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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. And of course, @Guppysnail’s tanks are just stunning. If you look and see something you like but don’t know what it is. I’m sure she’ll help you figure it out. Looks like she also uses a grow light? And egg crate for support on the bottom? That opens up all kinds of possibilities.
  2. So, basically you’re setting up a hydroponic garden. Most plants can handle that to a certain degree. You could even do vegetables. Things like lettuce, spinach, and kale you’d want to start in dirt and rinse off before adding to your water. Things like broccoli or cauliflower would need support for the heavy stems. But you could also do beans or even things like strawberries. The only limit is imagination. or most houseplants are low light plants and can be used. Avoid plants that need little water. Epiphytes and desert plants. Most other plants should be fine. Keeping the stems out of the water. Just the roots in. Wash off all dirt very well as that could contain fertilizer or pesticide from the store. the most common, low light plant for aquarium use is going to be the pothos vine. It requires little support and is a demon at sucking up nitrates.
  3. So no household water softener? The only thing you’d be adding by using it would be a trace amount of salt. Which really wouldn’t do anything. Ro would also work to mix your water. But costs $. And can be slow, depending on the system you buy and how much you need. You’ll also need a holding vessel. I use a 30g brute trash can with wheel attachment. And a pump to move water. you could use the softener for now and use the Ro when you get it.
  4. Very correct. But sooo much easier just to use 20. Gives you a rough idea and close enough for biological systems
  5. pandas are fun. there's also peppered, sterbai, elegant corys, aeneus corys, albino aeneus. skunk corys. and those are just a couple of the cheaper ones. you can get vulcan cories for several hundred dollars a fish. but it's all personal choice. I have pandas and skunks. for a 75g, i would get a large group of one type. you don't want them interbreeding. I have 12 of the skunks. they go all over the place in this size group you could also do a bristlenose pleco with the corys. either super red or albino would give you more interest at the bottom
  6. you can get a prefilter sponge. it goes on the intake tube of your hob. it prevents fry from being sucked up, combines the best parts of a hob with a sponge. sponges are great for multiple tanks running off of one air pump. but they never seem to clean the water as good as a hob. i run this setup with my platy only tank
  7. I never did understand why. They had 5 large angels and 9 dwarf rainbows as tank mates. Maybe the angels intimidated them. But not any more. Moving 2 pairs out of there into breeding tanks. But got 6 juvenile to take their place.
  8. No idea. Only shy corys I ever had. Well. Used to be shy anyway 😀
  9. Sponge filter (of course). Air pump to power sponge. Airline tubing to connect. Check valve so it doesn’t siphon back into the pump. And an inline valve to adjust the airflow. Set your pump up with a drip loop and you’re good to go. You could even check out coops new sponge filter with the easy flow tube. Gives you a small amount of horizontal flow.
  10. According to planet catfish. Granti have a shorter, blunter nose. Skunks hav a longer, straighter snout. Will they school??? Only one way to find out. I like my skunks, they’re usually very active. Either in groups or by themselves, skimming up and down plant leaves. They often used to hide in a school of 6. So I doubled them to 12. Now they are everywhere
  11. Yeah. You would. These fish would be more tropical in nature.
  12. Yes. Of course you can. The question is which one you want. Harlequin’s are pretty. Small tetras. Etc… One is fine. and just think. For 11 inches more length and 3 inches more depth. You could do a 40g tank 🤣🤣🤣 A trio would work just fine
  13. Sponge filter is fine for 20g. Or small hob works as well
  14. Depends on which ones you want. Some fish are fast and require lots of swimming room. Some like gourami’s are slow and wander all over. They don’t require as much. If you get your pandas. They’ll want the sand for substrate. Small smooth gravel will work as well. We often make this mistake. We buy the tank and get fish to fit it. A better way is to choose a fish and then find a good fit with the tank.
  15. I don’t believe petsmart does the 20g long or tall. That’s a petco thing
  16. 18 ppm per dgh or dkh. Close enough I just use 20 So 30 dgh is roughly 600ppm. And your 30-40 ppm kh is between 1-2 dkh. Low but doable.
  17. My understanding of kanaplex in food is that it doesn’t work. It’s not easily absorbed in the gut at all. Better would be maracyn2 in the food. For right now. I’d just treat the whole tank in the water column. If you can get colu your meds list, he can get you a treatment plan
  18. That can be an issue. Usually more sensitive species. But, man that’s a high gh. Not worried about the ph, kh. If you have a water softener in the house, it will strip the gh from your water. Then you could mix it with your normal aquarium water source and get something around a 10 gh. Still hard, but much less so. Getting a 10gh shouldn’t bother either your plants or shrimp. I might do it slowly so to not your shrimp.
  19. Tannins are a personal choice, they won’t cause any harm. But not strictly needed. Yeah, I’d use a sponge for sure. The fry could even feed off of it. You’ll want plants for cover for the fry. Guppy grass. Hornwort. Water wisteria. Something bushy they can hide in.
  20. Haven’t seen anything like that. Holey crud. Hopefully @Colu has an idea. Just sorry you’re struggling like this.
  21. I’m going to repost something from colu. “Could be columnaris that's a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending on the stain I would usually recommend treating with kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabscontaining nitrofurazone following this treatment plan kanaplex and nitrofurazone can be harmful to shrimp so what I would do is two full course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline back to back.” so you could follow this exactly with kanaplex. Or do 2 rounds of maracyn2. Your choice. I’d add aquarium salt, maybe 1 tablespoons per 5 gallons of water. If you do top offs during treatment, don’t add more salt. Only add salt to water changes, to only the water being added. And I’d give them an extra air stone. I’d also keep an eye out for the rest of your tank. If it spreads, you may just want to do the main tank
  22. @Colu is our disease expert. It could be a fungus, it could be columnaris. Cherry barbs are tough. With the right meds, he should pull through.
  23. Depends on what you want. For 40 and under, I’m buying new. For big tanks, I’m looking for used with a stand. Stands can be really expensive. I keep browsing marketplace for good deals. Unfortunately, not as many good deals there.
  24. Actually I find that hard to believe. We helped raise around 30 kids. I can’t think of one that would have done something like that. But, makes for a good story
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