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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Did you have parasites? If so, 30 days fishless should be enough time to have them die off.
  2. I think she likes the tank more than me! 😅
  3. So....I talked to my wife, and she won't let me play..........sorry I can't participate. 😟
  4. I gave up on it. It just doesn't like my soup. And the lower leaves melting quickly caused algae for me. I had to force myself to just toss things out if they aren't doing well. It's one of the more important lessons I've learned so far.
  5. Thank you for posting your pictures. Those are both much better than I expected, well done! I stand by my original post. This is AR doing well. It's more than just putting it into a tank and having it grow.
  6. It will help. I would just dose to be double sure until your BB is in full charge.
  7. I switched my homeowners insurance just for this potential nightmare. Scary!
  8. Yikes, glad you caught that nightmare early! Was it a new tank?
  9. Only if you clean out the old food. I would dose prime 2x the normal dose if you have prime. That will detox ammonia temporarily. You can dose every 24 hours. 78 is the low range, personally, I would take him no lower than 79.
  10. AR is one of those plants marketed as easy and it's anything but. It requires an aqua soil and CO2 along with good strong light to do well. My advice, try it for a bit longer, but get rid of it sooner than later. If the leaves continue to randomly melt; you are allowing an ammonia source into the tank and it's going to be a source for algae. I would recommend Hygrophila corymbosa compact, It's not red, but grows similar and does well in low tech tanks. If you are looking for red or deep bronze colors that stay small, I would also recommend Crypts. There is a Crypt for every color need and placement! "Sometimes, it's just best to invite those who enjoy the soup you are serving", AR is a picky eater!
  11. Increase temp to 78-80. What are your water parameters?
  12. GSA is usually present on slower growing plants under too much light. Another cause is low phosphate. I would increase P to 1-2ppm and observe for several weeks. If no change, drop light intensity.
  13. Dry fertilizers are the cheapest long term option. They are quite easy to use once you understand how to dose them.
  14. I still have some plants in the mail. Can you add and rearrange?
  15. The reality is, 100 par will grow 99% of plants. Going more will be troublesome.
  16. With the spots on his eyes, I would say this is Epistylis. Dose Kanaplex orally. Clean the water. https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-2-4-epistylis/
  17. Certainly, 2 Nicrew will do the job. I would suggest getting the "planted" version. I believe it comes 6500K. https://www.amazon.com/NICREW-Aquarium-Control-Spectrum-Freshwater/dp/B08J7FM1H7/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=nicrew+planted&qid=1622385925&sr=8-5
  18. I will add that a 40 breeder has a nice footprint for a planted tank and I would avoid tall tanks. Sand is actually quite easy to work with, just make sure to get pool filter sand. Cory cats would appreciate a sandy bottom too. Also, sand is actually quite good for planting. Cheap lights will grow plants just like an expensive one. Think about them in terms of features. Want a cool app to control colors and mimic sunrise/ sunset? Or just want an on/off cycle? Once you decide, then you can price them out. There are many to choose from.
  19. You are making the right choice.
  20. I have 2 of them, one is real solid, the other is pretty finicky. My customer service experience with them was okay. Going forward, I will be going for GLA's regulator.
  21. My advice is don't get a cheap alternative, go ahead and spend the extra few dollars for a reliable setup. CO2Art has a nice all in one kit. Or spend a few more dollars and get one from Green Leaf Aquariums. Fzone sells a regulator that's very affordable, but I have no personal experience with it but many people give it high reviews.
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