fritz aquarium salt and Fritz Complete water conditioner for future quarantine purposes, I'd appreciate your input on those items. Speaking of immune system, how do you improve their immune system? Is there any food and supplement that you could recommend that is beneficial to all community fish? I am pretty consistent with water quality maintenance.
  11. Hi, thank you for your reply. I am currently using Imagitarium Parasite Remedy. I got it from Petco last minute, I know there are some other good stuff out there, but it was the only thing I could find. Fortunately, the fish seem to be responding fairly well after 2 treatments. I changed at least 30% of the water before adding the remedy solution, hoping to get rid of the exisitng tomont. I'm wondering, if I do exactly like you said, quarantine the new fish for 4 weeks before adding them to the main tank, will I still have a chance to get Ich in the future? Thank you!
  12. Hey guys, I just noticed that my 20 gallon tank with neon tetras, zebra danios and platties all got Ich. I lost all 10 neon tetras, 1 danio. I am currently treating the tank with parasite remedy solution. I'm feeling frustrated to see the fish go, but I am trying to be patient and hopeful that the rest will live. So my question is, after the treatment is over and the fish are fine, do I get the fish out, thoroughly clean the tank including the gravel and hopefully I can introduce new fish? Thank you in advance! 🙏
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