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  1. @Colu awe okay I'll just put him back with goldfish that's where he was before We just wanted to move them into the living room instead of the bedroom to be seen more 55gl set to 68 with a 50w
  2. @CJs Aquatics @Colu I didn't know dojo's liked it cooler but he's doing fine so far 300w heater set to 82 but it turns off with the lights, lights are astronomical sunrise to sunset via smart plug He's 2yrs old and about 11in, his name is Mr.wiggles and he demands cold water changes, he'll go nuts while it raining outside till I change some of it out for cold water, then it's a feeding frenzy for him till next "rain" so to say, he's a really chill fish till storms move in, then he goes just flat nuts banging, smacking and hitting the lid and tank, and if y'all didn't know they make a really cool sound when they come up to the surface and grab a gulp of air like a beta
  3. So I'm doing a parasite cleanse on 55gl, 82°,ph 7.2, gh 300, kh80, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, 3yr old Guppies, a dojo loach and a angel fish I never fully got rid of them over the years and now I'm just going to finally hit um hard so I started with posipro at 2x strength for 3 day then 50% and 5gl everyday since I use seachem safe for dechlorinator And now I'm alternating between two different types of medicated food, one in the morning and other at night Does anyone have any thoughts on this type of cleanse Too much, too little, ease off the nuclear worm Holocaust or maybe more nuclear like pea,carrot and flutabendazole diy gel food (experimenting atm)
  4. Has anyone used neo Marine kalibrite saltless salt mix as mineral supplements in freshwater aquariums, I bought a 25lb at an auction for pennies what am I missing because it does it with like the shrimp Trace elements, The reef Trace elements, ect they all work the same I have a breeding activity explosion for a couple days and then the whole tank just starts to crash out, am I missing like some obscure Trace element or elements here cuz algae doesn't happen, everything goes into breeding and then everything stops about 4 days later till another shot of mixed water hit the tank breeding Molly's and apple snails atm And I live in Southern Illinois where we have literal mineral water just pouring out the tap ph around 7.6 water hasn't changed in 2 years from the town even check that, so do you guys have any ideas what's going on I have several tanks but we'll use this one since everything gets 10% ever 2-3days using the same mix 55gl, 86°f , ph 7.6-8.2, gh maxed out on everything 500+, kh is around 450, no nitrite no ammonia, between 60 and 100 nitrate, I have copper pipes but I cannot detect any copper, lron is around 50, tds is 1900ish All the testing is ppm Stocking is regular mollies, balloon mollies, apple snails, Malaysian trumpet snails, 1 green spotted puffer and one really large dojo loach
  5. Like I said I'm using full size water lettuce with very hard water, so this may be very different in another glass box, for this tank at least, that's what I've noticed they like to feed on the most. witch to spark even more discussion I am currently running research on using a fish tank as a "water reservoir" of some sort in cultivating adult stuff, cuz those type of plants and other terrestrial plants like pothos tend to feed so much more the normal aquatic plants. I've done one round and I have a buddy that's done it his whole life and so far I think everyone everywhere should be using waste aquarium water to water everything regardless of what plants they are, its seriously some magical stuff.
  6. Plants typically consume nitrates first then ammonia and then nitrides, there's a whole host of micro nutrients in their but they just prefer the easy to use nutrients first hence why I have zero nitrates then low ammonia and then quite high nitrites at least my water lettuce which is a very heavy water column feeder doesn't really like to suck out nitrites, but it basically strips the water of all the nitrates and ammonia, which I'm guessing it's causing a bacterial imbalance in my bio filter of some kind, because as this blooming and crashing cycle is going on I'm now staying at or near zero nitrates and lil ammonia even with the amount I'm feeding, but atm I'm having to change water for nitrites more then anything witch ain't a bad thing because I'm out to rebreed the 70s guppies you can't kill, hopefully
  7. See I have been very sketchy of using off label fertilizers because this is a breeding tank, but if it's safe I'm not opposed to it it's just I don't know enough to really try any of that, I used Miracle-Gro tomato fertilizer on a 10 gallon tank, long ago, I put a teaspoon in with no fish and no plants and let it sit just to see what it would do and it became so green I couldn't shine a spotlight through it legit million candle spotlight wouldn't go through this 10 gallon tank it was that green, pic of the same tank 6 months later after adding 3 silver mollies just to see if anything would live in it, cuz this was my first green water ever and didn't know what it was.
  8. Oh guess I should add that I'm feeding eight tablespoons of prepared repache food and there are okay tablespoon, not quite a full one and there's a feeding dish in back y'all can't really see that I drop it in
  9. Okay y'all, I know I'm over feeding and yes all the food is being consumed fully, I have checked this multiple times thinking that the foods the issue, I use aquarium co-op ammonia and multi test strips so I trust um and use them as directed, as fair as light levels, I'm using full size not dwarf water lettuce with duckweed that grows in between, at the surface, I would say extreme light, under surface, I would say low to very low, I realize this issue can very easily be solved by removing plants frequently and reducing feeding while halfing the light, I'm looking for out of the box ideas here, this is a breeding tank for guppies, plecos and mystery snails, if I'm having serious overgrowth and not able to literally put enough food in the tank to sustain it and having a major die back which throws my water to the moon causing another Bloom cycle, instead of doing the normal remove, reduce, reassess. What could I add, what could I change, what would it do, i love my glass boxes because each one's its own experiment, come on dig your brains y'all, out of the box wacky ideas, what would possibly work in this scenario and there are no wrong answers here
  10. So idk much about lighting, but I got my 55gl running 2 25$ shop lights, (50w 6k lumen, color 5k, each) water Is 79°, A 0, ni 0, na 0, gh 300+ kh 40-0 pH 7.8-8.2, I'm having the issue of the water being to clean, like no amount I feed will shift the water and my plants (water lettuce and duckweed) are going the cycle of massive growth in couple days then massive die off just as fast, blasting my water to, A 1, ni 4, na 0, then swinging it back to 0,0,0 in a 6-8 day cycle, is there any way to stabilize this cycle, cuz I'm feeding 4 tbl spoons of repashy community Plus twice daily and it's just barley keeping it stable but it keeps going out of whack, anyone know what to do or any ideas, no easy green but I am using easy carbon 6 pump per day
  11. Funny thing is that green picture is after 4days of complete back out, and a 8w uv had lil effect during the 4 days as well, that's kind of the reason I'm on here asking nothing seems to work atm, and because my flag fish are breeding I don't want to contaminate their food chain since they're primarily algae eaters, but I would also like to see my fish lol
  12. Agreed, I have a 55gl runing at 82° a0 ni0 na 50-100 pH 7.6ish, super heavy floating plant stock,(water lettuce and duckweed running under 2 50w shop lights), I've got stupid hard water with no buffer so I use aragonite and they really do seem to prefer a tank with it in it to not, and they kind of like heat when they breed 78°-84° but other than that that's the only two things I found outside of what he said, well I feed the hakari fancy guppy food mainly with repashy community plus every other day that may increase there cycle, but mine tend to give birth to about 30 to 45 fry every 22ish days, witch about oh about 30% ish live atm, heavy on the ish, too many to actually count anymore
  13. Astronomical Sunrise to sunset for my area, so about 6am - 8:30ish atm, all my tanks run them same light schedule
  14. So this 20L is unplanted ish, heavily planted with sculpted hair algae, water is 72° A 0 Ni 0 NA 0 gh 300+ kh 240, stock is 2 breeding American flag fish, 36 sunset sword tail fry and snails (mts,rams,pond) with a couple of shrimp mixed in, my question is, what can I treat with so I can at least see them without putting any chemicals in there because I'd like to avoid any possible contamination of their diet, pics are before and after green, Amazon sword has since been moved
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