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Brandon p

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Everything posted by Brandon p

  1. @lefty ois right cut back on feeding. If they are reproducing fast then there is extra food in the tank. It’s easy to fall in to giving the fish more than the can eat quickly. How often do you feed your fish?
  2. Post your videos of you chilling with your fish
  3. I posted this video in November and some claimed it was there video. So I’m going to repost it.
  4. The double black Angel’s are doing great. They have more fry doing well. What a power pair.
  5. I agree if you get a group and you have more females that makes it is what it is, but I would not recommend to start that way if you have a choice. I thought I put that part in above. Obviously not.
  6. The issue with that is you may get more eggs but the chances are that the eggs will not be fertile, one male has a hard time fertilizing several females. This for plateaus corys other types are similar. “The males initiate the courtship ritual, which entails chasing the females around the tank. The female darts away, and the males search for her and find her a few moments later. The males shiver all over the female and may lie down on top of her. When she is ready to spawn, she turns to the male next to her and pounds below his ventral fin. The pair go into the "T-position" with the male releasing the sperm into the female's mouth before the sperm fertilizes the eggs. The female cups her ventral fins and lays a few eggs (usually between 4 and 12 eggs in her her fins. After depositing a group of eggs closely together, the female rests for a few moments. The males regroup and start chasing each other and then resume chasing the female. The males are so relentless in this pursuit that they try to mate with the female even while she is busy laying her eggs. The spawning lasts more than an hour, and many eggs are laid in different places. On average, about 50 to 150 eggs are laid during a single spawning“ Haveing more males is part of the natural breeding behavior so I would not suggest have it the other way around. If you buy a group an the numbers just turn out that way they do but to have the best breeding in a more male tank configuration. I see a lot of people having issues breeding corys and one the things I see is the tank is not heavily planted. I have the best luck when a tank is over planted. Second is constant water conditions and at breeding time the water changes and so on. Find parameters that you can keep steady is more important than constantly adjusting to fit the numbers. They time you would have to do that is with wild caught fish.
  7. The worms don’t concern me much, most fish eat them most tanks have them. The population is just kept low by fish. If you do want to redo the tank boil or use hydrogen peroxide.
  8. You don’t need a 55g. It the height that you need. https://www.petsmart.com/fish/starter-kits/top-fin-essentials-aquarium-starter-kit-5262266.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNnWlsJIQhzArOCC0ipCLsAq4&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_7KXBhCoARIsAPdPTfgnrXdmRTXslARnl11fXjjLWGz0RGk_awaeox5FjXGYKSsr5rUG2FYaAlsLEALw_wcB this has the height
  9. That why I call for help on the RR. I still would use the hydrogen peroxide but I know the scares people.
  10. You got 4 responses to trim them. 1 said not too. I said trim. I would remove them I was just giving you the option to “mulch” the tank if you felt you need to. If your house plants leaves had holes and looked bad and had issues would trim. I say trim and remove. One said that you can grow new ferns with the cuts in a cup and one leave them. Overwhelming it’s to trim an d remove.
  11. I have super hard water but it helps to spawn my fish. I put them in last week and within 1 some angels layed by day 3 all 6 pairs angels had laid and the aeneus corys laid a few eggs but they are so old they lay very few and the pandas laid. The Sterbai did not. you are way to earlier to be breeding. You are way to early to be breeding most likely It takes 9 -12 months for paleatus corys to really be ready to breed. I would say that for many corys.
  12. If you are near an area that has moss you can take it off the ground I’m just showing it works.
  13. It works well with Pacu. I don’t suggest anyone get them unless you have an 800 g tank. Mine ate everything chicken, beef, pork, vegetables, nuts, loved nuts. Be they ate it right away.
  14. I would not worry about there being rotten food every. They are corys and are going to dig in the rocks regardless. I have gravel in my 75g and have corys that are 8 years old and never had any issue with barbells or any thing. I have always (25 years) had corys on gravel and never had a issue with rotting food. That has more to do with over feeding. If you are worried about if the wafers aren’t going to get in the rocks.
  15. Yes, trim them it’s best for the plants.if you want them in the substrate just leave them in the tank
  16. I how long have they been together? One trick I use is to add a small wonder shell after the cool water change. I’m normally one the same page as @nabokovfan87 but I don’t think more females than males is the right way to go. Plecos it’s good to do that but I disagree with doing that with corys
  17. Sorry I should have said I was replying to lefty o. It works if you glue dry and then pul water on it it sets faster. I did it today. I had the u that goes over the edge of the tank for a canister filter so I glued it and dunked it in water for a few minutes.
  18. I would use hydrogen peroxide on the algae. I you use a syringe or small baster and put just on the algae. I do it on my Anubis. I don’t use a lot and I don’t do the whole tank if I have a ton. My shrimp are fine. @Guppysnail may have some info on reverse respiration.
  19. Welcome. Like the tank and love the top water fish. I think so many people don’t think about that and are missing a space in the tank that fish look great in.
  20. I think your filtration is fine. I have a 75 that is way more stocked and I have 2 large sponge filters. If you are more comfortable adding a second sponge do it or up the size of the sponge filter. Mine are sort of hidden by Amazon sword so the large work of me and don’t stand out.
  21. Small tanks are the hardest. I would rather have a giant tank. However small tanks can be super fun. I love the idea of the take Pygmy corys. If you have enough plants you can have shrimp with the Pygmy corys just buy adult shrimp and let them have bay shrinp. The Cory might eat some babies but in general my shrimp have out paced the fish. someone is going to say betta, I’m not a fan but to each his own. I even have some but they sort of sit around. If you like that them that’s ok I like more movement corys will do that , endlers, chili rasbora, white clouds, and I think you are ok with a 5 or 6 neon tetras. Not all these in one tank but some options
  22. As long as it’s the coal slag there should be no problem. Some my people use and don’t have problems. I just put some in one of my tanks and had none of the problems that the other poster had. Make sure the bag looks like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/224408309970?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=IMaOhEBQSQa&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=v0AGUAjUSm-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  23. I’m going to keep this simple.don’t chase all these parameters. How did to you put the fish in the tank? Can you get the Nitrates down? Other than that if you are worried about food get some that sinks. Small bug bites or hikari sinking wafers, they Have a clown fish on the package. Don’t worry so much what the what the ph, kh,GH are as long as they stay the same. Corys can live in almost any water as long as the nitrates nitrates in ammonia are low. Next test the water in the bag that came from the LFS or just ask them to test it. If it’s not close get a bucket, I use a gallon of the cheap Walmart ice cream. I put the fish in that and slowing add water from the tank if there are different water parameters. Corys don’t like big change. They are in tank with ph of 8 and tanks of ph of 6, but if you move one of those fish to the other tank it will probably die.
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