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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. From the ashes of this aquarium... a tiny Phoenix!!!! He must’ve been super tiny when all that nonsense happened. Man I love this hobby! 😁
  2. Interesting! But raw shrimp from the market is grey? Maybe it depends on how long it’s been dead? And the tank is warmer than refrigerated shrimp. I leave for work before sunrise so I don’t see them in the morning. It could’ve been dead all night and turned pink. Thank you! I did not know that!
  3. I came home today to a dead Amano shrimp and it was weirdly pink... like cooked shrimp Pink. I hurriedly checked my thermometer although everyone else seemed fine. My ammonia is 0.25 and nitrite is .25.... (which I know should be zero) Did the ammonia do this? 29 gal, planted, was forced into a fish in cycle due to my child’s destruction of my other tank.
  4. Congrats on the new digs! I LOVE the pond video; the property looks perfect for you guys!
  5. Thanks! If the plants will be ok, I’m just gonna let it cycle and now that my 29 is the community, maybe I can move the shrimp back in and use it in another way.
  6. Apparently my Pygmy Corys think they are Tetras. So cute! Everyone perks up after a water change!
  7. One week update on the tank destruction by toddler and fish food... I did water changes all last weekend... probably too many, and rinsed the media each time. I overdid it, I guess because the tank exploded into a horrible brown stinky algae and brownish cloudy water which I think, from what I have read, is from excess diatoms? I got some Purigen, but I think it was too far gone to make a difference. So then I made sure every single shrimp was out of the tank, then cleaned what I could off the plants, vacuumed and drained it to the substrate. Refilled and today it is much less smelly and the water is clearing. My ammonia is at 4ppm, the nitrites are 0.25, and the nitrates are between 10 and 20. I don't know what to do except wait it out and see if it cycles? I was planning to keep vacuuming out the brown slimy stuff as it settles to the bottom... will the remaining plants be hurt by the high ammonia in the water? should I do something else? I have the notion that I can preserve some of the bacteria by not tearing it completely down but maybe that's not feasible? Luckily, I had purchased a 29 gal at one of the Petco sales and was planning to set that one up at a later date. I set that up and used a sponge filter and some media from my QT tank... Everyone seems happy in there so far. I'm trying not to remember the perfect state my tank was in... how the plants were pearling and the shrimp were having baby shrimp... sigh. Oh... and I got a lock for my fridge where the food is stored. 🙂
  8. @Daniel This is a fascinating project. I am thoroughly impressed by your attention to details of the time period. I am so interested to follow this process! Bravo!
  9. I have a HOB and a sponge. I was emptying and rinsing the media in treated water each time but will certainly try rinsing it all in hot water. Thank you for suggesting that.
  10. Update on fiasco #43567 of 2020... the tank stayed extremely cloudy all day. After it did not settle, I did another 75% water change last night. Woke up this morning and it smelled like a fish market. Pulled all of the hard scape out and rescued the three remaining live shrimp. Snails still seem to be ok. Then I did a 90% water change and vacuumed up as much of the food as I could. My substrate is three inches deep so hopefully a lot of the good bacteria are ok. Filled it back up and hoping for the best. I should mention that the food wasn’t just flakes, but also algae wafers, Krill flakes, shrimp bites, bottom dweller pellets, and some tadpole and frog food from our tadpole project this summer. It was a greasy awful mess. Some takeaways: thankful that I’ve watched a LOT of videos and had the basic stuff I needed... a running quarantine tank for one so I was able to save all of my fish. While about 1/2 of my small colony of shrimp died, I was able to save the one who is incubating her eggs. And, the nasty water forced probably 100 tiny snails to the glass and I was able to get those out.
  11. I’m glad to hear that! It is definitely super cloudy still but improving! Thank you!
  12. Thank you! At what point would you put the fish back in?
  13. Thank you! I have been panicked for two hours!
  14. So my very naughty 3 year old emptied 8 containers of fish food in my Planted 20 gal this morning while i was in the shower (why I hardly shower haha). I put most of the fish in my quarantine tank and changed out most of the water, vacuumed as much food as possible out and refilled. I couldn’t get the baby shrimp out. I’m guessing that my ammonia is going to go through the roof as the food I couldn’t get out rots. Would you try to salvage it with daily water changes or just start over? I’ll lose my shrimp colony. I was planning to start a 29gal this weekend but the plants in this one have done so well and are/were flourishing.
  15. Hello from Virginia! I’ve been Fishkeeping for 3 months now and have a planted 20g and a 29g that I’m setting up soon. So far I’ve just gotten fish I remember living in our family awuarium... tetras, corydoras, and just got some swordtails today which are hanging tight in quarantine. I’ve learned a lot from the FB page and now I’m excited to see what the forum will hold!
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