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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. Thank you very much for you information and advice! Maybe I will give it a try with spiderwood. It’s just not my favorite looking one and it’s annoying to be unable to find what I want. 😅
  2. Greetings! I am rescaping my 20 gallons for my new project. Real plants this time, flourite black sand, etc. I will be getting 6 false julii coridoras, 10 green neon tetra and 3 honey gourami. I do have this idea in my head but I can’t find the driftwood to do it (like the picture attached but with real wood. And my lfs only carry spider wood. With all these sharp branches, I am afraid my fish will impale themselves or poke an eye... 😅) So I am looking for inspiration - I am mostly lost as to how to incorporate hiding places for the Cory. Also, I would like to add red root floating plants. But I wonder how to do it without the plants blocking the light. Any tips? I was thinking about creating a circle with ait line tubing, put the plants in and letting it float around moved by the current. Any tips, toughts, comments, advices or suggestions welcomed! (picture taken on facebook. Source : Aqua petite douceur. Roots made by Pleco Caves Quebec)
  3. Thank you so much for your answer! I actually bought the 15 gallons for the crayfish because I wanted corydoras in the 20 gallons. That’s 1 spoiled crayfish I tell you! 🤪
  4. Greetings! I currently have a 20 gallons, cycled since july. Until yesterday, its population was 12 White Cloud Mountain Minnows, 1 dwarf crayfish and 1 snail. 3 days ago, I removed all the plastic plants and planted live one. Running a HOB filter Aqueon quietflow 20 with a prefilter sponge and a medium filter sponge from Aquarium coop. I no longer have the minnows (gave them) and I will get false julii corydoras so I need to change my gravel substrate to sand in about a week. Will it crash my cycle or can I add my 6 corydoras the next day? I alsi bought a fluval flex 15 gallons yesterday and will transfert the gravel substrate in it and some of the driftwood/plastic decors from the 20 gallons (everything will stay in water until the last minute). Can I consider my 15 gallons immediately cycled and add fishes the next day? It’s not that I am impatient but as we are in lockdown, I want to make as little trip as possible to my LFS. Thank you!
  5. Oh yes, good idea about the nerites! Any reason why you would leave the honey gourami? It’s my dream fish!
  6. Greetings! I would like your opinion on my stocking plans. I am looking for a nice, peaceful no agression community tank : 10 green neon tetra. 6 false julii 3 honey gourami (potential agression?) My pH is around 7.4, gh is 12. 1) Is it feasible? Some place seem to say that green neon tetra like pH under 7... 2) In which order should I add the fishes? 3) What is the % of the tank that should be left unplanted for the cory to be happy? My tank is cycled. I had 12 White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Sadly I had to part with them. And in order to better suit my cory, I will change the substrate. And I just removed all my plastic plants/decor to plant real plants. I wonder if my cycle can survive? I have an aqueon quietflow 20 and a sponge filter (added few days ago). 20 gallons high.
  7. pH is usually around 7.6 or 7.8. Gh is 9, Kh is 3
  8. Thank you. Just did a 40% one. Will do one again tomorrow
  9. @Cory Could you help me please? Greetings My 5 guppies in my 10 gallons had gill flukes. I treated them with the trio meds and they stopped flashing. After a week (yesterday) I did a 40% wc/syphoned, removed my plastic decor and replaced it with real plants. I fed them a little bit of North fin fry food. I have a HOB filter with a presponge filter and a aquarium coop air sponge filter (I only squeeze a little bit the presponge filter yesterday in aquarium water because it was gross) This morning when I woke my guppy, one was swimming vertically with its head up. 1 was laying on the bottom breathing rapidly, one was swimming around bumping into everything as if blind and breathing fast. I wonder if I startled them because I did wake them 6 hours earlier. Now they are swimming, sometimes the 5 of them together but they are agressive and bumping into each other. Some still breathing fast. My fry is ok, so is my snail. 2 of my fishes had long stringny poop and there is a lot of poop laying around in the aquarium. My pH dropped from 7.4 to 6.8-7 Nitrate are between 10-20 (I dosed aquarium coop easy green) Nitrite 0 Ammonia is .25ppm I will do a 25% wc, use prime and stability but I am wondering what is happening? Did I crash my cycle? Should I redose for internal parasite (which one? Paracleasne or Maracyn?) Could I have overdosed with prime/stability? I use aquarium long gloves and I washed/disinfected them 3 days ago with bleach. Some bleach solution got inside the gloves but I turned it upside down/rinced it in prime treated water, let it entirely dry... could I have poisoned my fish? Am kinda lost. Sorry for the long message. What should I do next beside wc and panicking?
  10. I don’t know why but all the fish/living creatures I put in that 20 gallons turn psycho. Yet everything I choose is supposed to be peaceful. My dad crayfish killed the female (I was supposed to have 2 females but breeder sent only one... 😡). 5 babies survived for few weeks, then poof they were two. And then the strongest killed (and partly ate... 🤢) his brother and probably his father. White Clouds Mountain Minnows are known to be peaceful... one of mine in less then a week managed tu hurt every males I had. Part of their fins were gone. I named him Jaws. I did everything I could but eventually had to part with him. Everyone laughs at me tho when I say WCMM and agressive in the same sentence.
  11. My problem is that I have a mexicain dwarf crayfish and he is a psychopath to anything that’s on the ground. He won’t touch the fishes, never raised a pincers at them... but he killed his brother and his father...
  12. Thank you so much for your answer! Looking forward to my new project now!
  13. Thank you very much! I like White Clouds Minnow but as they were supposed to be only my schooling fish to a centerpiece fish that I later learned wouldn’t be compatible temp wise (thank you LFS for bad advice!), I felt a bit disappointed that it would be them only in my 20 gallons. What else are you keeping with them?
  14. Sweet, thanks! Do they interact with each other? Guppy are more energetic then White Cloud... does it causes stress to either party?
  15. I bought 6 guppy - males. There was a surprise fry in the bag! From what I can see so far, it’s going to be a female so I don’t want to let her in the 10 gallons with the males. My other tank is a 20 gallons with 12 white cloud mountain minnows and 1 dwarf crayfish. I would like to put my female there and maybe breed her in a seperate plastic tub once or twice for fun/have few females to add with her in the 20 gallons so she doesn’t stay the only guppy. Can these two fish species coexist? I know the temperature is a bit at the limit but I’d keep the aquarium at 72. What are you tought on my project? Doable? Will the fish be happy?
  16. I bought it as well. My guppies love it, as well as my White Cloud Mountain Minnow. I find it hard to gauge how much to feed (the quantity) because it’s such a fine powder!
  17. We often take things for granted and rarely stop to say thank you. So I would like to sincerely thank... ... @Cory for caring so much about the hobby and fish keepers. To aim for quality over quantity and money. For building a team that cares just as much and see us as a « fish family » and not just a bunch of number. Your business approach based on being there and available is what earns you the respect and loyalty of so many customers. ... @Candi for your patience towards me and my questions. It helps me enjoy the hobby so much more and calms my anxiety. I became a nerm mainly because of you. ... @Lizzie Block for being so sweet, attentive and generous of your time. And the rest of the team. I may not know you all, but together you help Aquarium Co op be the company/fish store we all love. You make a positive difference in the lives of many. Thank you.
  18. Because I am probably the worst fish keeper on planet earth, of course even after going through all these trouble to get the quarantine med trio, treating my fish couldn’t go smoothly. Water started getting cloudy yesterday. One of my guppy have been swimming in place at the top left all day. I tested the water and I have .25 nitrite and .10 nitrate! I added a dose of Seachem prime as I am only in my 2nd day of treatment and can’t do waterchange. Is there anything else I should do? If I keep dosing prime every 2 days for the remaining 5 days, will I overdose the fish? Thank you!
  19. Greetings! Another youtuber was showing his tank (king of diy) and I absolutely love this plant. Anyone know the name? Thank you!
  20. Yup! I have an airstone already and I increased the flow a little bit to compensate
  21. Is it normal that the water in my 10 gallons seems a bit cloudy since I started the treatment yesterday? Thank you!
  22. I agree with you! You can go the 3rd party route - I actually did get 2 sponge filters. I love them. You can feel the quality of the product!
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