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  1. Youtube to reseal your tank. MARINE LAND TANK SPECS Specifications and Sizes STANDARD RECTANGULAR AQUARIUM TANKS Approx. Size Gallons Description Frame Color Available with corner flo?* Approximate Product Dimensions Width x Depth x Height Approx. Empty Tank Weight Approx. Filled Weight Product Item No. Product UPC No. 2.5 2.5 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 12" x 6" x 8" 3 lbs. 23 lbs. 10020 0 4749710020 2 5 5.5 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 16" x 8" x 10" 8 lbs. 52 lbs. 10050 0 4749710050 9 10 10 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 20" x 10" x 12" 11 lbs. 91 lbs. 10100 0 4749710100 1 10 10 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak 20" x 10" x 12" 11 lbs. 91 lbs. 11101 0 4749711101 7 15 15 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 24" x 12" x 12" 22 lbs. 142 lbs. 10150 0 4749710150 6 16H 16 Gallon High Rectangular Tank Black 20" x 10" x 18" 24 lbs. 152 lbs. 10160 0 4749710160 5 20H 20 Gallon High Rectangular Tank Black 24" x 12" x 16" 27 lbs. 187 lbs. 10200 0 4749710200 8 20H 20 Gallon High Rectangular Tank Oak 24" x 12" x 16" 27 lbs. 187 lbs. 11201 0 4749711201 4 20L 20 Gallon Long Rectangular Tank Black 30" x 12" x 12" 25 lbs. 185 lbs. 10202 0 4749710202 2 20L 20 Gallon Long Rectangular Tank Oak 30" x 12" x 12" 25 lbs. 185 lbs. 11203 0 4749711203 8 20XH 20 Gallon Extra-High Rect. Tank Black 20" x 10" x 24" 29 lbs. 189 lbs. 10204 0 4749710204 8 25 25 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 24" x12" x20" 32 lbs. 232 lbs. 16250 0 4749716250 7 29 29 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 30" x 12" x 18" 39 lbs. 270 lbs. 10290 0 4749710290 9 29 29 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak 30" x 12" x 18" 39 lbs. 270 lbs. 11291 0 4749711291 5 30 30 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 36" x 13" x 16" 41 lbs. 281 lbs. 10300 0 4749710300 5 30 30 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak 36" x 13" x 16" 41 lbs. 281 lbs. 11301 0 4749711301 1 30XH 30 Gallon Extra-High Rect. Tank Black 24" x 12" x 24" 40 lbs. 280 lbs. 10305 0 4749710305 0 30B 30 Gallon Breeder Rect. Tank Black 30" x 18" x 12" 34 lbs. 274 lbs. 10306 0 4749710306 7 37 37 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 30" x 12" x 22" 44 lbs. 340 lbs. 10370 0 4749710370 8 40 40 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black 48" x 13" x 16" 53 lbs. 373 lbs. 10400 0 4749710400 2 40B 40 Gallon Breeder Rect. Tank Black 36" x 18" x 16" 52 lbs. 320 lbs. 10040 0 4749710040 0 40H 40 Gallon High Rectangular Tank Black 36" x 13" x 20" 50 lbs. 370 lbs. 10404 0 4749710404 0 55 55 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black Y 48" x 13" x 20" 62 lbs. 490 lbs. 10556 0 4749710556 6 55 55 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak Y 48" x 13" x 20" 62 lbs. 490 lbs. 11557 0 4749711557 2 60 60 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black Y 48" x 13" x 24" 65 lbs. 545 lbs. 10660 0 4749710660 0 65 65 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black Y 36" x 18" x 24" 87 lbs. 607 lbs. 10650 0 4749710650 1 65 65 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak Y 36" x 18" x 24" 87 lbs. 607 lbs. 11651 0 4749711651 7 75 75 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak Y 48" x 18" x 21" 97 lbs. 697 lbs. 11751 0 4749711751 4 90 90 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black Y 48" x 18" x24" 128 lbs. 848 lbs. 10906 0 4749710906 9 90 90 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak Y 48" x 18" x 24" 128 lbs. 848 lbs. 11907 0 4749711907 5 110 110 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black Y 48" x 18" x 30" 182 lbs. 1062 lbs. 11110 0 4749711110 9 110 110 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak Y 48" x 18" x 30" 182 lbs. 1062 lbs. 12111 0 4749712111 5 120 120 Gallon Rectangular Tank Black Y 48" x 24" x 24" 144 lbs. 1104 lbs. 10122 0 4749710122 3 120 120 Gallon Rectangular Tank Oak Y 48" x 24" x 24"
  2. When I was in middle school I had 2 ideas. 1st idea was to make a Algae glass cleaner that worked just like a pool cleaner that went around and cleaned the glass. I also thought of adding a spinning brush like a vacuum has. The other was sort of the same but moved around just below the surface of your gravel. Roomba for your gravel per say. Both crazy off wall idea's. LOL!
  3. I was looking to get peoples opinions on the above UV clarifier. Is it worth the money? Does it do something. I honestly know a little on these but far from pro. I never honestly used one. I was thinking since I am moving up to larger tank. Why not for the small cost of it. My water is pretty close to crystal clear but sometimes it does get a tad grainy. Any input would be appreciated?
  4. Good to know . I am curious if Corey approached them for their tanks or they solicited him. I talked to gentleman that worked there is what he stated to me. I said this before that their phone number they have listed just rings and rings. 20 plus calls to get a live person. I never got his rank and serial number. He could been the Janitor for all I know. Whoever he was he seemed fairly knowledgeable.I can only go by what he said. Perhaps now they are selling to smaller biz and he was unaware of it. I got my questions pretty much verified by TiHSHHO above and the other pet shop owners I spoke too. Buying a seapora tank since I loved Deep Blue. I looked at Marine Land and when I went on their website . A ton of people had bad reviews on their larger tanks leaking.
  5. Welcome aboard. I am fairly new here as well. So far everyone has been pretty cool.Hell of a set up.
  6. Thanks for valuable input. The gentleman at Aquarium Masters said Sea Pora is top notch also. He was unsure if they bought out Deep Blue but did say they look like a carbon copy. Honestly ( LOL ) Aquarium Masters tanks look like them too. Super excited for my 120 gallon now. Hopefully I can get black seals for large size of 120 gallon. I need to look at their website. Which I have not done yet. I have ordered my bottom stand but it may possibly be months till I see it. Since everything is back order. In short time I have had my tank. The prices have really gone up. Dam near 600 dollars fore 120 now. It was like 425 before. Thanks again.
  7. First topic is Aquarium Masters: I called probably more than 20 times and finally I called 11pm my time got a very nice gentleman. Truthfully I was in shock someone answered. Person informed me that they build and ship tanks all over the USA and over seas . A Lot of what they build is smaller tanks under 40 gallons. Target is one companies they ship to as well as Walmart. I asked if they ship to small retailers. He stated that mostly it is to large retail stores that he knows of. Does not mean that some tanks could be theirs with different labels. Deep Blue is closed. I spoke to the owner of Marks Ark and not his employee's this time and the owner of another pet shop near me that sold deep blue tanks as well. Both owners told me that supposedly they sold all their supplies and tank manufacturing to Seapora. Their tanks are pretty much deep blue tanks with a new label. The tank build quality is nearly identical. Needless to say my 120 is going to be Seapora. Also when I spoke with Aquarium Masters. I asked him if he heard of deep blue tanks. He said yes and said they built a very top rated tank for their time. He also stated that it was one products that was looked at when they started producing their tanks if his memory served him right. That was interesting in itself to hear. Took quite sometime to gather that knowledge. Hope this helps someone. What I learned is if you are buying a tank from general retail store in 2021. Seapora is the way to go for name brand tank anyway.
  8. I know people love the strips because so easy. I have found they are never truly that accurate. I stick to test tubes with water and drip chemicals . Old school i know. I personally think they give a more accurate reading then strips. In fact one my local fish store told me they use strips but they are not the top choice for water testing if they had more time. I was also told that out of all 20 plus years of selling fish that non of the so called testers are 100% on money. I have learned to watch the clarity of my water. When it starts getting grainy or slight cloud then I test. You just know when something fishy is up after keeping fish for a while. No pun intended. 😄
  9. South Florida here. Looking to learn lots and contribute when and where I can. Certainly looking forward to meet all new members and old ones.
  10. Next time I will read more before posting. I saw that after I posted. Glad you got your answer though. You will have to watch it grow up and let us know what it is.
  11. I believe it is back swimmer or water beetle.
  12. 3 fish stores I went to said they are different tanks. One the main stores I go to in South Florida are Marks Ark. They used to carry them and said they think they closed. In same breath they said they stopped carrying their tanks 2017-18 and went to seapora. I would think if they carried a tank for 10 plus years they would have idea what happened to one there tank supplier. Stated in post that their website is still up. Very odd? Appreciate the reply Rob. I will check out aquarium Masters.
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