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TJ _isme

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Everything posted by TJ _isme

  1. If the air pump is 50$ and the cooling fan is 15$, do you think it is worth it?
  2. I want to setup some more tanks for breeding and whatnot and sometimes air pumps can get pretty hot, I was wondering if a corded pc fan would help to keep it cool, maybe extend its lifetime. if somone has done this or tips or has any comments or anything please comment
  3. I am making this post for my friend he has a 10 gallon tank with lots of plants, algae,drift wood, some rocks and stuff. he has a couple guppies, tetras, African dwarf frogs. But he found these weird bugs on/in his filter and on some drift wood, we don’t know if these are bad for the fish or somthing. they appear to be eating algae on stuff pls help with ID and any advice or comments are welcome
  4. If you are looking for a larger fish to help lower guppy population you could go with and Oscar, they will love the 95 gallons of swimming space 👍
  5. I want to make a fry system like the one dean made, what would be a good amount of gph for the pump?
  6. Thank you this helps a lot
  7. @Colu would it be overdosing if I used the jungle tabs everyday?
  8. Here some images of the cooler changing guppy, he was blue with the stripe but once I added an aronge guppy to the group he developed an orange stripe
  9. Thank you, I am trying to get the medicine as soon as possible, once I get it I will treat the whole tank to make sure it’s gone👍
  10. Here are some more images of another infected guppy
  11. (Also I don’t know if this is worth mentioning but the only tank mates are guppies)
  12. Thanks this helps a lot, the infected ones are very lathargic, they bacicly only lay on the bottom of the tank and they don’t eat 😞
  13. This is what I plan on doing, I thought it was ick and I probably would have lost all my guppies without the advice from everybody, thanks all.
  14. I’ll check my parameters in a minute but I found another guppie who had it Water parameters: ph:7.8. Hardness I believe it’s pretty neutral (I don’t have tests but the tap water is hard but I have a filter that is sopposed to make it soft so it doesn’t damage the pipes but it need to be replaced so the hardness is neutral to hard) temp: 77 F
  15. I have a 29 gallon tank full of guppies, they have all been super healthy until now I found 529 of them had puffy white lesions and I am prettY sure it is ick, i was only able to get pictures of one of them, sorry for the low quality images
  16. Yes there are females, there are roughly 2-3 females for every male I think I don’t currently have good photos but once I do I will post
  17. I don’t know if or how this is possible but I had some males with blue patterns and then I added some males with orange patters to the group the blue ones are now starting to have orange stripes, I am not upset with this I think it is cool I am just wondering how this is happening.
  18. I have never done this but this could stress the glass which could lead to it snapping apart and then you got tons of water flooding your house
  19. Thank you for your help, I am planning to stop with the Lardge volume water changes and now I am just going to do 25% water changes twice a week, the tank is fairly heavily stocked so i think it needs it.
  20. I have a 29 gallon guppy tank and I got the tank from goodwill for super cheap, the tank was dirty and smelled bad so I was sure it was full of bacteria and whatnot, so I took it home and cleaned it out really well with my hose then I filled it with water and added bleach and let it set over night, then I rinsed it out super well and got it free from the bleach, I spent almost 30 mins just rinsing to make sure there was no bleach left, when I was done there was not bleach smell or anything. The tank has had fish for 3-4 months and no problems so far.
  21. My water is fairly hard (idk the gh or kh but if it helps the tds is 300) I don’t think it was temperature, I measure the water to make sure it is the same temp as in the tank before adding it)
  22. I added seacham prime midway through the water change so I don’t think the chlorine/chloramines were the problem, the water I added was just tap water which is all I have ever used the tank had about 1 ppm of ammonia, nitrite is 0 and there was about 80 ppm of nitrate, it was a fairly new tank (only 3 month old and only had fish for 1 month) now the tank has roughly 0.5 ppm of amonia, 0 nitrite and, 40 nitrate My tap water and tank water is 7.8 ph and both are fairly hard
  23. the tank had 1 red tailed black shark, 4 yellow lab cichlids, 7 tiger barbs, 2 mystery snails. don’t under why this happened, the week before last week I did a 50% water change and when I was done All the fish were fine except 1 tiger barb, he was floating around the tank twitching, then 30 minutes later he died. The next week I got sick so I did not do a water change, Now today i did a 70% water change and then the multiple tiger barbs do the same thing as the one did a few weeks ago i dont understand why this is happening and I need help all advice and comments are appreciated
  24. If you change your mind and decide you like making a big mess for some reason then get duck weed
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