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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Are you talking about the roots growing circular or the plant? I think you could tempt this plant to grow into just about any shape with encouragement and patience. Fishing line may work but you could also consider floral wire or bonsai wire- that's depending on what material it's made out of if it's in water or not. I grow bonsai and use wire to manipulate, but also grow bamboo so similar stuff but never tried with anubias which frankly is one of my favorite aquatic plants. I attached another possible shape that was more like what was in my head but again it's orchids- anubias could easily be pictured there.
  2. Never tried to grow it that way but don't see why it couldn't work. I'm wondering if you could do like a partial water landscape and grow anubias like bamboo or some orchids. Maybe get a rectangular glass "vase", glue the anubias to a piece of longer driftwood and stick one side into the water with whatever combo of rocks/dirt in the bottom, depending on how the anubias reacts you could submerge it more or less and with a container like that you could see how it's doing underwater too. The attached not so much for an anubias and too busy, but an example- and the kind of glass I'm talking about.
  3. Apparently the baby fish trick also works with baby plants in @Fish Folk's house!!πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŸπŸ‘πŸ πŸ¬πŸ‘πŸ‹πŸ¦ˆπŸšπŸ¦πŸŒ
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Hygger-Aquarium-Single-Sponges-Submersible/dp/B07XZ831WR/ref=asc_df_B07XZ831WR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385191879806&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2523381696980319153&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032443&hvtargid=pla-833536679922&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=78564976036&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385191879806&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2523381696980319153&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032443&hvtargid=pla-833536679922 Is the mini hygger and below is an example of the kind of pump I've been using. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B093FGBPWX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. I don't run heat so I can't speak to that, but all my tanks are going to have some sort of sponge filter even those with "internal filtration" have a tiny hygger (a recent discovery that fits perfectly in back of my Flex)- each run by a lithium battery backed air pump. They are plugged in but switch to battery power when power is cut/out. My two 20gallon talls have 2 air pump driven filters, 2 are run by a Tetra Whisper and 2 are run by a battery backed pump.
  6. Falkor....the Luck Dragon on The Neverending Story....if you haven't seen it, I'm very sorry for your lost childhood....
  7. My tiny pride and joy, beautiful GloBetta, Spark
  8. I bet it was a room divider of some kind, I could see that thing in an office between a lobby and offices.
  9. Had to have been custom...my volume calculator says it's 72.3 gallons. That thing is super narrow!
  10. That's what I'm thinking @Colu. Since the visible injury is now healed and seems to be eating normally I'm at a loss as to what to do. I might put it back into one of my tanks but think I may need to keep it isolated in a breeder box so I can make sure it doesn't get picked on and eats.
  11. Just to continue on the process here. I've completed 1 round of Furan2, no change- fishy is still swimming vertically- has eaten thawed frozen bloodworms eagerly (1 or 2 a day for the last 6 days). Today since I was totally at a loss as to what to do next I just did the 25% water change you do with Furan2 and started a 2nd round. Put in about a tablepoon of Aquarium salt as well. Other than swimming constantly vertical there are no other outward signs of illness. Tagging you @Colu just so you can also see my update.
  12. @DebSills I agree with @PineSong. It's not likely you did anything wrong. Which is more than we can say for the original pet owner.
  13. Since they're wild caught 99 times out of a 100 yes, they probably are carrying something. I actually have used Seachem's Paraguard on them many times with success. As long as general cure will treat parasites it may work. I like Paraguard because it also treats Ich among other things. Depending on what they have raising temperature could help- or not. I would say maybe start with the meds since you haven't narrowed down what it really is.
  14. Hahah, yea they hide most of the day, there's a decorative bridge and other little hidey spots and they both cram themselves in those the majority of their days- yes, absolutely normal. This is why they are often kept with fish and other more visible creatures cause you don't always see them!
  15. Well, just to update. Since nobody piped in and after having to clean the stock pump a few times in a week to get it back to full flow before it clogged again (and there was nothing visually clogging it) I ended up buying a random, adjustable (since the stock one isn't)pump on Amazon (harder to find small pumps that aren't high output I've discovered) and putting it in the tank. I also removed the aftermarket low flow spray bar and put on the stock one (though I don't think that was contributing to the issue, but more on that in a second) and removing the aftermarket grate/vent covers and putting back on the stock ones. I also got a VERY small Hygger nano tank sponge filter (that has an output and suction cup), added an air pump/line and stuck it in the back filter area for extra filtration. Why the overkill you ask? Well because the original pump wasn't doing its job my tank got sick- with Ich. Had to pull the Nerite out and treat with Paraguard. I'm on day 18 (I treat until I see zero spots for at least 7 days and I have 3 more days going by that rule now). The tank gets warm too, weird because my 3 gallon used to sit in the same spot it'd get 81 at peak of the day. This tank is already close to 80 in the morning and at last checck at 4pm my time it was 81.9- so no need to use a heater (even for Ich treatment).
  16. From the research I did most only recommended 1 for a 5 gallon or 2 for 10 and it seemed to be saying if they were the only occupants. As we all know there isn't any hard and fast rules just general guidelines as it all depends on your set up and bio load, filtration, water changes, etc. Honestly, in the end for my Mum's tank we put 2 in a 3 gallon tank. It has 2 anubias nana and lots of Duckweed, 1 nerite snail and some bladder snails for clean up crew. The tank has an internal filter. Not one water change has been performed since before mother's day. So it all depends. If I were you because they're social I'd get one more. If you're considering 3 wait until after you're sure the bioload won't be too much. That's how I would play it if I were in your shoes. I'm attaching a pic of my Mum's frogs obvioiusly being "social" (oh and no ammonia! πŸ˜„ )
  17. Just in case in future this becomes useful for someone looking for info. I ended up doing 1 additional dose of Kanaplex while I figured out what to do next. Today I dumped the 2 gallon QT water and started with Furan2 which is hard to dose from the little packets so I had to take a good guess as one packet treats 10 gallons. I also put in about a half tablespoon aquarium salt. Fish ate a bloodworm today but still swims vertically. Bloodworms are the only thing I've witnessed the fish eating since I can target feed them. It's a tough little thing.
  18. Hi there, welcome to the forum from a fellow Northern CA fish keeper (though I'm in the southern portion of the northern sections, ha!)
  19. ...and as per usual @Fish Folk has 12 million babies keeping the fish hobby supplied of fish.....
  20. Hi there. You can absolutely float plants- a lot of people float cuttings (like bacopa) until they have roots and THEN plant them. I have a tank that is slim on substrate- you can keep plants like Anubias and glue them to pieces of wood or decoration as they aren't the types of plants that you cover roots with substrate. I personally use suction airline holders and a bit of airline to tie the various sorts of Anubias and then suction cup them along the aquarium walls where I want them to sit. It's kinda fun because sometimes you want to move a plant and these are really the only sorts of plants you can move without disturbing substrate a lot!
  21. ...due to ongoing history w/your tanks I forsee millions of discus in your future..... I look forward to squee'ing at the screen shortly.
  22. @ColuWell I'm out of other ideas so I will continue with Kanaplex. Thanks friend
  23. The day I saw my first "Purple Frilly Frondosa" (yes I know there are other names but that's what was written on the tank at the time) and it followed me on its little fins from one side of the tank to the other, clearly peeping at me with one clear eye at a time I wanted one. But I don't trust my skills in fish keeping enough to: A) have a salt water tank B) keep this beautiful 500 dollar fish (at the time) alive. Maybe when I'm rich I'll pay someone to maintain a tank for me!
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