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Everything posted by Colu

  1. What I do is a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days just in case there's a bacterial component if he's not eating then I would dose the tank with maracyn2
  2. What other fish do you have in this tank what are your water parameters is it eating and active am going to tag @mountaintoppufferkeeper for some insight I have very little experience with puffer
  3. Can you take a picture of the fish with suspected columnaris it will help with a diagnosis
  4. How many puffers do you have in this tank as that Looks like a bite mark from another puffer
  5. Little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature how long has he had torn fins
  6. it won't harm him taking him out of the salt as long as the temperature and water parameters are similar it will be fine to treat in the main tank
  7. Colu

    Ranchu eyes

    Cloudy eye can be caused by a number of things poor water quality injury cataracts what are your water parameters how long has he had the cloudy eyes
  8. It's possible you have two things going on he could have had had a bacterial infections and a parasitic infections the bacterial infections has been treated during this time the parasitic infection has weaken him so I would recommend treating with expel p
  9. Pale stingy poop can be caused by him not eating it can also be caused by parasitic infection the fact he hasn't eaten in two days is more than likely the cause of the pale stingy poop holes in the fins can be caused by your Betta flairing two much as he's had two courses of maracyn and a course of kanaplex with not much improvement and he's not eating what I would suggest is treating with levamisole active ingredient in expel p once a week for 3 weeks levamisole can also enhance the innate immune response as well as treating parasitic infections I think it would worthwhile just in case something else is going
  10. Hospital tank is a smaller volume of water so you will use less medication you could move him back to the main tank and treat the medication won't harm your plants
  11. Med trio is more of a preventive treatment with the symptoms your fish has I would treat for a parasitic infection with paracleanse
  12. Can you take a picture from above so I can see the pineconing it's difficult to see velvet off your picture or fungal infections you described i can see a lump between the eyes does it have a fuzzy appearance he's what velvet looks like for comparison does it look like this
  13. What I would do is treat with paracleanse every two weeks following the instructions on the box for three full courses of treatment so treat on week 1 week 3 week 5
  14. Good to hear he's made a full recovery
  15. What are your water parameters how often were you feeding and what were you feeding before the buoyancy issue any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out
  16. The medication could have exacerbated the symptoms your seeing the fact that the Cory's behaviour changed after a water change I would test amount of chlorine in your tap if it's high you would want add 3x the amount of dechlorinator I would feed blood worms only once a week and start feeding some pellets or flake along side the frozen give it another 5 days with out any medication monitor them and make a note of any odd behaviour or symptoms your seeing then give an update
  17. Lip locking is common in cichlids it aggressive behaviour the other behaviour you described could be breeding behaviour I don't think there's any need to medicate I would look at pH KH and GH before doing anything else
  18. What I would do as you have ammonia and nitrite is test daily and do a water change whenever you see any ammonia or nitrite and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia or nitrite this what could have contributed to your fish death as ammonia and nitrite are extremely toxic to fish even in small amounts cut back on feeding to once a day and till you constantly see no ammonia or nitrite fish start to decompose really quickly after death in warm water what your seeing on the body could be postmortem changes I would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and add an extra air I would focus on keeping stable water parameters zero ammonia nitrite and Nitrate under 25ppm for now and monitor give an update in week if your still have issues@finbean3
  19. Sorry to hear he not improving Typically antibiotic will take a minimum of 5 days before you start to see any out ward signs of improvement fingers crossed the medication works
  20. What I would do is keep stable water parameters and only water change if you see any ammonia or nitrite daily water change will add extra stress and feed a once a day what I would do is add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal add an extra air stone
  21. I would try feeding him once a day with a small amount of the medicated food and see how he does
  22. That two small for two males I would get a 40 gallons or bigger if you want multiple angelfish you will get constant fighting if it's two males in a tank that size I would rehome the other male or put him in this own tank
  23. The white spot looks like a callus on a broken fin ray with the spilt fin more than likely any injury I would just monitor for now if you notice any Redding to the edges of the fin and they start to recede then I would do a course of kanaplex am not seeing anything that's needs treatment at the moment @suzy
  24. Looks like an injury keep stable water parameters and Salt a good option as @TheSwissAquarist suggested it will help prevent secondary infection I would start at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons you could add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and monitor for a week are these two angel fish a pair or two males what size is the tank @Marcelo
  25. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature can you take a picture of the loach if it's possible
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