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Everything posted by gogomarigo

  1. Do you have sparkling gourami in stock? Might try to stop by tomorrow if so!
  2. Have you sold rice fish before? I tried searching the forum but didn’t see anything. I saw that Cory had some in his ponds but wasn’t sure if he was planning to eventually sell some in the shop
  3. Lighting in my room is weird but this is a top view of my tank. This type of salvinia has larger leaves that the kinds I originally had. I love how they fill out the tank. When they’re less crowded, they have long stems of leaves that create almost a lace-like pattern.⠀ ⠀ The floating rings are made out of airline tubing. Pygmy Corys and Sparkling Gouramis need to get to the surface for occasional air so this saves some space for them. When the salvinia gets too crowded, they can’t make it past their roots and leaves. Both species appreciate the shade the salvinia provides though. The shrimp love grazing on algae and biofilm that grow on the floating rings.⠀ ⠀ The dark spot in the lower right corner is actually my Java moss + Japanese Dwarf Pennywort cholla wood.⠀ ⠀ I love all of the different textures and layers from this top view!
  4. I’m thinking of possibly creating a mini pond that will ideally stay on my porch all year long. I live in Seattle. The weather has been a bit unpredictable these past few years but usually, we rarely get temps below 40 degrees/above 80 degrees. Again, sometimes we have unusually cold or hot periods but overall, we tend to have pretty mild weather. I’m thinking of doing a Japanese style medaka pond (10 - 15 gallons). Has anyone done one without a filter or air stone? I have an outlet on my porch but I’m worried rain will get into it when it’s windy. During the summer months, I’m planning to move the pond towards the shady area of the porch or bring inside when it’s over 80 degrees. I heard medaka are quiet hardy when it comes to the cold. I’m not sure if the water will still be okay when the temp gets too cold for plants though. I feel like water hyacinth, water lily, pennywort, water lettuce, etc. wouldn’t do too well in the colder months...? And if that’s the only source of filtration, I wonder if that will cause a crash. I know the fish’s metabolism slows down when it’s colder anyway but not sure if potential plant loss would cause everything to crash.
  5. Still waiting for the water sprite to fill in the back but the tank is coming along quite nicely!⠀ ⠀ Some days I want to tear it down and re-start from scratch but I’m learning to trust the process. Amazon sword and three water sprite from the Co-op!😍
  6. My first (visible) baby shrimp!! It’s only a few days old.⠀ ⠀ I was surprised because I thought the eggs were hatched on the opposite side of the tank where the other mama shrimp have been hanging out.
  7. What does it mean when my berried neos eggs are turning white? It’s just happening to a couple of them so far. One has all white eggs. One has a mix of white and yellow. If the eggs are dying, would the shrimp drop them automatically or might she hold onto them/potentially get an infection...? This is my first time having berried shrimp (over 5 total so far!)
  8. Did some tank cleaning in preparation for my first ever shrimplets, due next week at the earliest! Photo: Little Pyggies chillin’ out
  9. Do the green neons need a lower ph or will they be okay at a neutral ph?
  10. Has anyone tried feeding bee pollen to their neos before? Some things I’m wondering: How often do you feed? As a regular food or just as a treat? Is the bee pollen a good source of food for baby shrimp or is it more for adults? Do fish tend to go for it too or do they generally leave it alone?
  11. Not the best photo but I have my first berried shrimp! It’s a blue neo from the Coop😊 This one seems to be a blue rili. It’s funny cause last night, my partner had remarked on how big that particular shrimp was getting (she hadn’t dropped her eggs yet). And I was doing extra research on neocaridina life cycle, trying to estimate when they’d transition from juveniles to adults and begin mating—very anxious to make sure my shrimp feel comfortable. I think it’d be cool to observe the lifecycle of neos but I also want breeding because to me, it’s an indicator that the shrimp are happy and feel safe. I’ve been wanting sparkling gouramis but the Coop has been sold out. The bright side is that this gives me a better opportunity to grow my shrimp colony in the meantime. I have Pygmy Corys but I read that they’re safer for baby shrimp since they’re omnivores but have more scavenging behavior rather than actively searching for and chasing little moving things to eat. I have lots of plant cover and leaf litter too. I read that Pygmy Corys are also relatively easy to breed🤔 They lay eggs tho so it would be more complicated for a beginner like me compared to “live bearers” like the sparkling gourami (can that term be used generally or is it only used for particular types of fish like mollies and guppies...?) I feel like most beginner fish keepers are attracted to the bright colors of guppies, neon/cardinal tetras, bettas, apistos, etc. but there’s something that makes my heart flutter seeing the hint of rainbow flashes on “plain” colored fish like Pygmy Corys and sparkling gouramis (kind of like the sparkly details of the book, “Rainbow Fish”). Plus sparkling gouramis have those beautiful bright blue eyes! Anyway, I marked the date to start actively checking for missing eggs/baby shrimp in my planner (which I mostly use for work). I feel like I’m a grandma😂 I’m excited!!
  12. Tested a food dish for the Pygmy Corys since they (and the Amano shrimp) are quite messy eaters. I’ve been feeding frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, Hikari micro pellets, Hikari sinking wafers, and Fluval bug bites. The sinking wafers are the least messy but the Corys aren’t as crazy for them as the other foods, particularly the micro pellets. Maybe it’s the krill? Just tried the bug bites today but they didn’t seem too interested in that either. Second place goes to chopped up frozen bloodworms (if they’re whole, sometimes they come out of the Corys’ gills😟). Third goes to frozen brine. I’ll probably skip the dish and continue encouraging their natural grazing/scavenging behavior. Seems like food particles still float out of the dish anyway, since the Corys are so wiggly. I fed a bit too much this time but usually, the shrimp (Amano + blue neos) and various microfauna (and plants!) take care of the rest.
  13. Ah, I read through the list like five times and my eyes missed it. Thanks!
  14. The is the name of the fish that looks like it has leopard spots?
  15. Caught this tiny lil bladder snail using its bladder organ to float
  16. Also, the taller stems keep leaning sideways so I’m wondering if the light is too intense
  17. How do you keep feathery plants like myriophyllum dust free? I keep getting light brown dust (I’m guessing from the substrate?) on the leaves. It just feels like biofilm when I rub it off, not like diatoms. Maybe it’s just a type of algae...? I use Fluval stratum. I have three Amano shrimp, 6 blue velvet shrimp, a nerite snail, and 7 Pygmy corydoras. The shrimp aren’t adult sized yet and they tend to eat some of the food I feed to my Corys. I was thinking of getting 10 more blue velvets but more so to build up a colony rather than the goal to address the dust issue. It’s a 10 gallon tank with a nano sponge filter from the co-op. I have a Chihiros C2 at 60% on a timer for 10 hours a day so I’m wondering if I should up my fertilizer. My nitrates have been between 5 - 10ppm. I was using NilocG Shrimp formula but recently switched to Easy Green. I’ve been doing a water change the rare times it reaches 20ppm but I’m wondering if I should leave it until it reads over 20ppm...? I’m concerned that’d be toxic for my livestock though. This is a photo where I tried to rub most of the dust off but there is still some on the edges of the leaves.
  18. Dark background and substrate can bring out deeper colors in shrimp and some fish. If they're on a lighter substrate, their colors can become more muted as they try to blend in with the lighter substrate/background. I used black Plastidip spray for my background. Super easy! Apparently it's really easy to remove in case you wanna change the color or just take it off when preparing to sell the tank. Though I suppose if your tank is already set up and running, it would be a bit of a hassle. But yeah, I think it's all more about aesthetics and personal preference 🙂
  19. Caught this pile of Pyggies resting on the "hobbit" hide! It's still growing it but it has some Phoenix moss on it. They also hid inside it while I did a water change. They're so wiggly and silly, I feel like they're the puppy dogs of the freshwater world 🙂
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