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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Colu

    Ich with new fish

    Germany blue rams do best with a temperature over 80 for long term health it depends on which peppermint pleco you have there's a couple of L number plecos that are called peppermint pleco do you no the L number
  2. If you see improvement with just salt before the kanaplex arrives than I wouldn't treat with the kanaplex
  3. Colu

    Ich with new fish

    I would treat the hole tank to be on the safe side with ick X and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes gradually raise the temperature to 82 to speed up the life cycle of parasite add an extra air stone during treatment@skinzz
  4. You want zero ammonia and nitrite and nitrate of less than 25ppm stable pH @BlueTurtle25
  5. Could be an injury you can get white patches with columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 what I would as you have it in quarantine is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and I would starting treatment with kanaplex he's a dosing guide for small tank volumes
  6. Could be a cyst or a benign or cancerous growth what I would do is add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce any possible fluid buildup in the lump and do a course of maracyn2 the active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties
  7. From what your describing I would holed off on another course of maracyn only repeat the treatment if he start to show similar symptoms
  8. It's difficult to tell of your picture is it a white patch or a white raised lump
  9. Am not seeing any Redding to the edges of the fins that would indicate fin rot what I would do is monitor and keep stable water parameters and should regrow given time @Elyse
  10. Colu

    i need help

    It looks like bacterial infection Melafix is more of a mild antiseptic treatment I would definitely be treating antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex maracyn or maracyn2 if you can source any of these medication that would be best treatment option @aaron eli
  11. looks like hemorrhaging under the skin more likely to be an injury swim into something in the tank or got trapped there's always a possibility something else is going on like a growth under skin what I would do is treat with maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes aid an extra air stone give an update if your seeing no improvement after a course of maracyn2
  12. Epsom salt isn't harmful to your fish reason most people do Epsom salt baths is because it raises you GH when added to the tank or they have live plants and at the level need would harm plants I would becareful adding Epsom as your using the aqua one product that contains salt a lot of liverbears are breed in Asia in water that naturally has some salt in it they don't necessarily need it if your KH GH pH is within range a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons can be added to the tank to replenish trace minerals removed by your plants and fish
  13. I have never used that product am not finding much information other than it contains salt
  14. life will always find a way
  15. Keeping good water parameters is essential to help him heal you don't want to water change to often when you add the Indian almond leaves it will remove the benefial tannins I would just keep up testing and water change as needed
  16. Epsom salt more for constipation swim bladder issues and treat fungals infection aquarium salt used more for treating bacterial infection and fungal infections at the dose I recommended it would harm your plants that why I recommended using a container to do the Epsom salt baths the dosing the same
  17. If you add Epsom salt to your tank it will raise your GH as you have live plants I do Epsom salt baths put fish a bucket or container for 15 minutes with the Epsom salt then put him back in the tank
  18. Liverbears can start to fall a part due to lack minerals and get deformities that is probably what your seeing with the tail fin
  19. Could be egg bound or constipated what I would do is Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant other symptoms you described could be the start of neon tetra disease it's difficult to say for sure @Firedashflame
  20. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature can you post a picture of the sick fish @Firedashflame
  21. Methylene blue can be toxic to plants so I wouldn't recommend using it for dipping plants i have only ever used methylene blue in bath to treat fish or in a container with fish eggs I would never add it directly to a tank @Lennie
  22. That can work it all depends on how much you add I would start at half a pound of crushed Oyster shell or clam shells for 10 gallons test your pH how much it goes up I would definitely get KH test
  23. Colu

    i need help

    If you can quarantine I would treat him on his own
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