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TJ _isme

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Everything posted by TJ _isme

  1. My guppies for some reason love to chase the babies, so if it is a strain specific behavior then I definitely got the blood thirsty ones lmbo
  2. Marimo moss balls are really cool plants that goldfish almost never eat, they are super hardy and don’t require high lighting or co2,just make sure to flip them over every now and then so all sides can get light
  3. I want to get a 110 gallon tank for a turtle, I am thinking I will get one red eared slider, I am not sure to what filter to use for this, you are welcome to dm me what filter you think I should use or you can post it on here. Also the tank is indoors if that makes any difference.
  4. I like to hand feed my tiger barbs but they occasionally nip at my hand, it doesn’t hurt at all I am just wondering if they can hurt me?
  5. I have trained my guppies to eat from my hand and they don’t mind me lightly brushing them with my finger, and they brush against me too. I don’t know if this is safe for the guppies, please give advice, I want to pet them but if it is not safe i won’t
  6. A submersible pump is just a pump that pumps water and it can be under the water, I set the submersible pump into the tank then turn it on and it pump all the water out through a hose
  7. You can fit WAY more plants and rock structures, I like to make rock structures and then super glue lots of Java fern and anubias. doing this gives the Cories lots of rocks and plants to hide in while still looking nice
  8. The panda cories should do fine as long as you make sure they get fed, the other fish might eat all the food before the Cory’s can get any. So if you make sure they get fed they should be pretty fine, I like to feed my cories at night so they can get it without the other eating it all. also make sure they have plenty of places to hide like tons of plants and rock structures and they should be fine
  9. I like to set mine on the ground outside and fill it with my garden hose, then I check the next day to see if it leaked. To drain it I use a submersible pump
  10. How do I make snails into fish food?
  11. I got these guppies from my lfs they look really cool but I don’t know what they are. All advice is welcome.(sorry for the bad images)
  12. Would I be able to use the api gh and kh test kit? Or is the sera one slot better?
  13. My lfs has a bunch and I really like them. My water is fairly hard so I don’t know of these will work or not, I don’t know anything about them, answers to my question and all advice are appreciated.
  14. Can you breed white cloud mountain minnows in hard water? The water is 300 tds, is this suitable for breeding the white cloud minnows? All advice is welcome!
  15. Idk how to do this and I want to breed them pls help
  16. You can use Repashy gel food, it a sinking food that comes in all sorts of versions from planty stuff to meaty stuff and even woody stuff, also cories like shrimp pellets and they LOVE worms, frozen blood worms, live bloodworms,frozen blackwoorms, and live blackworms are all amazing options imo the best way to feed them is to give them a few different sinking pellets,sticks,wafers as a staple, then supplement with frozen foods like blood worms, and once or twice a week giving them live blood worms The platies will like all sorts of frozen foods flakes and small pellets Miskito fish will eat bacicly the same as platies And idk what a Garra is
  17. Aquarium co-op has a nice arrival about warm water fish that might help
  18. I am not a Cory expert of any sorts but I believe that is a leopard corydora. here is an image of a leopard Cory I found online
  19. All low light plants can grow under duckweed, I have some Java fern and Amazon sword and a few compact swords under the duckweed and it grows well
  20. Try to feed them a diverse diet, you can feed fish flakes or pellets, but I really like frozen foods, the frozen foods are often full of the nutrients they need, I feed my cichlids frozen foods and flakes or pellets. By feeding a diverse diet it helps prevent a nutrient deficiency because all foods have different nutrients. examples of foods for them are… Pellets or flakes Spirulina. Plant-based food, which replaces algae, which would be their natural source of vegetables Homemade food. Lettuce, broccoli, peas, cucumber etc Frozen foods as a treat, brine shrimp and blood worms freaze dried foods, krill, shrimp, and tubifex worms all work great(use caution with these as they have very high protein, they use protein to grow but to much is not good) another tip I have is to give lots of hiding places, cichlids can be aggressive (some more than others) so with a lot of hiding places they can claim their territory, and the smaller ones can hide from the bigger ones, plants can do a really good job of giving hiding places but alto of cichlids don’t like plants so they rip them up, so I like to use lots of rock structures because the6 can’t rip them up and they can hide in them and claim them as territory. my third tip is to feed on more than one spot, if you put food on one side of the tank the more aggressive eaters and bigger ones can hog all of it then the others will starve, so I usually put food on the right side and the left side and maybe a little bit in a cave.
  21. Thank you, I have been thinking about doing bladder snails because I already have a few, I have ramshorn snails to but I am trying to get rid of those,
  22. This is what I was thinking because I like having more fish to look at
  23. I’ve got some ramshorn snails and a few bladder snails, I don’t like the ramshorn snails and I want them gone. Does anyone know of good snail eaters theta can live with guppies?
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